Age Of Horror: I, Chenghuang, Start To Sign In

Chapter 78: Secrets of the Evil!


In the history of China, there have been many ghost tides.

According to the findings of the research team, ghost tides are not irregular, but have traces to follow. Basically, they erupt once every ten years. In the past thirty years, the period of ghost tides has been shortened to five years.

Even three years!

With the increasing frequency of ghost riots, the cycle of ghost tides is constantly shortening. Now even the research team is unable to determine when the next ghost tide will erupt!


Under normal circumstances, when ghost tides erupt, there will be great movements. This also gives the special event management department enough preparations to resist and fight the ghost tides.

Minimize the loss of ghost tide.

But if it is a ghost tide that suddenly erupts, the nature is completely different.

After hearing Li Xinzheng's words, everyone was shocked.

Is it the only one?

How can this be?

Li Xinzheng took everyone’s expressions into his eyes, and continued to slowly say: “In the basic training of ghost guards, you should know that there are two disappeared cities on the map of China. They are buried by history because of the appearance of the ghost king. Up to now, those two cities are still in ruins, irreparable, and they have become China's real forbidden areas!"

"But what you don't know is that in the history of China, there are far more than these two cities that have been turned into ruins! Cangzhou City in Tianfu County, Xishan City in Suling County... You also find in the history of Yuguizhe There are no traces of these cities, because these cities have long been turned into ruins."

"The reason why these cities have become ruins is the same as what you have encountered!"

In an instant.

Li Xinzheng's eyes became sharp:

"All have encountered man-made ghost waves!"

"There is no sign, no indication, under such circumstances, these cities were destroyed overnight."


"Not alive!"

The heavy voice reverberated continuously in the meeting room.

It also caused everyone's pupils to shrink.

and also!

There are even cities in this world that they have encountered in the same way. They can't imagine that if the four ghost kings of Yinsi hadn't taken action this time, thousands of evil men would be sent out.

What will Jiangning City look like?

Will it become a ruin, hidden by history?

But... if these ghost tides are caused by man, is there someone already in control of the method of dealing with ghosts?

Who are these "people"?

What is the purpose of their outbreak of ghost tide?

In contrast, the faces of Zhan Yu and others were not surprised, including Chen Ming, they were also silent.

In the ghost tide that erupted this time, there were still two ghost king-level existences. Even with the power of the provincial capital of Jiangdu County, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Not to mention Jiangning City!

The defense of Jiangning City may be strong enough compared to most cities in Jiangdu County.

But in front of the ghost king, there was no way to fight back.

But under such circumstances, Jiangning City only lost more than 3,000 ordinary people and sacrificed more than 500 ghost guards. This kind of loss is regarded as disastrous in the eyes of Zhao Qingming and others.

But in their eyes, it can be said that the loss was minimized!

And all this is only because there is a patron saint in Jiangning City-Jiantiansi!

Taking a deep breath, Zhan Yu got up and said, "Everyone, you have heard what Minister Li said. You can be said to be lucky enough to survive this ghost tide incident, and the Yuecheng thing, presumably everyone is also lucky. We already know that those brothers who sacrificed will accompany us in another way, and we don’t have to blame ourselves for guilt anymore."

"But to get up as soon as possible!"

Having said this, Zhan Yu's expression suddenly became extremely stern: "Do you know why Minister Li will tell you this today?"

Everyone was at a loss.

Even Zhao Qingming frowned, eyes bewildered.

As the head of the inspection department of the southeast district of Jiangdu County, he naturally knows more than the average person, but he only vaguely knew what Minister Li just said.

I don't know the details.

Why did Minister Li suddenly release such top-secret information?

Isn't it to comfort everyone?

Looking at the people with all the doubts on their faces, Zhan Yu turned to look at Li Xinzheng.

After seeing the other party nodded, he turned his head and looked at everyone again, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone knows the existence of the Tianxie organization. Tianxie has always been hailed as the most mysterious organization, and it is also the hiding place for all wanted criminals. But few people know that this organization has already existed!"

"Going back to the source, even close to the establishment of the Special Administration!"

"The members of Tianxie are very cunning. Under normal circumstances, they will not be confrontational with our Special Events Administration. However, we have found members of Tianxie behind the sudden outbreak of ghost tide incidents before, so we have reasons. It is suspected that these ghost tides that suddenly erupted were all caused by the evil spirits, but we have been investigating them for many years, and we still cannot be sure what the purpose of the ghost tides erupted, including this time."


"This time the eruption of the ghost tide makes us doubt that the other party's real purpose is not to destroy, but to be related to the gods!"

The complexion of Zhao Qingming and others changed.

If the other party's purpose is really for the gods, then it is for the director Jiantenji?

What does Tianxie want to do?

At this time.

Li Xinzheng put his hands on the table, and said solemnly: "The ghost and evil thing is far more complicated than you think, especially this time the outbreak of ghost tide, it is very likely that Jiangning will become the focus of the whole China! And Jiangning, It is also very likely to become Tianxie's future target. Next, I will arrange Minister Zhan to be permanently stationed in Jiangning City. You must always be vigorous and not be negligent!"

Everyone was shocked.

In a flash.

I understood what Minister Li meant.

With Yin Si's current strength, no matter what Tian Xie wants to do, it is nothing to Jian Tian Si.

But for ordinary people, it is unbearable!

If Jiangning City is on the cusp of the storm, it will definitely be a huge disaster for the people of Jiangning City.

The director of the Jiantian Division will protect the people.

But it can't protect everyone, just like this time, when the four ghost kings of the Yinsi came out, so many people still lost their lives in the ghost tide.

And these ghost defenders, it is impossible for them to just rely on the blessing of the gods.

Guarding Jiangning is also their responsibility!

Once Tianxie starts to target Jiang Ning, it will also be an extremely severe test for those who guard against ghosts!


Everyone responded in unison, their faces extremely serious.

Even if they have doubts in their hearts and have not been explained, they understand one thing.

Even if they died in battle, Jiang Ning must be protected!

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