Lawyer Kang Tae-Hoon Episode 085

Chapter 25 For Harry

We ate meat for lunch, but coincidentally, the reunion was held at a pork belly restaurant.

“I think we can change the place of the reunion to our mother’s shop this time.”

Because Jeonju is so narrow, the difference in distance was not much. After calming his trembling heart and opening the sliding door, Taehoon entered and could see the faces sitting in a row.

Some of them still have the faces they had in middle school.

"uh? This is Taehoon!”

“It’s Tae-Hoon Kang!?”

"what! Is Taehoon coming too?”

As soon as the friends saw Tae-Hoon, he smiled vigorously and got up and several friends came to him.

It is likely that he won the first place in the whole school at once in middle school and showed the best grades until graduation, and he was very close to Won Dae-ho, so he received a lot of expectations from the children.

And now, as if living up to that expectation, he has become a lawyer who has appeared in the article several times.

“Hey, nice to meet you. young. Come back often!”

“I’m a little busy.”

“Every time Jihoon calls you, you say you took it out?”

Taehoon laughed bitterly at a friend's question. In fact, every time it happened, one big thing happened.

And because the reunion was always held in Jeonju, it took 6 hours just to get to and from Seoul.

Still, it was really nice to see this.

The children who attended the reunion also seemed very happy to see Tae-hoon after a long absence.

“Dong-young, what are you doing these days?”

"me? I am the manager of a mobile phone dealership over there in Inhu-dong.”

Her friend Dongyoung was a fat guy when she was young, but as she got older, maybe she grew taller and her face became slimmer.

Her friends are now each looking for their own job, and it is said that most of them are married.

‘I have to get married too… … .'

Taehyung laughed bitterly.

He was certainly right that he was old enough to marry himself.

If you are late, you will be late.

“Yeah, wisdom. Here's the 'John-flavored pork belly' Oh right... … no. there it is I will leave.”

Dong-young raised her body with a look of apologetics while talking on the phone.

Dongyoung went out without a leak of water from her.

“Does wisdom come today?”

“Yeah, like you, I didn’t even see a nose bleed, but it came out today. She said she came to Jeonju because it was her grandmother’s anniversary.”

The friend next to her nodded her head. Then, he dipped the pork belly in oil and put it in his mouth, and he laughed.

“I wonder how wisdom has changed. She was very pretty. Are you more beautiful now?”

Jihye Kim.

A child who started a new life because of him.

She had gone astray, but her child, who had found her own place, was not heard of the suicide of her child, who, as expected in her high school years, had gone to the Gwangju-side school.

Taehoon smiled and looked towards his door.

But he said to the boy who was eating meat next to him, a friend in a sullen voice.

“Junghoon didn’t hear you. Accidental wisdom... … .”


That was before the words were finished.

The sliding door opened and a beautiful woman's face appeared. she was smiling It was Dongyoung who opened her door.

With him a large dog flashed and jumped into her first.

“You lost your sight… … .”

The words of her friend who continued her speech were over.It was the moment when Taehoon's heart was pounding.

The waiter who was grilling the meat frowned as he watched the dog jumped inside.

“Oh, what if I bring a dog that big to the store!”

At her words, Jihyo smiled in embarrassment.

"sorry. But our Harry is very gentle. I'll just sit still. And because I can't see... … I'm really sorry. Can't we just look at it once?"

She kept her head bowed.

The employee looked annoyed.

Soon, Jeonghoon smiled awkwardly. Jung Hoon's occupation was a veterinarian.

“We are fine. old lady. Also, the retriever is very gentle, so that's fine. He must have been trained again. He will be quiet.”


The employee glanced at the people around him. The decisive reason for not allowing dogs in shops or public places was because of 'dog allergy'.

However, this room itself was a room type for a reunion, and as long as they were okay with it, he didn't care too much.

When veterinarian Jeong-hoon noticed his friends, they nodded.

“It’s okay, haha!”

“Oh, what could be!”

Some of her friends knew that she had gone blind and some of her friends did not.

When they learned the shocking fact, they smiled awkwardly.

And Taehyung couldn't laugh.

Slowly moving under the support of Dongyoung and the dog, she sat in the corner closest to the entrance.

“Harry. Are you stuck here? Understand?"

As she sat down, the Golden Retriever sat down and panted. She reached out and stuttered her hand, stroking her hair.

“The dog is really gentle and pretty.”

"right? Are you Junghoon?”

“Yes, I am Kim Jung-hoon. haha! Wisdom has become very beautiful.”


“Hey, Wisdom, you’ve been the ulzzang at our school since middle school! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Her friends laughed, praising her. It was a consideration for her not to reveal her pity for her.

Taehyung slowly got up and went to the seat next to her.

A few of her friends also got up and got up to her seat, where she was sitting alone in the corner.

Taehoon put his nose to his hand and stroked the sniffing dog's head, Harry.

“It’s wisdom.”

When she heard his voice, her surprised expression turned to Taehoon. She smiled brightly.

Her eyes were looking elsewhere, but she had become so beautiful.


She remembered Taehoon's voice.

"How are you?"

"just… … .”

She laughed awkwardly.

The reason she had to attend the reunion was because she wondered if she would be able to meet Taehoon. He was in middle school. Because he was the kid who fought for himself. On the other hand, I wanted to see his face.

I wondered how dignified he must have become. Unfortunately I couldn't see it anymore.

“I heard. You said you were a lawyer.”

