Lawyer Kang Tae-hoon Episode 019

Minsu even shook his body like he was anxious.

"Oh my God… … .”

“It’s not about interrogating prisoners of war on any battlefield.”

There was a small commotion in the audience seat.

“Please be quiet. If there is any more noise, we will evict you immediately.”

At the judge's words, the confusion quickly disappeared. But the eyes of distrust do not subside easily.

A newspaper like this, knowing that he is obviously intellectually disabled.

In court, ‘consistency’ dictates the truth.

If the front and back are different, the direction is tilted.

In particular, the presiding judge conducts a considerable number of trials in one month and covers the truth. Uncertainty is enough to create distrust in the heart of the judge.

“I think this is a place where I can chastise the people who tormented me.”

Taehyung let out a small sigh of relief.

answer to some extent.

But Lee Baek-ho was tenacious.

“You said, ‘It seems to be a seat’. Isn't that the part where you can say 'I don't think so'? witness. Please give me a definitive answer. Is that so, isn’t it?”

“Ugh, no, that’s right. Oh, isn't it... … ? No, that’s right!”

In the end, it brought Minsu's psychological anxiety. He started gibberish.

If this is the case, something is strange. Of course, the general public will ask, ‘Is this the original trial? It can be pointed out that ‘because you have to be thorough’.

However, there was a clear contradiction in the eyes of a lawyer with logical and long experience.

'GoStop to hit and squeeze?'

it could have been enough Of course, in court, it was right to follow the judge's words, or it could be a really tough go-stop.

“Tell me clearly. witness!"

Baekho's voice grew louder.

“Ugh… … Mi, I'm going to Minsu's house... … I have to go to Min-su’s house.”

He had a deep smile.

In an instant, it caught Taehyung's eyes.

“This concludes the opposing paper.”


Minsu, who sat in the witness stand, did not think to stop crying. The judge sighed.

“I will take a break for a while. We will resume the trial in 30 minutes.”

* * *

The retrial was not significantly different. The odds looked pretty good.


Sooyoung sighed heavily. Lawyer Kang Min-hoo tilted his head.

"What's wrong?"

“The situation is very bad.”

Taehoon also had a complicated expression on his face. While Min-hoo was about to say something, he found Judge Ong Gi-jong-gi and lawyer Lee Baek-ho dangling a cup of coffee in front of the vending machine.

Lawyer Kang Min-hoo placed his hands on Tae-hoon's shoulder.

“What do you see?”

“It’s a trial without consideration.”

"me too."

“Not caring? What do you mean?”

I just didn't understand swimming well. As mentioned, the general public was not aware of these matters. It was something that even lawyers would have noticed.

“Daehan law firm is considered the best in Korea, so the winning rate is important. Also, since the company is so big, I have wide feet and a lot of money to invest. Han Soo-young is a celebrity, so why did she come to law school?”

It was a random question.

“The CEO said, ‘The law school, where talented people gather, can draw more attention than the general theater and film department’. Sheesh!”

“It’s similar to that. Sooyoung is a celebrity, but she came to law school to get more attention. She's actually taking her bar exam and she can't even afford to become a trainee. A judge must see the truth, but she's not the only good judge. We are inevitably human, so even if we try not to think that winning of a large law firm can be more credible and more beneficial than powerless human rights lawyers like us, you may be drawn to it without even knowing it.”

She nodded her head as if understanding.

Taehoon looked at the two people in front of the coffee machine with a bitter expression.

Minho sighed and laughed.

“But thanks to this incident, we will definitely take the win.”

“What do you mean?”

Taehyung looked like he couldn't understand his words.

Someone came along with him.

“Reporter Park. how is it. Was the trial a bit boring?”

The one who approached was none other than a reporter. A man of ordinary stature, wearing glasses, yawned.

"Yes. However, this is the only number of cases reported. A lawyer at a large law firm is a newspaper against that kind of recklessness.”

“One more addition. In a trial on the human rights of persons with disabilities, the judge did not consider the witness as a ‘person with an intellectual disability’.”

The reporter said he was right.

“There was also something strange about it. I knew. This is a pretty generous article.”

The reporter looks satisfied.

It is Taehoon who understands it faster.

A smile crept up on his face.

He was going to use the media. It was fortunate that the reporter was an audience member. It was clear that he would also conduct interviews with the audience.

Because of this, lawyer Lee Baek-ho's actions with witnesses and the presiding judge's actions will be revealed.

“A request for evasion.”

he muttered a little.


Minhoo smiled as if he knew now.

This means that he will be able to file an appeal against the judge. The actual challenge is often rejected and difficult to do, but the court will accept the challenge and change the presiding judge if it sees an article using the media.

And with that power, the human rights violations of the disabled would be strengthened even more.

“Did Lawyer Kang Min-hoo prepared all of this?”

Taehoon wonders if he was so cautious.

He shook his head with a puzzled expression.

“How wonderful it would be if I could see through the front like that already. CEO Park Moon-soo told me to attend the audience together with the reporters, just in case. There will be no harm done.”

