Tian Xingxing's pupils shrank suddenly.


even more terrifying is that before using the ignite, the opponent also stacked three flame wing strikes.

In other words, this ignition will cause eight times

the damage! What is the concept of eight times the damage?

The burns on Bright Butterfly's body are already stacked with 112 layers.

Under the eight-layer ignition, it is equivalent to triggering 896 layers of burns at the same time

!"Wait! I admit defeat!" Tian

Xingxing's face turned pale.

It's not uncommon to miss and kill an opponent's pet during a match.

There's no way she's going to watch this happen.

After hearing the opponent admit defeat, Xiao Jiu immediately stopped releasing his skills.

It hovered proudly in the air, looking indifferently at the Bright Butterfly and Tian Xingxing.

The screen is also locked in its arrogant scene.

Although everyone in the audience did not participate in the battle, they also felt the kingly aura coming from Xiao Jiu.

Many people lost their minds and whispered, "It turns out that the fire phoenix ...... Is it so handsome

?" Guan Xiaoze looked at Bai Xiu, "It is worthy of being a white god, is this scene all in your expectation

?" Bai Xiu raised his eyebrows, "In front of you, how dare Bai be called a god?" Su Mu can win, thanks to Guan Shen." "

Bai Xiu really thinks that Su Mu will win.

But he didn't expect Su Mu to win so easily.

Not even his elven deer had ever been used!

That fire phoenix, I'm afraid it wasn't that simple......

It didn't take long for the other semi-final to begin.

Su Mu in the preparation area observed the two players in the competition.

One side is the mecha team, and the other side is the fire team.

The beast master who used the mecha team was named Zhou Wu, and he, like Su Mu, basically crushed all the way.

Not many teams can survive the mech's attack.

According to Su Mu's guess, the last person to fight him was likely to be Zhou Wu.

Before the start of the competition, the three hottest teams to win the championship were the Snow Girls, the Light Team, and the current Mecha Team.

The Mech's strong defense and strong offensive ability are the most tricky.

Originally, only the Snow Maiden's Fog Yin could restrain it, but now, the Snow Maiden's team has been eliminated, and Zhou Wu can hardly find an opponent.

On the screen, Zhou Wu's recycling robot is constantly using the "make parts" skill.

The more parts are made, the stronger the last battle mech will be.

The fire team met the mecha team and barely had to fight.

Although the fire system restrains the steel system.

However, the fire team needs to stack the number of burn stacks, and the ones summoned in the early stage are usually weak beast pets similar to lava beasts.

This will give the mech team plenty of time to craft parts.

If the Fire team wants to solve the opponent as soon as possible, they can only summon their main C in advance.

And once the main C is summoned first, the strength of the fire team is even weaker.

As Su Mu expected, the mecha team won.

After analyzing the game on the commentary platform, he immediately began to discuss the upcoming finals.

When it came to the finals, Guan Ozawa no longer made pre-match predictions.

Bai Xiu believed as always that Su Mu could win.

In order to balance the situation, Zhou Zhou chose to support Zhou Wu.

Guan Xiaoze explained, "Okay, then our last game of the day, which is also the last game of the college league, is about to start.

I'm also very curious about whether it will be Su Mu or Zhou Wu who will win in the end.

After all, in my opinion, their strength should be very close.

Next, let's turn the picture to the opposite battlefield!"

Su Mu and Zhou Wu took the stage one after another.

Zhou Wu was still the same as in the previous game, giving priority to summoning the recovery robot.

Su Mu still summoned Xiao Jiu.

Seeing the fire phoenix on the field, Zhou Wu's face was solemn.

In the face of the steel beast pet, Su Mu of course chose the fire phoenix to fight.

Ice skills have a mediocre effect on steel.

And Squeak focuses on consumption and control.

In order to reduce the opponent's time to make parts as much as possible, Su Mu naturally had to choose Xiao Jiu, who had a higher explosion.

Zhou Wu asked, "I'm curious about what your third beast pet is, and I don't know if I can see it today."

Su Mu no longer responded, the other party was obviously delaying time.

"Xiao Jiu, fight quickly!" A

phoenix roar sounded on the battle platform, and Xiao Jiu quickly rushed towards the recovery robot.

The Flame Wing Strike hit!

The recovery robot didn't dodge at all.

Zhou Wu's strategy was very simple, he only needed to let his beast pet make parts with all his might.

It didn't take long for all sorts of small parts such as gears and screws to float on the field.

These parts are not offensive, but they provide a powerful force for the final battlemech.

After two consecutive Flame Wing Strikes, Xiao Jiu uses a flame blast to take the recovery robot away.

When the recovery robot is hit, it instantly turns into fragments.

Robotic pets are special in that they are "killed" and turned into parts, which can be reassembled by the Beastmaster to bring them back to life.

Of course, in the battle, Zhou Wu definitely couldn't do this.

Then, Zhou Wu's second beast pet, the scrap robot, appeared.

When the scrap robot appeared, countless parts gathered on the field.

These parts are like assembling a set of combat armor for a scrap robot.

Obviously, its defense capabilities have been greatly improved.

After that, scrap robots also started making parts.

Tiny parts appear in the air.

With the blessing of parts, the waste robot already has a good strength.

This time, Xiao Jiu superimposed four flame wing strikes before he unleashed the Flame Explosion Instant Kill Scrap Robot.

Su Mu frowned.

After using high-level skills many times in a row, Xiao Jiu's consumption is already very large.

After reaching level 30, its energy reserves have increased a bit.

But the more powerful the burst, the more energy is consumed.

The advantage of Xiao Jiu is that the explosion is high, but its disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the battery life is too poor.

After the defeat of the waste robot, Zhou Wu summoned his last beast pet, the

Battle Mech!【Battle Mech】【Gender】:Male [Level]:Level 60【Level

】:Emperor (S)


:Steel [Skill]: Battle Mech, Super Mecha, Steel Storm, Parts Carnival, Parts Assembly, ......

[Favorability]: 0 (unfamiliar

) [Potential]: ★★★★★★ (six stars) [

Remarks]: The machine beast pet is also a gendered

combat mech, and it is a very tall robot.

It is made up of hard steel armor all over its body.

The moment it appeared, countless parts in the air converged towards it.

The parts then reassemble on it.

It didn't take long for a brand-new mecha to appear in front of everyone.

Su Mu was shocked, why was the mecha in front of him different from what he had seen before

? Zhou Wu smiled, "I didn't expect it, right?

In the past battles, it only used the skill of the battle mecha.

You're lucky enough to be able to experience the strongest form of the battle mech, the super mech!"

Its posture at this time, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an iron giant!

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