"Little brother doesn't even know this!".

The elegant man was surprised inexplicably.

"Xiao Er, a few more good dishes and good wine!".

Shen Wen first ordered some wine and food, and then invited the two to come over and eat together.

The two were also very face-saving, and walked over with a pot of wine.

After the two of them sat down, Shen Wen asked

"The younger brother really doesn't know, and I ask the two brothers to solve their doubts!".

I don't know if it's negligence, although Shen Wen has been in this world for a few months, he really hasn't deliberately inquired about the affairs between the dynasties.

"Since the little brother is so cheerful, then let's talk to you!".

The big man spoke first.

"There are three dynasties controlled by our Han people, namely the Great Song, the Great Ming and the Great Sui!".

"And we all call ourselves Han Chinese because the predecessor of these three dynasties was the Han Dynasty. "

"It's just that because the Han Dynasty had no heirs back then, coupled with the large area under its command, the management was not timely enough, which led to civil strife and collapse!"

The most powerful Zhao, Zhu, and Yang families at that time each recruited troops and horses, and after several years of quelling the rebellion, most of the rebellions were finally resolved, but because the land was too extensive, the three families learned their lessons and decided to establish a dynasty each. "

"It's just that in this way, those aliens are even more rampant, so in order to deter the aliens and show the unity of the three families, the place names of the three dynasties and many other things have been unified and standardized!"

"So this is also the reason why both the Great Song Dynasty and the Great Sui have Luoyang! In fact, not only Luoyang, but you can find the names of other places in the Great Song Dynasty in the Great Sui and the Great Ming!".

Dahan said so much in one breath, and he also felt thirsty, so he stopped talking and took a sip of wine.

"I see!".

Shen asked the wonder of the Secret Dao Martial Arts World.

"Since Brother Tai is a person from Luoyang, the Great Sui, why did he come to the south of the Great Song River again?"

Shen Wen was a little curious.

"Hey! It's not because of His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Sui now, he returned after failing in his three expeditions to Goryeo, and countless financial resources and manpower were consumed during this period!"

"In just a few years, more than half of the national strength of the Great Sui has been consumed, and the people's livelihood in China has withered! The people are miserable. That's it, but not long ago a friend of mine sent me news that the Emperor was even going to go on a Fourth Crusade!".

"If that's the case, it will inevitably be necessary to recruit hundreds of thousands of people to transport supplies, so I ran here to avoid the limelight!"

Saying that, the big man scratched his head a little embarrassed.

Shen asked not to say anything about this.

Hearing this, the elegant man was also interested, and asked Dahan: "I heard that the Great Sui Demon Gate is very rampant, I don't know if it's true?"

"In fact, compared to twenty years ago, the Demon Gate has been much more low-key! Twenty years ago, the new generation of evil king Shi Zhixuan of the Demon Gate suddenly disappeared, and with the suppression of the righteous forces of Cihang Jingzhai, the Demon Gate has been reined in a lot since then!"

Dahan recalled.

"Shi Zhixuan!".

When Shen Wen heard this name, he knew what the situation of the Great Sui River and Lake was!

"Dare to ask the eldest brother if he has heard of the four strange books of martial arts?"

Shen Wen asked Dahan.

"I haven't heard of the Four Wonder Books, where did you hear it, little brother!".

Dahan looked dazed, obviously he really didn't know.

"Hehe, I heard the tutor mention it, maybe I made a mistake!".

Shen Wen breathed a sigh of relief and said with a haha.

It seems that the double dragons in this world belong to the TV series version, but this is fine, otherwise, with Shen Wen's current martial arts, Shen Wen would not dare to go to Dasui rashly.

After eating, Shen Wen rested in the inn for another night.

Early the next morning, Shen Wen went to Dasui.

That's right! Through yesterday's Dahan's narration, Shen Wen knew that the plot of the Great Sui Shuanglong had not yet unfolded.

So Shen Wen plans to get the longevity recipe and enhance his strength!

After all, he is the person who is the sect master, and it is really not good to say that his martial arts are not up to par.

Along the way, Shen Wen used his light skills to hurry, and Shen Wen already had three consummation-level light skills.

When he was in a hurry, Shen Wen used the grass to fly for a while, used the evil body method for a while, and changed to a crane in the clouds for a while.

After walking like this for a few days, Shen Wen suddenly found that the three exercises in his mind were slowly merging, and at the same time, a lot of insights were born in his mind!

Shen Wen was naturally pleased with such a change, so he worked harder.

In this way, it was another two days, and at this time, a brand new exercise had appeared in Shen Wen's mind, and Shen Wen named it "Flying Crane Cloud Shadow".

This light skill inherits the lightness of flying on the grass and the agility of the body method to ward off evil spirits, so that the cultivator can dance like a crane dancing in the clouds when walking, and the movements are elegant and elegant.

At the same time, it also allows cultivators to move like shadows in hidden places, silently approaching targets or escaping from under the noses of enemies.

Flying Crane Cloud Shadow also combines the jumping ability of Flying on the Grass and Crane in the Clouds, allowing cultivators to easily jump to high places during battle and perform a dive or retreat.

It also absorbs the essence of the evil body method, which can allow cultivators to dodge attacks like phantoms when facing sieges, making the enemy elusive.

At the same time, it combines the speed and endurance characteristics of the three, so that the exercise not only increases the movement speed, but also improves the user's stamina!

In short, in terms of rank, it is like fusing three first-class exercises into one peerless exercise!

Moreover, Shen Wen did not forget those three exercises in his mind because of this, so that Shen Wen could teach them to his disciples.

After learning the details of the fused exercises, Shen Wen was overjoyed, because under the launch of the stunt, Shen Wen instantly cultivated the Flying Crane Cloud Shadow to the consummation realm.

"I don't know if other exercises can be integrated!".

Shen Wen was very curious, but he had no way to test it now, and he only had one swordsmanship now!

Shen Wen was very helpless about this, because the system fell into standby after the task was issued, and no matter how Shen Wen called, there was no response.


Yangzhou City, Great Sui!

"Whew, it's finally here!".

Shen Wen looked at the huge city gate, and his heart was full of emotion.

"I've been walking for so many days, I don't know if the Ssangyong plot has started!".

After entering the city, Shen Wen first went to the restaurant to fill his stomach, and by the way, he inquired about Shilong's news.

As a result, Shen Wen was very satisfied, Shi Long is not dead now, which means that the longevity formula is still in Shi Long's hands.

After asking the location, Shen Wen headed towards the Shilong Dojo.


"What are you two boys doing!".


Shilong Dojo, small bamboo forest.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were bullied by Shi Long, and they were carrying a basket on their backs to loot the Stone Dragon Dojo!

Unexpectedly, they were suddenly tapped on the shoulder, and they screamed in fright.

"You're trying to scare us to death!".

When the two of them turned their heads and saw Shen Wen, Kou Zhong gasped and said dissatisfied.

"Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door! You two boys are afraid of being like this, you have done something unseemly!"

Shen Wen quipped.

"Don't talk nonsense, we're just here to dig some bamboo shoots, don't you see that we don't carry a basket on our backs!

"Zhong Shao is right! We're just here to dig bamboo shoots!"

Xu Ziling echoed Kou Zhong and said.

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