On this side, Ling Yan, who walked to the door of the box, slowly spoke.

"Well, I also found out, it should be the reason why I caught the ghost recently, right? However, can his strength catch the ghosts that are so much stronger than him? "

Ninth Uncle was also a little puzzled, he didn't think much about it before, but now it seems that something is wrong.

The ghosts sealed in the Maoshan Ming umbrella are all late stage of fierce ghosts, even peaks!

It is equivalent to the eight and nine heavens of human masters, and Mao Shanming is only three or four heavens, and it is impossible to subdue the two ghosts!

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the birthday banquet is over, he doesn't dare to do anything under the noses of our junior brothers!"

Ling Yan smiled and spoke.

When Ninth Uncle heard this, he nodded without saying much, and then directly pushed open the door of the box.

Suddenly, he saw that there were three tables in the box, and the people at each table were rich merchants with heads and faces above the town.

"Ninth Uncle!!"

"Hahaha, Ninth Uncle, you are finally here!"

"Ninth Uncle's birthday celebration!!"

"Ninth Uncle Ling Yan Daoist quickly take a seat!"


Under the leadership of the town mayor, the rich businessman hurriedly said hello!

"Thank you so much! Hahaha! "

Ninth Uncle also greeted with a smile!

The rich merchants also quickly stood up and welcomed Ninth Uncle and Ling Yan to the main throne.

Qiu Sheng sat down, and when he saw a table of delicacies, his eyes immediately widened, and he couldn't help but swallow!

Although his aunt is the owner of a rouge gouache shop in town, she can only be regarded as a small trader, where has she usually eaten such a good banquet?

"Earn a lot!"

Qiu Sheng was excited.

"Hey, Ninth Uncle, where did you have another apprentice?"

"Yes, what about Wen Cai? Why don't you see people? "

"I heard that he was seriously injured, is he recuperating?"


The people around him also asked curiously when they found that Wen Cai was not there.

"Qiu Sheng, where is Wencai?"

Ninth Uncle also looked at Qiu Sheng suspiciously, aren't these two brats usually inseparable?

Could it be that he was caught by a horse thief?

"I don't know! Said that I was preparing for a birthday gift, but I don't know why I haven't come back yet!

Let's eat first, eat first! "

Qiu Sheng was also a little puzzled, and then quickly beckoned everyone to eat!

"That's okay, don't wait for that kid, let's open the table first!"

Ninth Uncle also smiled, and then beckoned the town mayor and the others to start eating.

Suddenly, there was a laughing table on the table.

During this period, Ling Yan learned that because of this incident, many rich businessmen had run away, so the rich businessmen who came this time were only one-third of the town.

And none of them are the richest.

Among them, there are some rich businessmen such as Mr. Ren.

These people all ran away with their families when they learned that the horse thief might be coming.

However, I learned that the horse thieves have been destroyed, and it is estimated that they will return in these two days!

Of course, Ling Yan didn't care!

Fear of death, human nature, there is no need to lose a small life for some money.


"Qiu Sheng! Aki Sheng!! "

And just after the meals at this table were almost eaten, Wencai's voice came from outside the box.

"This stinky boy is only here now, go home and eat boiling water!"

Ninth Uncle snorted coldly when he saw it.

I can be late for my birthday, and I am really a good apprentice!

"Master, I'll go and ask why this kid is only here now!"

Knowing that his birthday gift had arrived, Qiu Sheng quickly got up and walked out awe-inspiringly.

However, as soon as he went out, he quickly pulled Wen Cai to a corner. 、

"Have the goods arrived?"

Qiu Sheng hurriedly asked, and after eating a few mouthfuls of food, he felt itchy all over his body and couldn't help scratching it.

"It's arrived, it's definitely a good product!"

Wen Cai glanced around nervously!

And the picture of the two crossing heads and ears was immediately seen by Xiao Er passing by.

"Not good, someone is buying and selling opium!"

Xiao Er was so frightened that he quickly ran towards the boss's location to report!


"No, did you make a mistake, put a copper coin in a red envelope?"

Qiu Sheng looked at the small red envelope in his hand and immediately widened his eyes.

"That's right, you give me a copper coin, what can I buy?" Even this red envelope was bought for you by me! "

Wen Cai complained to Qiu Sheng.

"Then it seems that only Plan B can be implemented!"

Qiu Sheng sighed helplessly!

"What plan B?"

Wen Cai was stunned.

"Take you!!"

However, before Wen could come to his senses, a red gift bag he was holding was snatched by Qiu Sheng, and then ran to the box with a cigarette.

"Qiu Sheng, that thing can't be given to the master!"

Wen Cai was so frightened that he hurriedly chased after him!


"Master, you see this is my birthday gift for you, let's see if you like it!"

Unfortunately, as soon as he entered the box, Wen Cai saw that Qiu Sheng had already handed the big gift bag to the Ninth Uncle!

"Wow! Such a big gift package, Ninth Uncle, you are so blessed, there is such a filial disciple! "

"Yes, yes! Envy! The contents of such a big gift bag must be amazing!! "

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the Ninth Uncle, and the believers are generous!"


When the mayor and others saw this scene, they all hurriedly praised it.

Ninth Uncle was also so touted that he couldn't help but smile.

"Not bad, count your kid with a heart!"

Ninth Uncle said with satisfaction.

"The master has won the prize!"

Qiu Sheng smiled cheekily.

"No, your plan B is to rob me of a gift, and that thing is not what I want to give to the master!"

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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