"I'll go, can I really erase my memory!"

Ai Hayasaka said in surprise, and then she saw that the door of the activity room closed automatically, and the special combat team members also sneaked into another room in the activity room early, watching them through the glass window.

At the same time, a very light white mist is eliminated from the vents of the room, which makes Ai Hayasaka think of some science fiction movies where the protagonist is trapped and then poisoned.

Ai Hayasaka looked nervously towards the glass window, where she saw a familiar person, an old man with a gray beard, their biology teacher, a recently invited Dr. Liu from the Celestial Empire, was he also a member of the foundation...

Thinking about Ai Hayasaka like this, Ai Hayasaka, who had already inhaled white gas, suddenly felt a dizziness in her brain, and her figure swayed a little.

Seeing this scene, the group of special operators were communicating with the doctor who presided over the memory erasure procedure.

"The Doctor... Shouldn't it be physical memory erasure with that number 002 baseball bat, how..."

A special combat member asked curiously looking at the white mist outside the glass window.

"Oh, you said that, because with the help of the O5 'mind control' councilor, and the collaboration of our biological laboratory researchers, we have summarized the memory elimination method of 002 to the human body, and in the short 3 seconds when 002 physically hit the back of the human head, we extracted a special information hormone that can eliminate human memory. "

"And through research, it has been possible to synthesize this information hormone, although the effect is not as good as 002, but with the hard work of D-level personnel, experiments have shown that this hormone has a good effect on ordinary humans, as long as 1 ml is used, people can forget the memory within half an hour." "

"The larger the dosage, the more memories the average person forgets. "

"In the future, you can directly carry the memory elimination spray when you go out on a mission, and you don't have to bring people back in such trouble, which can effectively reduce the risk of secondary exposure!"

"But if people forget the amount of memory for more than three days, it will cause irreversible damage to the nerves of the human brain, at worst causing some permanent neurological diseases, and at worst there is a risk of becoming a vegetative person!"

Dr. Liu's answer made these special combat team members tremble, since they were transferred from Mo Shao to Mo Shao's subordinates, after seeing all kinds of things in the foundation, they really felt from the bottom of their hearts that compared to him and these guys who fought abnormally.

These researchers are the real terrifying bigwigs, and they are much more dangerous than them.

"This memory erasing spray is also too dangerous!"

The youngest special operators couldn't help but mutter.

Dr. Liu glanced at him, making him shiver.

Anything, whether beneficial or harmful to the human body, as long as the amount is large enough can become poison! The same is true for tonics, and as long as the dose is controlled, poison can become a good medicine, you guy's biology class can't pass! After this mission, come to my class to make up the class, when can I get more than 95 points, when will I return to the team!"

"Don't !!!"

The whole room came the miserable screams of this young special combat team member, he could not have imagined that he was actually pulled by Dr. Liu to make up the class! And there are more than 95 points in the exam, you know, this doctor's exam is not to find questions on the Internet, but to come up with their own questions, as for the difficulty of the questions... Of course, Dr. Liu from the Celestial Empire is on par with the Celestial Empire Jiangsu, and it is also common to occasionally come up with any abnormal scientific research and encounter super-level thinking problems.

Let him take 95 in his class, is this to train him as a special operators to become a research doctor!!


But before the young special combatant could hold Dr. Liu's thigh and let out a feeble wail, a sound of alarm sounded.

"Alarm! Alarm!! The research room has found that no foreign body has been contained!

"There are unusually people who dare to come to the research room of the foundation!!."

The special operators were instantly ready for battle, but when they set their sights on the so-called foreign object, they saw the foreign object displayed on the surveillance screen....

It was Ai Hayasaka, who was being processed by their memory erasure.

"This is a parasitic beast life fluctuation reaction!?

Looking at the vital detection data presented by the surveillance, Dr. Liu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

"It's impossible, we caught so many parasitic beasts, her expression is very natural, it can't be that kind of parasitic beast!" retorted the special operator who brought Ai Hasaka over.

"Interesting, she was not parasitic by the parasitic beast brain, but parasitic right hand, parasitic beast can live with humans like this!? it's really interesting, wait, she still looks familiar, oh, isn't this my hottie-style student?

Looking at the excited look flashing in Dr. Liu's eyes, the special combat team members on the side couldn't help but remind.

"Wait Dr. Liu, this kind of thing should be reported to the president first, and only after the president's approval will you be qualified to study!"

"Uh-huh, I know, I know, I'm sorry I'm too excited, after all, after the symbiotic relationship between this parasitic beast and human beings is studied, maybe I can use the characteristics of the Hezi and parasitic beasts of the Kaoru species to make the biological exoskeleton armor that your special combat team is most looking forward to!"

Coughing, Dr. Liu said thoughtfully.

In an instant, the special combat member stood up and said righteously: "I will take her to meet the president!...... But before leaving, Dr. Liu, you can draw a can of blood first!"

"Haha, that's bothering you!"

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