“Yeah, what are you doing these days?”

“I work in a call center.”

“Oh, you’re talking on the phone? it should be hard."

Telephone counseling was a job known to be very stressful. I know that I have to deal with countless guests.

She shook her head.

“I still have to.”

I exchanged a few more words with her.

She said that she currently lives in Seoul, and after high school in Gwangju, she attended Chonbuk National University in Jeonju.

She and her grandmother died, she says.

'Why did this happen... … .'

Taehyung was bitter. She had her only blood relative to her grandmother. It was not enough that she left, who became her support, and she lost her eyes in her accident.

She even wonders if it's the price that heaven has given her to her because of her life that has changed.

She continued to squeeze her chest.

“When are you going to visit the office? It’s not far from where you live.”

“Okay, when are you going to see a famous lawyer?”

She smiled and asked as if thinking about it.

“Really, are you married?”

"yet. I’m busy with work.”

Taehyung scratched the back of his head as if he was embarrassed.

Again, regardless of gender, ask from that.


"me? I… … .”

She blurted out her words. Taehoon seemed to have seen the darkness passing over her face for a moment.

But he didn't ask her any more.

He filled her glass with alcohol. Taking a sip from her small, chapped lips, she smiles.

* * *

The reunion is coming to an end. There were some who were pushed in by the annoyance of their wife and her husband, and let's go second! There were some shouting.

Tae-hoon pulled out a cup of coffee from the vending machine in front of the counter in his restaurant, sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

At the same time, Jung Hoon also appeared.

“Taehoon, did you say you live in Seoul? Going up tomorrow night.”

"right. Why?"

Taehyung nodded his head. Junghoon looked back at the closed reunion seat.

“Wisdom, take me to you tomorrow. I heard it. I heard that you and I will go up at the same time tomorrow. How can I go up alone with that body? I heard that a guy called my boyfriend took me today, but he went up first.”


It was a story that Taehoon had never heard. Even though he lived in Seoul together, he was somewhat saddened that he didn't tell me.

Perhaps she was sorry and she didn't tell herself. Knowing what she would say she would definitely take her.

Suddenly wisdom came.

The slender golden retriever got down on her floor first and then she put on her heels.

“Are you going in already?”

"Huh. You should go in.”

“Where are you going to sleep?”

Jeonghoon asked in a worried voice.

“It’s just a motel… … .”

Her residence was not even Jeonju, and she had no place to sleep. In Tae-hoon and Jeong-hoon's heads, the motel owner said, 'No, what a big dog here!'

I couldn't even take it with me.

“I’ll take you to the front. To the taxi stand.”

“It’s fine.”

She had a look of disappointment.

Tae-hoon carefully supported her, went down her stairs, and walked up to her taxi stand.

“Wisdom, you say you're going up tomorrow night? I'll go up then, so let's go up together."

“It’s fine.”

Taehoon let out an invisible sigh at her shy smile.

“It’s okay, ma’am. Would you like to take this big dog to the bus?”“… … okay."

She nodded her head countless times.

Taehyung smiled a little.

“But the dog is very pretty.”

"Is not it?"

A smile like a flower formed on her face in an instant. The dog was panting and laughing as if he had seen the laughter.

Guide dogs for the blind were long-trained and loyal to their masters.

This Harry, a guide dog, must be her eyes and her support.

She took a taxi.

“No, what a big dog. Siri will blow your hair away.”

"sorry. Still, please.”

Tae-hoon handed the knight a ten-thousand-won sheet.

“Hey, well, I can understand why you’re a bad girl. Where can I go?”

“Please go to the Ajung-ri motel alley.”

Soon the taxi departed, and Taehoon took another cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth.

“Go in carefully.”

The clutter in his chest did not go away easily.

* * *

The next evening, Tae-Hoon's tea was served with a side dish that his mother had wrapped in it.

After loading it in the trunk, he said goodbye to his parents and headed straight for Wisdom.

She was standing in the street with a very anxious look.

When Taehoon arrived, she looked relieved and sat with Harry in her backseat.

The car started.

“It takes about three hours to get to Seoul. sleep with a sigh I'll wake you up when you arrive. Because it was filmed on the navi anyway.”

“Thank you, I always get help from you… … .”

“What are you doing with your friends?”

Taehyung smiled softly.

Soon the car left. She did not sleep, stroking Harry's hair, and Tae-hoon continued to talk to her without being bored. Eventually, she could not stand it and fell asleep.

Tae-hoon leaned on the owner's arms in the room mirror, looked at Tae-hoon and smiled at Harry, showing his tongue and smiling.

“You must take good care of your sister. child."

Taehoon stroked his soft hair with his hand, not holding the steering wheel.

The car drove for three hours and arrived in front of her house in Seoul where she lives.

We arrived at a three-room villa.

When she woke up, she stretched her out and got out of the car with Harry.

“I’ll definitely buy something delicious next time.”

"okay. Go in. Be careful. Harry, you too.”

Taehoon leaned over and stroked Harry's head.

Soon, under her Harry's guidance, she entered her house.

Taehoon looked at her for a long time as she entered her house.

“Don’t be unhappy any more. live happily.”

Tae-hoon saw her as she entered, and then he got back into the car.

Soon the car started.

it was not long after

A man got out of the car parked in the parking lot.

The man burst into laughter as he looked at the house and Taehoon's car alternately.

“Damn it.”

He entered the house where Wisdom had just entered.

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