"By the way, several elders were also taken away when they were taken away."

"Did I ask you?"

Jiang Li snorted.

Yang Guozhong quickly shut up, this flattery was slapped on the horse's leg, which was still a bit embarrassing.

Thinking of this, he hurried up and kicked Tie Jianhun's wound.

"Are you dumb? Our city lord is asking you something, hurry up and tell me where that hypocrite Xiao Chen has gone?"

Tie Jianhun was kicked and fell to the ground, but he didn't say a word.

At this moment, Tie Jianhun was thinking about how to save his life.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of a way to solve the problem.

At this moment, he can only think about not talking and delaying time.

Yang Guozhong kicked a few times angrily.

"Are you dumb? Talk!"

Tie Jianhun is aggrieved, he is the leader of the young alliance, and he is really ashamed to be beaten into such a virtue.

"City Master, I have a way to make him speak!"

The elders of Happy City narrowed their eyes slightly.

The Iron Sword Soul was very arrogant before, but this elder still doesn't want to let go of such a good opportunity.

"Oh, can you do it?"

Jiang Li asked curiously.

"Don't worry, the city lord, it takes at most an hour to make sure he can explain everything!"

Jiang Li is very satisfied. Although these people are not good people, but this method is probably true.

"Okay, I want to know where Xiao Chen is now, and where the people in Dragon City are now! What is their purpose of taking people away!"

After Jiang Li finished speaking, the elders of Happy City nodded repeatedly.

"City Master, don't worry, this old servant will not let you down!"

Speaking of which, the old man came to Tie Jianhun.

"Yang Guozhong, go down and rest first, and leave the matter here to me to handle.

Yang Guozhong was still very upset, he was here to take credit for himself, he deserved to die for not being able to perform well!

Thinking of this, Yang Guozhong was very angry and kicked the opponent several times.

"What a dog, you have the kind of mouth you keep talking|Ye!"

After saying this, he backed off.

The lord of Xiaoyao City looked at Iron Sword Soul playfully!

"Everyone says thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, but what surprised me is that it's not even thirty years. I can only say that this is amazing!"

"Just now you were very arrogant. I didn't expect you to become a prisoner now."

After speaking, he stepped on the guy's head.

The elders of Xiaoyao City are very proud, this kind of thing was really unimaginable before!

Of course, the young leader is also very angry now, and of course he is even more unwilling.

The elder of Xiaoyao City sneered, not reconciled? Not reconciled, well, if this guy really has the determination to die, it would be difficult for him to speak, but as long as he wants to live, things will be easy.

"Master Young Leader, I still advise you to listen to my advice honestly, do what I say, otherwise I will make you very miserable" and even make you feel worse than death.

"Do you know that the most stupid person in this world is one who confesses after being tricked, which is very unwise."


Iron Sword Soul looked proud.

"Hey, you really have the guts. You are indeed the leader's big disciple."

"You guys come here to help, clean up this little bastard today."

Although these people don't want to hear it, they have no choice but to bite the bullet and go up.

"Brother, what do you want us to do?"

The man's name is Chu Jiangnan.

"Brothers, I know that you are always on top and have never done anything like a road builder, so let everyone do the same now!"

"How about this, you guys take off the clothes of the young leader first."

These elders all have ugly faces. This Chu Jiangnan has a good name, but he is a psychopath, and he thinks of ways to abuse others when he has nothing to do.

So everyone thinks he is abnormal, so of course they look down on him.

What these people liked most before was to mock Chu Jiangnan.

It's just that Chu Jiangnan has now become their leader. It's true that things are changing.

Thousands of these people were preparing to control Iron Sword Soul.

Iron Sword Soul was also extremely angry at this moment, and with a wave of his hand, several sword qis shot out in an instant.

This was Xiao Chen's breath-breaking style. These elders were caught by the trick one by one by accident, and they all fell to the ground. One person avoided the siege.

Of course, this was because Iron Sword Soul had a leg cut off, otherwise this person might not be able to avoid it.

The few elders who were recruited were in great pain.

"Hey, you guys seem to be tired, you should take a good rest!"

Chu Jiangnan was suddenly furious, which made him lose face.

Of course, Chu Jiangnan also understood that his methods were very effective. People like Tie Jianhun might be able to withstand the pain on Lou's body, but not necessarily the humiliation of his personality.

Because people like them are used to being arrogant, the best thing is to lose face.

If he survived, and he was humiliated again, then he, the Young Leader, would lose face as well.

Even retreat into the arena.

"Hmph, at times like this, is there any use in struggling?"

"Do you think you can escape today? Don't say you have broken a leg now, even if you are not injured, how many people do you think you can beat?"

Tie Jianhun snorted coldly, acting like I'm very arrogant, I don't talk to rubbish like you.

"I really like Tsundere, right? You said if I turned you into a eunuch, how would you feel?"

Tie Jianhun's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

"Of course, before you become a eunuch, I will definitely let you be a good man again. I just saw a lot of sows (Li Li Zhao) in Longcheng. With the help of the young leader and the old man's medicine, it will not be a problem to kill a few pigs. When the time comes, the old man will take pictures and send them to your teacher, so you can appreciate his apprentice's majesty!"

The corner of Tie Jianhun's mouth was twitching wildly, and the others were also sweating on their foreheads, this guy is really perverted.

How could Iron Sword Soul accept it? Not only does he have to castrate himself, but he also has to have sex with a sow before castration, which is cruel to think about.

Can I still go out to meet people in the future?"

"You are really cruel!"

"Extreme praise, in fact this is just the beginning, do you want to say it or not, if you don't say it, I will send someone to bring the pig.

"I said.………"

"Hehe, I thought you had such a tough bone."

The corner of Jiang Li's mouth twitched at this time, this guy can really play, of course Jiang Li doesn't care about these things, what he cares about is getting married. .

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