"Would you like to take a break...?" Wanye looked at the sweaty Xiu Yuan and asked kindly.

"And... Two more sets..." Xiu Yuan made a hoarse voice, trembling all over his body.

"I mean, your sweat mixed with the rain outside is about to spread to me."

Xiu Yuan, who heard this, looked at the pool of water before getting up.

"Then I'll go outside and make two more sets." Xiu Yuan wiped the beads of sweat from his face and smiled.

"Uh... I'm not trying to drive you away, but, I don't understand why you are working so hard, is it your desire? He asked.


Yuan was silent for a while, and then continued: "Relying on things from the outside world, even if the strength is strong, it is not as important as the strength of your own cultivation, and if others can give it to you, you can naturally take it back. "

Who would have thought that a tea set would exchange all his skills.

But he didn't regret it, at least it wasn't too late for him to understand.

The system can give him something, naturally can also take it back, no wonder him, can only blame himself for not figuring it out before, has been too dependent on the system.

It's okay, it's still time.

"Hmm... You are indeed right, the Eye of God symbolizes the desire of mortals to continue to move forward, and the strength of our samurai has always been the sword in our hands.

"If you want to become stronger, I can teach you sword skills." Wanye said confidently.

"I will know some of this, I can talk to you later."

Even if he recovered the Demon Sword, he still had a part of the Grandmaster-level sword technique.

A large part of the reason for this is that he had to help Yura buy a bone whistle and fought with those monsters in the forest for two days and two nights.

Although he was scarred, the battle that lasted all night for two days and two nights also made some of the swordsmanship engraved in his bones.

It's like you learned to swim, but suddenly you erase your memory of how to swim and throw it into the sea, and you can still swim.

This is called muscle memory.

"You know knife skills, but you don't carry a knife on you?" Wanye will be suspicious.

"It's also very important to hone yourself, you can't lose your knife and won't fight, right?"

Wanye who heard this was stunned for a moment, and then remembered...

I lost my knife, and it seems that I really can't fight.

"Although you are right, I will not leave my body." Wanye retorted.

"That's different, my knife will leave my body."

Bring a small teacup and the system will take away all the skills, then bring a knife with you....

Xiu Yuan didn't dare to think that the system would do something crazy.

"How long until the rain stops?" Xiu Yuan asked.

"Probably, about two hours."

"So... That's enough.

Saying that, Xiu Yuan took off his clothes and walked out.

Xiu Yuan kept doing push-ups on the pouring grass, the rain would distract him and make his body heavier, but it was also part of cultivation.

He gritted his teeth and let the rain lap on him.

And Wanye in the room frowned slightly and looked at the hard Xiu Yuan.

He could hear the voice of nature, and he could also hear the voice of Xiu Yuan's heart.

It was the most complex sound he had ever heard.

Of these, grief accounts for the majority, followed by evil voices.

There is a very small part of desire, and another part of purity suppresses evil.

The ratio of sadness

, evil, desire, and purity is roughly 9:6:1:6, which is almost equal to evil, but the ratio of sadness and desire is extremely different.

It was as if he had experienced great pain, relying on what little hope remained.


Why did that only remaining wish allow him to get the Eye of God?

How much sadness should there be nine times higher than wish...?

Why can he still giggle without looking in any pain?

Is it a fake smile?

These Wanye did not know, he only knew that Xiu Yuan was carrying something very heavy.

After doing a group and a half of cultivation, his brain suddenly seemed to be gouged by a mud cart, and a huge tremor occurred, and the overwhelming karmic erosion pierced in.

Xiu Yuan, who couldn't support his body, fell, and Wan Ye, who had been paying attention to Xiu Yuan, found something wrong, and then quickly ran out.

"What's wrong, are you all right!?"

"Take me... Get in..." he said with difficulty.

Wanye also hurriedly carried Xiu Yuan back to the hut.

Xiu Yuan quickly sat down, concentrated, and began to apply the meditation mantra.

After a while, Xiu Yuan's hideous face slowly dispersed and peace was restored.

And Wanye's worries dissipated.

He then took off his clothes, wrung out the water on it, and began to listen to the sound of rain he liked.

In this way, sitting in the house until the rain stopped, Xiu Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

"Why did the rain stop? I haven't had enough of it. Xiu Yuan said bitterly.

"I see you're lying on the ground and can't get up, haven't you been cool enough?" Wanye didn't even know what to say about this guy.

"That's different, that's a much cooler sequelae." Xiu Yuan explained.

"That's cool."

"Sparrow food."


slowly got up, dressed, and spoke: "This heavy rain has soaked the dead branches, and there is no way to make a fire, so I can only go to find out if there are good people willing to take it in."

"Why is it so miserable, don't you have Mora on you?"

"No..." "

You wandering samurai is too vagrant."

Hearing Xiu Yuan's words, the corners of Wanye's mouth twitched, and he asked Xiu Yuan: "Then do you have Mora?"

"Nope." Xiu Yuan replied cheerfully.

"Then you..."

"Forget it, when I didn't ask."

Wan Ye just wanted to rebel against Xiu Yuan, but suddenly felt that he might not be able to scare him.

After all, Xiu Yuan's cheekiness can be regarded as having seen it.

"Even without Mora, we can't be so meticulous, we are backboned ronin who don't eat food." Xiu Yuan said arrogantly.

"Well said, so what should I do?" Wanye had gradually become accustomed to this guy's weird operation, and simply echoed.

He wanted to see what kind of moth this guy could make.

"You catch fish, right?" Xiu Yuan asked.


"Let's go catch a few fish and exchange them with others."

After Wanye heard this, he lowered his head slightly and pondered, as if he felt that this made some sense.

This is indeed not living in someone else's house for nothing.

"Good." He agreed cheerfully.

Then the two left the hut, led by Wanye, and walked for a long time before finding a stream.

After all, after wandering for a long time, I have long been accustomed to the laws of the wild, and it is not difficult to find the stream.

It is best to catch fish when it rains just after it, Wanye slowly enters the water and stands still, and when the fish get used to it, he finds the right time and stabs him.

Wanye Gang, who grabbed the fish, wanted to show off with Xiu Yuan, but found Xiu Yuan standing on the shore with his hands crossed on his chest, like some capitalist supervising the workers.

"What are you doing standing there?" Wanye asked.

"I'm allergic to fish."


After Wanye was stunned for a moment, he asked again: "Then why did you say that you came to catch fish?"

"Because you can catch fish."


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