Age of Mysticism

Chapter 149 Nightmare

Sandpaper immediately stopped crying and looked around in horror.

"No, no, his name cannot be spoken."

"Why can't you say it. Didn't you kill him? Why are you still so afraid of him, you dare not even say his name."

"He is immortal." Sandpaper's spirit was a little confused by the stimulation: "No, he is dead, I killed him... The detective also said he was dead. But I can still see him, he appears every day , can appear at any time.

He is here. "

Luke induced the stunned sandpaper: "Is he right here? Yes, I'll kill him."

"You, can you kill him? He has completed the secret of eternal life, and he is immortal."

"Sandpaper, you know my strength. I defeated Dean Willed, destroyed the Tower of Nulei, and I even killed the red dragon Neil Colon." Luke took out a dragon scale and put it in Sandpaper's hand : "Can he be stronger than a red dragon? Are you stronger than Dean Willed? I promise you, as long as he is here, I can kill him.

If he comes back to life, I will kill him again.

If he resurrects a hundred times, I will kill him a hundred times.

If he resurrects 10,000 times, I will kill him 10,000 times.

Tell me his name. "

The sandpaper spread out his hand, it was a piece of red scale much bigger than his palm, and it exuded scorching heat, which made his palm very painful.

This is Dragon Scale!

"You killed a dragon!"

"Yes, I killed a dragon, and now I'm going to kill another.

tell me where is he Tell me his name! "

Sandpaper looked to the side of the room, pointed at the person standing there and said, "He's there, his name is...Grafari."

After talking about the sandpaper, he quickly turned his head, not daring to look over there.

And when Sandpaper said the name Grefali, Kestrel sitting on the operating table stiffened instantly.

She followed the point of the sandpaper finger, and there seemed to be a figure standing there that made her whole body tremble.

Grey Farley!

Professor Gray Farley!

Countless fragmentary images flashed out of Kestrel's mind, she fell to the ground in fear, and instinctively hid behind the sandpaper.

"No, don't come here... Please..."

At this time, the Kestrel didn't have the appearance of a cold fighting girl, she was as scared as a kitten who had just left its mother.

Sandpaper isn't much better. She knelt down and hugged the kestrel, not even daring to open her eyes. Kestrel also embraced her, and the two of them seemed to have returned to that place full of fear.

At this time, the temperature in the room dropped rapidly, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

"Okay, I've killed Grefali. It will take some time for him to come back to life, and he won't come to harass you in a short time."

Hearing the sound of the clear sky, Sandpaper quietly glanced in that direction.

Sure enough...he was gone, only the steel pipe with both ends cut off fell to the ground.

Did Miss Skylight kill him?

Of course Miss Skylight, who is powerful and capable of slaying dragons, can kill him!

Even if he will appear again, as long as Miss Qingkong is around, he will only be killed again.

Sandpaper has never felt more relaxed than it does now.

Although reason allows her to know what the truth is, she is willing to believe in the imagination she has woven, just as she cannot overcome psychological obstacles.

I just need to know... no matter what form he appears in, the powerful Miss Weathering Sky can defeat him.

The sandpaper pulled the kestrel up from the ground, and said sincerely to Luke: "Thank you, Miss Weatherlight."

"It's a little effort, you're welcome."

Luke knew that Sandpaper could not overcome the demon in his heart with his own will, so he could only use this method to help her relieve it, and stimulate the poor girl by the way.

The fear of Grefali recorded in his bones cannot be suppressed by the brain modification device.

Kestrel sat on the operating table supported by sandpaper.

She covered her head with her hands and seemed to be in great pain.

Sandpaper asked Luke worriedly: "What happened to her? She just remembered Gray...remembered that person. Did she also remember me?"

Luke replied: "Don't be so optimistic. Brain modification is a very mature technology for the Imperial Institute of Alchemy and Mechanics and the Institute of Extraordinary Biology.

It is impossible to be reversed by a few words.

Her current situation is that the brain modification device is suppressing the deep memories she recalled. I can tell you that part of her brain was replaced with superhumanly cultivated brain tissue. No matter how hard you try to help her, it's impossible for Hanni to come back completely.

Most of her is still kestrel. "

"Yes, I'm Kestrel." Kestrel raised his head and returned to his previous cold state: "What did you do to me? Why is part of my memory missing?"

Sandpaper was about to explain when Luke stopped her.

"Let me explain..." Luke turned to Kestrel and said, "You should know what that piece of metal behind your head is. Yomington said that your brain was seriously injured, and that piece of brain modification device made you You survived, but it also made you lose your memory.

We just awakened a memory in you, only to be erased by that brain modification device, so you find yourself missing a small memory. "

"Do you think I will believe your words? You want me to betray my father... Don't dream, it's impossible."

Luke took a tin water glass from the table beside him, used the water bottle to condense a glass of water and handed it to Kestrel, and said, "We never asked you to betray Yomington. If I want to kill him, I can do it myself, after all, he Living next door to you, the strength is about the same as yours."

Kestrel stared at the elf in front of him, and admitted that she was telling the truth.

She was controlling her at will, if she wanted to kill her adoptive father, there would be no possibility for her adoptive father to survive.

This elf is very strong.

It is so strong that it is difficult to give birth to a heart of resistance.

Kestrel took a sip from the water glass, the sweetness and thirst made her drink the whole glass in one breath.

"What are you trying to do by bringing me here?"

Luke said: "It's very simple, just recognize your relative. No matter what is wrong with your memory, she is your sister.

We just restored some memories to you, and then the memory is gone. It's a fact, you can feel it, it's not something we made up. "

Kestrel tried hard to recall.

I did lose a small piece of memory, and I had a little more intimacy with the girl around my age who was around me.

I obviously never saw her before coming to Raging Waves City.

Is she really my sister? I forgot her because I lost my memory?

"I, I need to calm down." Kestrel's mind was very confused, she wanted to think back, but there was always something stopping herself.

Luke comforted: "You really need to calm down. During this time, you'd better not go back. If Yomington knew that you were looking for memories, he would definitely bring you back to the imperial capital and restore your memories.

He may have done this for your own good, but you also have the right to retrieve your memory. Look at your sister, you were dependent on each other during the most difficult time, that memory is worth cherishing..."

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