At some point, Mond.

A blonde girl with an emergency food item is wandering the shopping street.

Suddenly, they saw a merchant dressed in exotic clothing, hawking something.

"Take a look, Yaedo's light novels, new books and old books, guaranteed not to disappoint you!"

At this time, the girl's curiosity was tuned.

"Light novel?"

She stopped and looked at the books for sale.

"What's wrong, Loring?"

The emergency food next to him saw his companion suddenly stop and wondered.

"Aren't we going to eat something delicious? Why don't you leave?

"Wait a minute, Paimon..."

the blonde girl named Lorraine pointed to the books shouting in front of her and said to the emergency food next to her

, "Look, there's a light novel!"

"Huh? Light novel? The

emergency food called Paimon looked in the direction of Lorling's finger.

I saw a long table not far away, full of books, and a merchant next to him hawking.

"Really, let's take a look at that."

Paimon was also hooked.


Lorraine nodded, and then walked with Paimon towards the book stall.

At the moment, she was very curious about this light novel stall.

Because as a traverser, it is difficult not to be attracted to seeing such a familiar thing in a foreign land.

And in her previous life, she also liked to read light novels.

Especially the sick kind.

At this time, they came to the book stall.

At a glance, Loring saw the light novel called "Crossing Inazuma, Beginning to Kill Raiden Shogun, and Marry Yae Miyaji".

"Crossing ... Speaking of which, I've been here for a long time..."

thought to Lorling.

I still remember that in my previous life, my name was Yu Luoling....

After crossing to Tivat, he only told others that his name was Lorin.

As for the crossing matter, he only told Paimon.

Paimon is his best friend, so telling her is nothing.

"I just don't know where Brother Zhu Xia went... Since I crossed

over, will he also cross over..." "If so, I really hope that he will also cross into my world..." Thinking

of this, Luo Ling couldn't help but show a sweet smile.

The merchant looked up and saw a beautiful girl standing in front of his stall, so he smiled and said

, "Welcome, this beautiful young lady, do you need to buy anything?"

My light novels here are of good quality and affordable.

"Hey, more than one, and me!"

Paimon heard the merchant's words and quickly interjected.


The merchant glanced at Paimon, and then shook his head and said

, "With your size, it's not as big as some novels, and you can't get a book, so don't make a scene."

"Hey! You're too rude! Although I don't have that much strength, it is more than enough to pick up a novel!

Paimon said angrily.

"I'll prove it to you!"

With that, she reached out and picked up a thick book.

"Ah, it's so heavy!"

As soon as he picked up the book, Paimon was overwhelmed by the weight of the book and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Luo Ling quickly helped her and put the book back in the book stall.

"Hahaha... That's a tin book. When

the merchant saw this scene, he laughed, "Okay, let's not amuse you."

"Little blonde girl, which book did you read?" Tell me, I'll wrap it up for you.

"This one!"

Loring pointed to the book "Crossing Inazuma, Killing Raiden General at the Beginning, and Marrying Yae Miyaji".

She thought the name of the book was interesting and fit her eyes, so she wanted to buy it and read it.

"Oh, this one..."

the merchant glanced at it, "this is Inazuma's hottest light novel right now, you really have an eye!" "

Oh? So powerful?

"Yes, but this price may be more expensive than other light novels."

"How much?"

Lorling asked.

"Fifty thousand mora, are you sure you want to buy it? This could have been the best. "

A light novel is so expensive? You're not lying to us, are you!

Paimon rounded his eyes.

"Oh, the two seem to be travelers from afar, you don't know something....

Inazuma is now enforcing the lockdown order, which makes trade very difficult, and can only rely on some special channels to buy goods.

And this is Inazuma's latest bestseller, and expedited shipping to Mond also costs a lot of manpower and material resources, and the price is naturally expensive.

"Oh, so,"

Lorraine nodded, "I bought it."

"Okay! This wraps you up! When

the businessman saw that the blonde girl had agreed to buy it, a bright smile immediately appeared on his face.


" Seeing this, Paimon quickly stopped: "That's 50,000 Mora, what should we do with the food money after buying it!" "

It's okay, we'll go to the Adventurers Guild to earn it later, we won't starve you."

Lorraine comforted Paimon.

"And I really like this novel."

She said and paid for it.


At her words, Paimon nodded and did not object again.

After buying the books, Loring and Paimon left the stall.

Walking on the road, Loring eagerly opened the light novel and read it carefully.

Seeing the title page of the light novel, she couldn't help but be surprised:

"The pseudonym of this author... It's so weird.

Then she continued to flip through it.

After reading a few pages, she was stunned, and her face became very shocked.

"This... The protagonist of the book... It's called Zhu Xia?! "


Inazuma, Narujin Taisha Shrine.

Hearing the prompt of the system in his mind, Zhu Xia suddenly woke up.

"What is Genshin Traversal Mode?"

He asked the system suspiciously.

[Genshin traversal mode, that is, using the host's current body to simulate crossing the Genshin world. ]

"Huh? In other words, don't you have to start at the age of 0 and directly use my current appearance to simulate? "

[Yes. 【

Because it is a crossing, the time and place of the crossing are random, and only the host himself remains unchanged.】 "

No wonder it's called Traversal Mode... I get it, after all, I've already crossed it once. Zhu

Xia nodded and continued: "Then let's start simulating crossing!" "

[Using the traversal mode requires one million Mora per delivery, do you pay for it?]

"Eh, why do you still want Mora? Your system, not well-behaved. Zhu

Xia couldn't help frowning.

[You can also use the normal mode without paying Mora.]

"Is normal mode the same as before?"



Zhu Xia pondered for a moment and said:

"Forget it, let's try the new model, anyway, the master is not without money."

There are still two million Moras, even if half is given to the system, the rest will be enough for a while.

And there is a follow-up manuscript fee....

Thinking of this, Zhu Xia took out the bag of Mora and said to the system:

"Let's use the traversal mode simulation this time!"

[Okay, Mora paid successfully. 【

Opening Genshin Traversal Simulator...】

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