Absolute Honor

: Ending one

At five o'clock in the morning, the five-star hotel Artishotel in Magas, the capital of Ingushetia.

In the bar on the first floor, Mister walked in tiredly and sat down in a chair by the bar.

"Bartender, give me two booms! Another bottle of tequila."

The bartender in the bar looked at the tired man in front of him, who was still wearing a tactical suit, quickly took out the wine, made two glasses of boom for him, and then politely placed a bottle of tequila in Mies. In front of special.

Mister fumbled in his pocket and took out a hundred-dollar bill.

He was stunned.

This is what Qin Fei lost to him when he bet with him before, and he kept it.

After staring at it for a long time, Mister grinned suddenly.

He handed the banknotes to the bartender.

"Your tip."

The bartender was also taken aback, and immediately took the banknotes, bowed politely, and left happily.

Mister picked up the cup and said to himself: "This is a really crazy day..."

Comparing in the air, as if toasting to an invisible old friend, Mister raised his head and poured the boom into the entrance.

Picking up the second cup, there was a sudden rush of footsteps at the door.

Major Michelle took the phone and shouted into the microphone with a fierce tone: "I don't accept your explanation, I want to see Qin himself! Understand? It's him! He was brought by me, I must Take him away!"

I don’t know who it is on the other end of the phone, Mister guessed it was Alexanderkovich.

Only the people of FSB can make the major so furious.

Sure enough, when he came to the bar and sat down in a chair, Michelle listened to the phone for a while, snapped his phone on the bar table, and shocked the bartender who was wiping the glass.

She was angry at the handsome bartender, "Get me a bottle of whiskey right away!"

The bartender hurried to get the wine, not daring to provoke the evil female star.

Michelle stretched out his hand to grab the glass directly from Mister's hand, raised his head and poured a light, and then placed the glass heavily on the table.

"Beauty... you seem to have taken gunpowder."

Mister leaned over and looked at the angry female agent in front of him with interest.

I have to say that when Michelle is angry, he has a primitive wildness, like a wild horse that is difficult to tame.

As a special forces veteran who lives in the rain of bullets, Mister appreciates and is obsessed with this temperament.

Glancing at Mister, the major said in a huff: "We are here to help them Russians. I didn’t expect things to be done now, but we are outsiders here. They killed Baskif and thought of us. Throw it aside like garbage bags. Now even Qin and his people, I can’t get in touch, **** it! These untrustworthy polar bears!"

Mister comforted: "Major, we did have some problems with our actions yesterday, not to mention that you know that you and I are both from the British and American camps. It is understandable that the Russians here do not like us."

Michelle stopped his gaze suddenly and stared at the bar through the huge arched glass window.

"See, two guys in coats by the parking lot outside."

Mister looked in the direction Michelle said, and Guowan saw two middle-aged men smoking in the snow with hats and coats.

The major said: "These must be FSB agents who are staring at us. They treat us as prisoners."

She wanted to have another attack, Mister pressed her shoulder with her hand.

"Don't worry, great beauty."

"Qin was seriously injured, and now I don’t know whether he is alive or dead. I asked Aleksanderkovich to go to the hospital, but they said it was their business and refused my request!" Michelle said with an angry expression: "It's simply impossible. Li Yu!"

"I think if you are only worried about Qin's life and death, then I advise you that there is no need to turn your face with the people from FSB." Mister's tone was calm, as if he knew something.

"What do you mean?" Michelle asked.

Mister looked around, then turned his eyes back to Michel's face: "The things inside are very complicated. You know Qin’s identity is a bit different. Although we cooperate, in which department is he? , So far we have no final conclusion. But I think there is no doubt about who his father is. For this kind of thing, the FSB will contact the military of country Z."

"Speaking of people, don't play mystery in the clouds!" Michelle said badly.

Mister's face turned yellow, and he said in a rather condescending and boring look: "After that, let me tell you one thing, Qin is no longer in Russia."

"What!?" Michelle was taken aback.

Mister raised his hand and looked at his watch and said: "In the Russian Army Hospital, Qin Fei was out of danger for a long time. An hour ago, he was taken by a military plane to the Air Force airport in Moscow, where there was a private plane. The plane is waiting for him, and the best doctor is in charge of transporting him. He has now left Russia. It is a matter for the people of Z and the Russians, and we can't intervene."

Michelle was stunned for a long time before she came to a sense of relief.

No matter where Mister's intelligence comes from, there must be a credible channel for him.

In this case, it means that Qin Fei is no longer in danger.

Michelle asked: "Where are his people?"

Mister poured wine for the two of them, and said, "You are talking about the people of the Holy Cross and the X mercenary group?"

Michelle nodded and said, "That's right."

Mister shrugged and said: "Disappeared, like the morning fog in the forest. When the sun comes out, they will naturally disappear into the air."

"Huh!" Michelle suddenly sneered, "How do I think we are like fools in this matter."

"Okay, beauty." Mister raised the cup: "At least it turned out to be very good. As soon as Kawasaki Takao died, Baschief died, and even Fan Tianlong of Hei Sun died. Everyone got rid of the big troubles. , This thing is actually worthy of joy."

He raised the cup.

"To those teammates who died."

Michelle's eyes were warm, and she raised her cup: "To them!"

The two of them drank in one bite~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Next, what do you plan to do? "Mister asked suddenly.

Michelle sighed: "Going back to London, there is still a lot of finishing work for the operation."

"No, no, I'm not talking about such a long-term thing, what I'm talking about is..." Mister's eyes became ambiguous: "In the next few hours, what are you going to do?"

"It's so cold." Michelle glanced at the snowflakes outside the window, "I think I will go to the gym to do some exercise, then take a hot bath, and sleep beautifully..."

"Exercising?" Mistor immediately said, "I actually like sports. There is an old saying that life is exercise! In fact, I don't think you need to go to the gym. You can do exercises in your own room. This kind of exercise can consume 300 calories in only half an hour, which is equivalent to jogging for 2 kilometers, and it is also good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You are worth trying."

Michelle asked: "Oh? Really? What kind of indoor sports?"

Mister said in a dilemma: "However, this kind of exercise also has an inconvenience. One person can't do it. Two people do it..."

After all, there was a raging fire in his pupils.

Michelle froze for a moment, and then understood.

She suddenly grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured it into a large flask with tequila.

Then, she looked at the Delta Force member in front of her provocatively.

"Yes, if you can accompany me to drink up this jug of wine, I might consider doing exercises with you to exercise your **** leg!"

"Deal!" Mister picked up the flask, poured himself a glass without saying anything, and turned his head up to kill.

This is the coolest wine he has ever drunk in his life.

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