【Ding! Congratulations on successfully completing the third reincarnation. 】

【Please select the following three skills for inheritance: Annihilation, Great Heavenly Yan Emperor, and Demon Lin Cloak.

"The third life is over..." At

this moment, Xiu Yuan's state was obviously far from usual.

He felt like he was many years old at once.

The hearts of young people have also been completely smoothed.

He doesn't want any awesome skills or anything right now, he just wants to get through his life.

That's all.

"I don't want inheritance anymore, and I don't want reincarnation anymore." Xiu Yuan said tiredly.

[If you end the reincarnation early, unpredictable things will happen, so please choose carefully.] "

What will happen."

[A new personality will enter this body and complete the nine reincarnations in your place.]

"Then let him go."

[This body may act on the reincarnation world you have completed. Hearing

the system's words, Xiu Yuan was immediately stunned, and his entire face darkened.

"What do you mean? Will he go to those parallel worlds that I have been to before? Xiu Yuan asked in a deep voice.

[Yes. Bang!

Xiu Yuan slammed his punch on the ground, furious.

If it could work on the worlds he had visited, it would be troublesome.

Qiqi, Hu Tao, Shen He....

It could be taken away by a guy in his skin.


Not possible.

It's inevitable!

Xiu Yuan knew how important he was to them, and once he appeared in front of them again, he would definitely trust him one hundred percent.

But the system's words revealed another news.

After completing the ninth reincarnation, you may be able to go back to your previous world!

"And the sixth..."

Xiu Yuan gritted his teeth and checked the three skills.

Extinguishing: Release a ball of energy, after reaching the designated position, expand by 500%-3000%, the shrouded area will be instantly ignited, and burn out the air in the area within five seconds, forming a vacuum.

Da Tian Yan Emperor: At the cost of consuming life, release 50-10 million degrees of high temperature (life consumption depends on: release range, temperature, duration, etc...) Magic

Rin: A coat made from the scales of the Flame Dragon, which is immune to fire attribute damage after wearing, and doubles the host's fire attribute attack.

The same three are very powerful things.

Extinguishing directly creates a vacuum, the temperature of the Great Heavenly Yandi is also extremely outrageous, you know, the surface temperature of the sun is only about 5500 degrees, and the core temperature of the sun can reach 15 million to 20 million degrees.

And the release of that thing is almost the same as the surface temperature of the sun, no wonder it takes life to put it.

After thinking about it, Xiu Yuan chose the third one.

Attack, he can shoot, there is also black flame.

Move, he has a flash of flames.

There is now a lack of defense.

Although the other two skills look very powerful, the iron still needs to be its own.

He had also been poked three times in the second life to save Xiangling.

If there were a magic cloak, maybe this would not have happened.

[You have chosen: the Magic Lin Outer Clothing, which is about to open the next reincarnation for you. ] 【

Open successfully! 】 【

Mission: Make the fish laugh from the heart again.】 [

Teleporting for you...]

As the light swallowed Xiu Yuan inside, he also returned to the familiar outskirts of Liyue.

"This task is more difficult than before..." Xiu

Yuan's brows furrowed into a "chuan" shape, and he held his chin in his hand and carefully thought about the fish.

The reason why it is more difficult is naturally not because the fish is male.

It's a fish....

I haven't laughed in thousands of years....

His favorite almond tofu is only a barely mouthful food among mortals.

As you can imagine....

How difficult it really is.

Three thousand years ago, a war broke out in Tivat that swept across the continent.

The purpose of this war was created by various demon gods at that time to compete for the position of the seven gods.

Shortly after the outbreak of this war, a teenager named "Jinpeng" appeared.

This boy is the fish who has not become an immortal.

A demon god seized his weakness, controlled it, and took it under his command, and was even the number one general of that demon god.

At this time, the young man of Jinpeng was still in the ignorant period of youth and ignorance.

He will not resist and will not have the ability to resist.

Because of the command of the demon god, there are countless demons and gods who have died under him.

He has stained his hands with countless blood, caused countless killings, and shattered countless ideals.

As the number one general under the Demon God, he also has the ability to devour "dreams".

The demon god will also force him to devour the opponent's dream after defeating it, even if the taste of the dream makes him unable to extricate himself.

But this practice of taking away the last bit of spiritual food after cutting the enemy with his hand made him miserable.

But he couldn't help himself....

During the time that Jin Peng served the Demon God, he completely washed away his gentleness and innocence, and also changed from an ignorant teenager to a cold machine that can only kill.

He will do nothing but kill....

Over time, he also completely closed himself, no longer expressing his feelings, and no longer revealing his feelings.

Calm, ruthless, fierce, violent, cold, dead, ominous....

These are synonymous with him.

Finally, one day, Morax met the owner of Jinpeng on the battlefield.

On that day, a light shone into the abyss.

Jinpeng, who has been imprisoned in chains for a long time, and even his body and mind have fallen into darkness, at the moment when his master fell.

Finally saw a light shining into his world.

Morax also gave the reborn Kinspeng Yasha a new name.

That is the current

"fish" to change the name and surname also means a new life, in the foreign story, "fish" represents the suffering and tempered ghost.

It fits the experience of this teenager.

In order to repay the kindness of the Rock King Emperor, Wei signed a contract to protect Liyue for a thousand years.

Compared to the small-scale war of the three demon gods in Mond, Liyue's demon god war can be described as miserable.

Morax had the last laugh with his unrivaled divine power and the assistance of many immortals.

The fallen demon gods are sealed under hard rock.

Even if they die, their resentment can still condense into demons.

Destroy everything on land, stir up waves at sea.

Although there are many immortals around the Rock King Emperor, not every immortal is suitable for fighting.

The task of clearing out the demons was finally given to the "Protector Yasha", who was better at fighting and killing.

This is also why other immortals are called "what is the true monarch",

such as: Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang True Jun, Lishui Stacking Mountain True Jun, Liuyun Borrowing the Wind True Jun, Saving Suffering Duer True Jun, Moving Xiao Guide Heavenly True Jun...

Only the immortal name of the fish is called "Devil Descent Great Sage",

his duty, his task is to kill demons and remove demons.

And the original protector Yasha originally had five people, but he was contaminated with too much anger because of his long-term crusade against monsters.

By peacetime, five Yasha, three dead, and one missing.

Those who remained by the emperor's side were only Jinpeng Yasha and Wei.

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