"Then go over there!"

Ray Movie lifted his finger forward.

When the three heard this, they immediately looked in the direction of her finger.

I saw that not far ahead, there was a restaurant on the side of the road.

There is a plaque hanging above the entrance of the restaurant with the words "Shimuraya" written on it, which looks quite classical.

Above the word, the image of a fish and ramen is also drawn, which comes to life.

"This is..." Zhu Xia looked at Shimuraya and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at Lei Movie.

At this moment, Lei Movie's gaze has been staring at a woman eating in front of Shimura's house, looking envious.

Zhu Xia looked carefully and found that the woman was eating Sancai dumplings.

"Are you going to that Shimuraya house?" Zhu Xia asked.

"Well, let's go eat there!"

Lei Movie looked at the woman in front of him who ate three-colored dango, and swallowed his spit.

"It's worthy of being Lord General, what a vision!"

When Zhu Xia heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and showed a happy smile.

Fortunately, I asked for Shadow's opinion.

Otherwise, he will definitely be pitted by the crumb fox again today.

Or Yingbao, as long as there is a dessert heart, it is satisfied, and it is very good to feed.

Unlike the crumb fox, who only thinks about squeezing himself dry, and does not think about whether he can stand it at all.

"Okay, then happily decided, go to Shimuraya!" He clapped.

"Eh, are you really going to that house?"

Yae Miko frowned a little dissatisfied, and then looked at Lei Movie, "Uyoutei also wants three colored dango, Kage." "

Well, huh?"

When Lei Movie heard this, he was a little entangled.

Instead of walking a little further to the Uyoutei, she preferred to choose Shimuraya nearby.

Because she wants to eat Sancai dumplings now.

"I've been to this shop a few times, and the taste is quite good, and I feel that it is not inferior."

Seeing Lei Movie's hesitant look, Kujo Yuluo quickly helped.

She could see that Zhu Xia did not want to go to Wuyouting.

And she herself didn't want to go there to eat, so she suggested that Ray go to Shimuraya.

Because that shop was a gathering place for dignitaries, she didn't like to go to that kind of place.

Moreover, going to that store, she did not dare to guarantee that she would not meet an acquaintance who was also in the sky.

At that time, if you are recognized and disturb the general's visit in mini-service, it will not be good.

"This way."

After listening to Kujo Yura's words, Lei Movie finally made up his mind, and then turned his head to look at Zhu Xia and Yae Miko.

"Then let's go to this house."

"Okay, since you like it, then let's go to Shimuraya."

Although Yae Miko was reluctant, he was not willing to be happy with the minesweeper movie, so he nodded and agreed.

Then the four of them walked to Shimuraya together.

Shimuraya is not too far from them.

After a few steps, the four of them arrived at the door of Shimuraya.

Shimuraya's shop is small and simple, with a long counter in front of the door and four chairs made of logs neatly arranged in front of the counter.

When they came over, the female customer in the shop also happened to finish eating the dango in her hand and stood up to leave.

Seeing this, the four of Lei Ying entered the store together and sat down.

The order of seats from left to right is Yae Miko, Zhu Xia, Lei Movie, and Kujo Hira.

The owner was a bald old man, and when he saw a customer entering, he greeted him warmly:

"Oh, welcome!" How many of you would like to eat? The

old man greeted as he wiped the table clean with a rag.

Although he is old, he is very hardworking.

Lei Movie looked at this old man, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration in his heart.

"I want to eat Sancai dango, is there here?"

Lei Movie looked at the old man and asked.

"Yes! How many copies would you like? "

Hmm... Let's start with five servings!

Lei Movie thought for a moment and replied.

"Okay!" The old man nodded, and then looked at the three of Zhu Xia, "What do the three need?"

"Then I want a sweet shrimp sushi and a piece of oily tofu!"

"Hmm... It's nerve-wracking, the meals here are so cheap, I don't know what to eat for a while... I still want two servings of oily tofu and an omelet rice.

"I just want an eel tea for rice."

The three of them reported what they wanted to eat.

"Okay, please wait."

After the old man finished speaking, he turned around and began to get busy in front of the stove.

"Kage, you order so many three-colored dango, is it okay?"

Seeing that Lei Movie ordered a bit much, Zhu Xia couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? Is five copies a lot? I was going to order 10 servings. When

Lei Movie heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Can you finish ten portions..."

Zhu Xia looked at Lei Movie with some concern.

"Don't worry, the general's body capacity is very large, and it is not a problem to eat fifty servings at a time." She explained.

"Ahhh... Are you sure? When

Zhu Xia heard this, he couldn't help but look at Lei Movie in disbelief.

Lord General, is it so good to eat?

So if you really eat fifty portions, will the general turn into a ball and roll down the hill with a grunt?

"Hehe, she's always been like this, she eats dessert non-stop, but she doesn't gain weight... I really envy her body.

Yae Miko looked at the thunder movie and said a little sourly.

"So it is."

After listening to Yae Miko's words, Zhu Xia finally knew why Lei Movie was so edible.

It seems that it is impossible to turn into a ball and roll down the hill.

When Kujo heard this, he was also a little surprised.

Lord General is actually so able to eat...

But that's not the point.

The important thing is that Lord General actually likes to eat sweets such as Sancai dango...

It seems that I will pay more attention to my eating habits in the future.

For example, try to eat something sweet.

Although sweets can relax the body and mind, once eaten, it is easy to slack.

But since the general can overcome it, then as a subordinate, he should also overcome it!

"Huh? Son of God, if you want, I can also make you a doll. Hearing

this, Lei Movie looked at Yae Miko and spoke.

"No thanks... I'm still more used to my current body.

Yae Miko said, reaching out and touching the pair of plump dango on his chest, revealing a satisfied expression.

"Really not? Can I customize it for you? "

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