This chapter is a poem written by the reader in [Book Circle].

A bowl of white rice porridge.

The first life: The flowers on the other side bloom light life and death, burning yang life and calling candle dragons.

The second life: The forest fluorescent rises for him, and a city of sachets brightens the night.

The third life: Happy life for loneliness, a wife and so on to return home.

Fourth Life: As a caged demon god, he sacrifices his life for his friends to save his life.



The first life: The flowers on the other side bloom in life and death, and the thought of the candle dragon breaks the yin and yang.

The second life: who knows who knows the rotten grass, half city flowers and half people remember.

The third life: The destiny of heaven is also a cause, and the cause is ruined and waiting for others to return.

The fourth life: The remnant body must be afraid of the demon god, crying blood and listening to the wind.


Three autumns at a glance.

The candle dragon dance comes to the other side of the flower, sachet red thread glowworm house.

The white-haired witch looked forward to the return of the monarch and wept in front of the Great Saint Tomb.

The mentor could not answer, and the rich family built a pavilion to find it.

To ask where this person was, the Ninth Traveler said goodbye with tears.


Nangong Du.

The first life:

the candle dragon dance between life and death, and the flowers on the other side bloom and live and die.

Happy and laughing to be buried, but the two of them have a heart.

2nd Life:

Dark and wet cave, amber hidden zombie.

Don't forget about the essentials and teach your hands to do the exercises.

Under the moon, they do not sleep together, and they are afraid of each other's cold and hot.

Half-level to find glass, exchange for Ru's favorite things.

Flowers make sachets, fluorescent homecoming.

The third life:

Lonely life, You Liyue, fairies and witches are all for me.

When meeting a good person, the mood is moved, and the life is returned to the fireworks.

Introduce beautiful people, go to Mond, and ask people to teach people about accidents.

The heart is expressed, but parted, and found the immortal to change his life.

The fourth life:

Compete with immortals to kill demons and evils, and call himself the sixth immortal of the hidden world.

The hippie smiley pits immortal food, but rebukes the world for not respecting immortals.

The demon broke the seal, and the two tacitly agreed to kill the demon god.

Unexpectedly, the demon god wanted to give up, and only asked his friends to laugh.

The city is famous for its name, and everyone knows that eating people likes apricot rot.


The Liyue traitor lives in Mond, takes an apprentice, and teaches the sword technique to give a bone whistle.

Is it an investment, what is the gain? Change Ru Xinming to the way back.

Canary, a descendant of the nobility, left the cage, and the real family of the master and apprentice on the surface.

The sword technique is integrated into the ritual dance, how small is the heart? Prefer revenge to revenge.

Liyue has a hard time returning alone, it is difficult to expect the apprentice to pursue it secretly, or not, the last lesson is remembered.

Laugh and ask the immortals if they believe me, there is no need to say that the heart is known, farewell, and use your karma to kill the demon god.

What about death, traitors are fake heroes.


A bowl of white rice porridge.

Seven Laws to Hu Xiuyuan, the 75th generation hall master of the Past Life Hall.

White rice porridge is repeatedly offered with a horizontal knife.

As a granddaughter, I am willing to take risks, and my heart will never change.

The fiery spear summoned the candle dragon and single-handedly blocked the fairy.

Soon after his body was broken, he gave up his face in order to ask God to bless him.

The other side of the flower did not leave a memory, only asked Hu Tao to smile.

Attached: Mixed Element Hexagonal Hat, Eye of the Fire God.


A bowl of white rice porridge.

Bu Operator Zhi Qiqi's brother Xiu Yuan.

White rice porridge is repeatedly given with a horizontal knife.

Help her warm up and help him feel at home. Love coconut milk for the first time because you drink it quickly.

Give out white sachets, and the forest is full of starlight. Thousands of decrees, all in your name.

P.S. I have seen a sea of lanterns, and I just want you to return.


A bowl of white rice porridge.

Seven Laws to Shenhe's husband Jun Xiuyuan.

White rice porridge is repeatedly given with a horizontal knife.

Taking her to taste the human world for the first time, Shen He gradually understood the complexity of people.

The deep feelings finally failed, and the tears were shed against the will.

Seek the gods and visit the immortals to ask for a while, and give her happiness and loneliness.

Exchange lives without complaint, step for love and leave home forever.

P.S. Husband, I will always wait for you to come home.


Remembering the years.

I: The flowers on the other side bloom on the other side, and the shadow in the plum blossom eyes is hard to look forward to.

II: Hong Kong smells the fragrance everywhere, and this is a gentle you.

III: Since I have forgotten the red dust and returned to the mountains and forests, why did you cross me into the world and leave this eternal red rope?

IV: The thousand-year-old figure is gradually scattered, but the gains and losses are restored.

V: The bone whistle gently twisted between his lips, and his throat seemed to be dead.


There is still a chapter in the evening, try to write it before ten o'clock in case everyone stays up late.

【Book circle】There are many more outsides in it, and the writing is very good, but there is no way to move it up, you can go shopping more if you have nothing to do, it's quite interesting.

Yesterday said so much is indeed my mentality is not good, because each of your comments I will seriously read, after the sixth life after writing too many people said that there is no knife and so on, although I know it is a joke, but after reading more, I will really fall into doubt.

One person jokes that you are a fool, and the joy will pass, but hundreds of people say that you are a fool, then you will wonder if you are a fool.

Quantity causes qualitative change.

I now try to keep reading reviews to a minimum and focus on the book.

Thank you very much for the comfort, thank you very much.

Finally, a small spoiler is released, and the book ending is divided into two types, HE and BE, corresponding to good endings and bad endings.

When the time comes, you can choose to eat it.

Thank you again for your comfort, thank you.

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