["Well, it really fits! Fox

Shrine said, and pulled you to the pool, "Look..." You

saw a fair-skinned, delicate and cute witch reflected on the lake.

"Except for a little flattening, everything else is pretty good."

Fox Shrine looked at you and smiled appreciatively. [

After that, she asked you to be a Kanban witch at Narujin Taisha Shrine, but you strictly refused. 【

Week 4: One day, a tengu came to Kage-sama. [

When he saw you and Fox Shrine at the shrine, he invited you to race with him and run all over the surface of the Spiritual Mountain of Cultivation, competing for speed and strength between you. In

short, it's running a marathon on Narugami.

[When the game starts, the three of you set off at the same time.]

After some time, the competition enters a white-hot phase.

At this time, you and the Tengu are on par with each other, and in front of you is the Kitsunomiya Palace.

Kikusai runs as hard as he can, while Tengu looks at ease, talking to you as he runs.

"You kid can actually catch up with us, it seems that he still has some skills, today we will have a good fight!"

Subsequently, you also tried your best, but you were still surpassed by him, and by a fraction of a centimeter, you took third place.

In the end, the first place was Kitsunomiya Palace.

However, she later told you that it was actually Tengu's subordinates who showed mercy, which made her very unwilling. 【

Then you help in the shrine as usual, and you don't forget to buy a sword in your free time, and then practice your swordsmanship.】

A few weeks passed like this...]

[Week 8: On this day, the shrine welcomed two distinguished guests, Inazuma's Thunder God, Raiden Shin, and her sister, Raiden Movie. 】

【Ray Movie came to the shrine and accidentally met you who was practicing swordsmanship, so he became interested in you.

"Your sword skills are very good, are you interested in competing with me?"

She looked at it for a moment and then suggested to you.

Lei Movie, as a martial artist, met a person with such a strong sword technique, and couldn't help but try to fight him.

"No, your knife skills are too strong, I'm not an opponent."

You quickly shake your head and refuse.

You know in your heart that this person is the Gozen Shadow Warrior of Inazuma Thor, and his strength is extraordinary, and it is not something you can compete with now.

"I only use three points of strength!"

Lei Movie said to you again, "You only need to take me three moves, and you can win."

"You really only use three points of strength?"

You heard her words, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

The competition with the Gozen Shadow warrior is indeed rare, and you are a little moved.

"What I said is true."

"Okay then, please."

When you hear her words, you agree, and at the same time you hold your sword in your hand and put on a posture ready to fight.

"Then I am offended."

Ray Movie drank lowly, and then she drew her knife and rushed at you, slashing at you.

You quickly dodged away, then quickly swung a sword at her, and the weapons of the two collided violently in the air, splashing a burst of sparks.

Immediately, your sword is deflected, stabbing a half-moon-shaped trajectory to the left, and then grazing Ray's cheek.

"Not bad, worthy of being a dependant of the Fox Palace!"

Ray said praisefully while speeding up the pace of the attack.

She is approaching you step by step, the blade in her hand is getting more and more rapid, and she seems to be about to split you into pieces.

"This Imperial Shadow Warrior is really powerful!"

You sighed in your heart while fending off her blade.

Her knife technique is very sharp, one move after another, without any flaws.

However, although her attack is fierce, you can always avoid it because you have always been defensive.

Seeing this, there was a hint of disdain in the depths of her eyes.

Then, with a slight touch on her toes, she rushes towards you.

At this time, she has come to you.

Then, her blade slashes at you, and you can only block with your sword, and your sword suddenly breaks into several pieces the moment it intersects with the blade.

Her knife continues to strike at you.

Just as her blade was about to hit your chest, suddenly, she stopped attacking.

"You lose."

Ray Movie announced coldly.

And you said to her angrily: "You broke my sword, you compensate me!" "


Lei Movie was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and looked at your sword in surprise, only to notice that the sword you had just used had been split into several segments.


Lei Movie looked at the sword on the ground, a little embarrassed.

Then she said she would return you a new one later.

You agreed. 【After

that, Lei Movie will often come to Narujin Taisha Shrine to discuss with you, and seems to appreciate your sword skills.

But whenever you ask her when she pays for her sword, she always shifts the subject bluntly. 【

Week 9: One day, Kitsunomiya went out for a picnic with friends and brought you.

You, the Kitsunomiya and Raiden sisters, and a few friends, sit under the cherry blossom trees and play song cards after eating.

Although you won't be able to play cards at first, after playing a few games with them, you will gradually become familiar with the gameplay and have won a few times.

Among the people, Ray Movie is the most wooden one in the game because of his personality.

She had never been the final winner, nor had she tasted the prizes that Kitsunomiya had prepared specifically for the winner of the poker game.

So when she asked you to compete in martial arts later, she blushed and quietly asked you:

"Zhu Xia... Yes, teach me how to play the song card?

"You ask me why I didn't learn from my sister?" ...... She was busy and I was embarrassed to disturb her. Hearing

this, you smiled and promised her.

So she worshiped you and devoted her concentration to the practice of swords.

After that, she often offered to ask for a song card duel with Zhen or you, or to recite a song verse with you in the moonlight.

Finally, under the cherry trees again, Kage passed all the way and finally defeated the Tengu with difficulty and won the final victory.

"Thank you, Wish Xia."

After winning, she whispered thanks in your ear.

And the friends laughed when they saw this.

She realized that her actions were too conspicuous, and quickly blushed and ran away as if she were fleeing.

And Fox Palace, at this time, with a smile on his face, brought the pastry to Kage and you.

"It's just a reward, but it's just some handmade pastries, I didn't expect it to make Shadow remember." In that case, please enjoy this winner's reward. "

Huh? Do I have a share too? You are surprised.

"Huh... That's your credit too, isn't it? I'm sure the shadow will want to share this joy with you.

And Ray Movie nodded slightly and skimmed his face.

Ray movies are not greedy for dessert.

As a martial artist, she believes that what she loses will be won back.

This pastry is more like a reward for her desire to win.

But she soon smiled again unconsciously.

The pastry was quite delicious, like a victory.

And being able to share it with you is also a happy thing for Shadow. 】

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