At Min-hoo's words, Tae-hoon smiled.

Also, CEO Park Moon-soo.

He is an unusual person.

The Korean law firm was defeated by a mere public interest lawyer.

I'm ashamed of this

* * *

[Discrimination even in front of Korean law following human rights violations at the Blue Welfare Center for Intellectual Disabilities. Where are their human rights?]

- Reporter Choi Doo-nam of the Hankook Ilbo.

There is a lot of talk about human rights violations at the Blue Welfare Center for the Intellectual Disability. At the Purun Welfare Center for the Intellectual Disability, where the Human Rights Commission started an investigation, it was revealed that their human rights were being violated.

The six social workers admitted their mistake, but the problem was that the director, Mr. Kang, claimed that he did not know about this and had absolutely nothing to do with it.

In the case of the victim's witness newspaper, the unimaginable happened in the courtroom, and the controversy is growing.

Mo Kim, who was both a victim and a witness, was a second-grade intellectual disability. During the opposing interrogation process, Mr. Lee, a lawyer for Kang Mo, conducted newspapers such as 'How many of these?' and 'Do you know what this situation is?'

In response to this, lawyer Min-hoo Kang of 'Hanmaeum Law Firm', who was present with the audience, knew that he was 'with an intellectual disability', but the court did not prepare any arrangements for this, and the statement of the 'intellectually disabled' itself was a legal action. He strongly pointed out that he kept silent even though he committed anti-human rights to prove that there was no such thing.

On this day, it was proved that the judicial system site has the lowest level of human rights sensitivity to persons with disabilities who have suffered human rights violations.

On the other hand, Mr. Lee, a lawyer who defended Director Kang Mo, was revealed as an official in one of the large law firms in Korea, giving a shock.

In this case of “human rights violations at the Blue Welfare Center for the Intellectual Disability”, everything went smoothly after the trial.

Director Kang Mo tried to avoid imprisonment, but rather that he was the person who cooperated the most with assault and intimidation.

In addition to this, Hanmaeum Law Firm has stepped out to imprint on the human rights of persons with disabilities in society through civic groups.

In addition, as a voice of public opinion was formed, the Ministry of Health and Welfare visited a total of 350 welfare centers for the disabled to investigate 'human rights violations such as assault and intimidation', and issued warnings to those who violated other laws related to the Welfare Act for the Disabled. gave

In the process, it was discovered that four welfare centers had been assaulted and immediately went into closure, and five other welfare centers with many problems were put on standby for closure.

All of this was possible because ‘Hanmaeum Law Firm’ was running around naked.

Since it was summer vacation, Tae-Hoon and Beom-Hyeon were busy with their work, and the lawyers were busy giving advice.

Then, Kang Min-hoo, a lawyer, heard a loud laugh.“Haha, even if you look like me, you are a person who won even a lawyer at a large law firm in the recent human rights violation case for the disabled! Trust me! haha!"

I can't even remember how many times that story was told.

“As of today, this is the 203rd time I have heard this while working part-time.”

I thought Beomhyun, who was counting it again, was amazing.

I heard that lawyer Lee Baek-ho has not been able to keep his head up for a while. How shameful it would be to have suffered a devastating defeat by a human rights lawyer who had been so disregarded and even to be featured in a newspaper article as an 'immoral lawyer'.

It was time to take a breather from his work.

“Is your girlfriend busy these days?”


For a while, because of that incident, we often got together, and Beomhyun and Ki-tae used to playfully tease us.

To be clear, we are not dating.


“Kang Tae-hoon’s girlfriend Han Soo-young is here!”

But the funny thing about her is that Sooyoung lies to them that she is Taehoon's girlfriend. Taehyung takes a deep breath. my seller

She brought her coffee with her manager behind her.

As she turns her coffee, she places a cafe latte in front of Tae-Hoon.

“Our favorite cafe latte-”

“Hey, I hate to eat.”


Tae-hoon takes the coffee and tries to moisten his mouth, then puts it down again. When Sooyoung shows a sign of being sorry, she wets her mouth.

“They said that even a tiger would come if I said something.”

"why? were you talking to me? It seems that our Taehoon was bragging about me.”

“Haha, this is our Taehoon.”

Bumhyun laughed in embarrassment. She's a really bold girl. She is really worried about what she will do if a scandal breaks out, but the person concerned seemed to have no worries.

In fact, Tae-hoon received several additional confessions, but each time he spoke coldly and succinctly.

I don't even have the heart to fall in love right now.

But she still liked Taehoon very much.

He wets his mouth with coffee and glances at him as he gets the job done.

After he got a job at the Blue Intellectual Disability Welfare Center, he got better and looked great.

He looks at him for a moment and then kisses him on the cheek without realizing it.

“Ai, really!”

"Oh! mistake!"

He was a kiss that he really didn't know about, but when Taehoon gets angry and gets angry, he hides behind CEO Park Moon-soo's back as if running away.

The members of Hanmaeum Law Firm laughed as if they were having fun.

Tae-hoon also rubs the spot where she kissed her cheek with her hand, and laughs because it's ridiculous.

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