In other words, Wu Mansion started to be haunted two years ago.

"Who is she?" Yumu.

Wu Juan still shook his head: "I don't know."

Yumu: "Didn't you meet her?"

"At that time, I just saw it from a distance..." Wu Juan frowned, his pupils darkened, and he clenched his fists tightly, as if he was forcibly enduring something. His voice became hoarse: "I saw someone with... The woman whose clothes were stained red with blood was skinning and tearing a man's body... I was so scared at that time that I didn't have time to see anything, so I turned around and ran away. "

Wu Juan's breathing was rapid, as if he was thinking of something, and his lips turned pale: "Since then, people have died in the house every once in a while, and every once in a while... people have died..."

Listening to Wu Juan's words, Yu Mu frowned. She was about to say something, but her wrist was suddenly grabbed tightly by Wu Juan.

The young man across from him looked sickly and pale, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, and his long eyelashes were trembling listlessly.

His dark pupils looked a little hollow, but you could feel that his eyes were looking at Yumu.

Gradually, perhaps because the tight hold on the girl's wrist gave the boy some sense of security, his eyes that had lost focus gradually came back to reality.

I only heard Wu Juan say with difficulty and cryptic words: "Sister, actually... before you came, there were many guests at my house."

Yumu paused.

"It's just that they are all dead." Wu Juan looked pale: "There are only five people who come every time, and they are all people who come to attend my sister's wedding. Usually within five or six days, all those guests are dead. By then. At this time, everything seemed to be starting over again. Butler Zhong did not remember the guests who had come before, and no one remembered it. Three days later, Butler Zhong came back with five guests as usual, saying the same thing. , doing the same thing.”

Wu Juan's words can be said to be an explosion of information.

In other words, in fact, not only Yumu's group of people have been to this place, but many people have been here before to play a massacre-like game to break through the levels.


"I don't know what happened to those people in the end. Their bodies were found in the morning, but in the blink of an eye, in the afternoon, all the bloody bodies were gone. No one touched them, they just disappeared out of thin air." Wu Juan recalled. Whispered.

Yu Mu frowned. What Wu Juan just said was what Yu Mu was thinking about.

Did those people die at the hands of that woman because the death conditions were triggered, or because... only after death will the game end and return to the original place?

Otherwise, how can we explain those corpses that disappeared out of thin air?

If they hadn't returned to their previous place, where had those bodies gone?

Could it be that the condition for leaving is not to solve the strange events in this place, but to——


"Ah Juan doesn't want my sister to die, Ah Juan doesn't want her!" The young man in snow clothes beside him tightly grasped Yumu's wrist, looking at Yumu with tight and panicked black eyes, full of worry and intolerance for her.

Seeing this, Yu Mu's lips moved slightly, and his calm brows moved slightly, as if he had something to say, but the next second Wu Juan looked lonely and murmured: "But I know that sister will leave here sooner or later. Before. Those people must have found other ways to leave here, so they disappeared. Sister... will be like them."

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