Xi Xi Suosuo -

Ye Yiyi took Chunjun through the jungle to find a suitable level of war pet to train Chunjun's combat ability.

"Damn, where is that injured ninth-level battle pet you were talking about?"

Ye Yiyi hurriedly reduced the amplitude of his movements and slowly approached in that direction.

I saw a strong man with a few followers looking for something in one place.

Ye Yiyi quickly recalled.

It is Zhao Dahu! A

side descendant of the Zhao family should also be called cousin Zhao Fan according to his generation.

Seeing a few people looking sneaky, Ye Yiyi hid his figure and followed.

"Brother Tiger, I remember it should be around here...",

a chubby teenager shrunk his head.

"Then why not?!"

Zhao Dahu scolded the boy angrily, salivating.

Zhu Hegui, who was sprayed all over the face, wiped his face and said weakly.

"Brother Tiger, you have to believe me, that fire fox is injured, get his soul core Brother Tiger, your scale armor ape has a high chance of transforming into an explosive ape, and the potential is unlimited in the future!!"

Zhu Hegui said with a flattering face.

"Hmm~ That's true, why don't you hurry up and find that damn fire fox?"

Zhao Dahu enjoyed Zhu Hegui's compliments with a comfortable face, and then reprimanded a few people.

Several people hurriedly summoned their war pets and searched into the distance.

A wild boar, a thorn flower, a stone man, a phoenix.

Wild boar, orcs-pigs-war beasts, low-level soldiers.

Thorn Flower, Plant Clan-War Beast-Control System, Medium Rank.

Stone Man, Rock Clan-Rock System, Medium Rank.

Anchovy chickens, beasts-chickens-war beasts, low-level soldiers.

In addition, the scale armor ape belonging to Zhao Dahu's high-level soldiers is five war pets.

Among them, the wild boar and the thorn flower are at level seven, and the stone man and anchovy are at level six.

Although the scaly ape is also at the seventh level, because of the suppression of the racial level, it is the strongest among several war pets.

I didn't expect that someone would really contract a food war pet like anchovy chicken, Ye Yiyi was speechless for a while.

Looking at the lineup of several people, Ye Yiyi thought about his winning rate.

There is output, there is control, and there is a meat shield, which is obviously not something that you can challenge.

However, I heard that they were going to look for the injured ninth-level creatures, so I could follow along and see if there was a chance to take the opportunity to slaughter Zhao Dahu, the damned Zhao family, in this uninhabited jungle! Thinking of this, a

strong killing intent flashed on Ye Yiyi's face.

Since the Zhao family sent someone to kill his beloved King Kong Bear, he and the Zhao family are not

dying! He will never forget that King Kong Bear had to protect his back when he was dying

!!! thinking of this, Ye Yiyi became even more determined to bury these people in this mountain range.

Although there is also a chance to slaughter Zhao Dahu in the Great Competition of the Three Clans, since there is a chance to bury an enemy in the soil, why not try?

Compared with killing a person in a battle in Zhengda Guangming, it is obvious that the former is countless times easier.

And Ye Yiyi is not a pedantic person, as long as he can achieve his goal, he can do anything.

"Brother Tiger, I've found it, it's just ahead!!Come on!!"

Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded.

"Where, what, hurry!!Get ready to fight, follow me!!"

Zhao Dahu's surprised voice sounded, and he ran into the distance with the scaly ape, and the scattered few people also gathered in the direction of discovering the fire fox.

Ye Yiyi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he tiptoed silently in the direction where the voice came from.

"Thorn Flower, Thorn Trap!!" a

voice came.

Faintly, several green thorns could be seen spreading in the direction of a red glow.


An angry voice rang out, and a flame erupted, scorching the thorn trap that had wrapped around it!


The blazing flames burned the thorns that stretched out from the thorn flower, and the thorn flower squeaked in pain.

"Stone man, rock skin!Grab the attention

of the fire fox!" "Boar, hit, knock this fire fox into the air!!" "

Anchovy chicken, attract the attention of

the fire fox!" Several people ordered their war pets to attack the fire fox, each with a different mission.

The stone man glowed with an earthy gray glow, and he stood up to the fire fox's attack, and the boar howled and lowered its head and slammed into the fire fox.

And the anchovy chicken, which actually exudes a charming meat fragrance, wagging its tail to attract the attention of the fire fox!

The anchovy chicken is not a serious war beast, and its combat ability is very weak, but Ye Yiyi really didn't expect to be able to use the anchovy chicken as bait!!

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