"We're pretty much rested, right? It's time for us to get through this game.

"Mr. Nightzero, thank you for your teaching. "

Well, let's start beating the level. "

Start a situation analysis. "

There are four doors with stars, and there are suspected monsters behind the doors, and the number of stars is 1~4 respectively.

"There are three cards covered under 3 stars and five cards covered under 4 stars.

"Then let's start with the door of this 1 star and summon [Becky, the spearhead of the Dark Realm]. "

The spear-wielding [Becky of the Dark Realm] appeared in front of us, and a [Killer Snake] also appeared behind the door of 1 star.

The [Killer Snake] with an attack power of 300 couldn't even turn up in front of the [Dark Realm Soldier Becky] with an attack power of 1600, and was directly stabbed to death by a shot from the [Dark Realm Soldier Becky].

As the [Killer Snake] was destroyed, the white light behind the door revealed the path to the next room.

After Kyoko and Shizuka both stood in the center of the room, I confirmed that the layout was the same as before.

I remember putting a lot of cards into the database, so it can't be that I can't play it, right? Well, it's

very likely.

Facing the door of 2 stars, I casually typed out a [Dark Realm Sorcerer Nuo], and behind the door of 2 stars was a [Fire Grass].

[Flame Grass]'s attack power is only 700 points, and it cannot defeat the 1700 attack power of [Dark Realm Sorcerer Snow], and it is exploded by the black magic ball casually swung out by [Dark Realm Sorcerer Snow].

Faced with the door of 3 stars, I didn't hit the monster at the beginning, but shot a magic card.

"Unleash the Rapid Attack Spell [Ascend to the Dark Realm] and merge [Dark Demon God Rennes], [Dark Realm Soldier Becky] and [Dark Realm Warlock Snow]!"

"O Follower of Darkness, merge with the Demon God and invite the destructive Chaos

!" "Fusion Summon

!" "Descend!Rank 12, [Chaos King Calles] of the Dark Realm!"

This card can only be activated when it is fused and summoned, and all the cards on the opponent's field are destroyed!"

The white lightning and the black tornado destroyed everything on the door of the 3 stars, and behind the door of the 3 stars was a [Hades of the Abyss], as a normal monster, it has no power to parry the destruction of the effect.

The door of the next 4 stars is also concocted in the same way.,Of course, such a powerful card is full of three.,Who wouldn't like to flip the table?Behind the door

of the 4-star is the [Assassin of the Second Kill], which is quite dependent on a monster in the heavy pit, but has no effect resistance and can only die obediently.

After walking through the door, a flock of penguins stood on the beach and beckoned us over.

Penguins, I admit that penguins are cute, but if it's an old creature inside, I think it's better to destroy them humanely.

Sitting on a raft with penguin flags, I kept washing the decks in my hands.

This time, the five big guys recognized the apricots and told the card guy that they couldn't play cards or anything, which was worse than death.

The raft travels through mountains and flowing water until it reaches a place full of penguins.

"Penguin Kingdom?"

"There are a lot of Mr. Penguin!" The penguin

in front of me made way of a way, and looking at the long winding road, I silently despised this third-rate old pervert as I went.

After opening the door, a chilling laughter came into my ears, and the slightly demonic laughter made people feel that their ears were polluted.

I can't understand the old critic who is not in the middle of both knowledge and soul, after all, I am not stupid enough to understand the fact that the essence of love is actually the idea of two people who agree with each other to spend the rest of their lives together.

What kind of common sense is simply disgraced to the face of the human race, if it weren't for this guy recognizing Apricot, I guarantee this guy wouldn't have survived a round at all.

"Welcome, Kyoko Masaki 16 years old. "

Who's it, get me out quickly!"

Apricot who was suddenly called was not ambiguous, standing in front of me and questioning.

As for me being ignored? The original drama can't even beat a novice, let alone a familiar hand, so if you ignore it, you can ignore it.

"Don't be in such a hurry, the audition has already begun. "


?" "You really want to act, don't you?"

"We at Haima Group have also provided a lot of sponsorship to Broadway musicals, and it is not difficult to choose you as the heroine. "

Penguin is right, but I, who know Apricot well, don't do such stupid things, everyone has their own insistence.

Others think that help is called help, and hot-blooded fools with a sense of justice are just self-satisfied self-amusement.

"Let me be the heroine of Broadway?"

"That's a good proposal, isn't it? The

penguins in front of him spread out, and [Nightmare Penguin] sat on the table with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Big Five?!"

"That's right, I'm Shuzo Otaki, the executive director and head of personnel of the Haima Group, 55 years old.

[Nightmare Penguin] sat down on the chair behind him with a backflip, took the information handed by the penguin on the side, and started the so-called audition meeting on his own.

"Kyoko Masaki is 16 years old, and since she was a child, she has been wandering around the world because of her father's work, and she was deeply moved after watching the musical "Black Magic Girl Sage's Jewel" in New York. "

Why do you know these things?"

"Hehehehe, you look down on the intelligence network of big enterprises so much, we are very nerve-wracking. "

I have good grades and are good at all kinds of sports, but I refuse all the invitations to join the club, and I quietly work at a hamburger restaurant in order to save money for studying abroad and dancing.

"It's very commendable, but is there a way to make a dream come true with your level of effort?"

"How can you know this kind of thing without trying?" "

You can know it without trying, because the resume here is already very clear." "

You're one of those stupid young men who rudely and carelessly takes your place and doesn't leave, doesn't reflect on your brazen behavior in the slightest, and only says things about yourself. "

You people don't have a

future, what awaits you in front of you is only a miserable future!" "What a boring and pathetic speech like an adult, no one has the right to assert the future of others, what kind of wise man is a dead and loser wandering in the computer world?"

"Night Zero ......"

"You...... You ......

" "Let's stop talking nonsense, you won't understand as an adult, right?" "

Hmph! Kyoko Masaki is 16 years old, fight me in a duel! This is the only way for you to get out of here."

"Okay, I'm going to beat you all over the ground!" "

Kyoko's deck was quickly assembled, and the deck leader was of course [Black Magic Girl] (laughs).

"There are two beautiful girls, and the pleasure of bullying will be doubled. "

Because [Nightmare Penguin]'s speech was so disgusting, Shizuka grabbed my hand in fear.

"Mr. Night Zero......

" "It's okay." I patted Shizuka's hand, "Kyoko will win." "

With the Wizard Clan's deck and the [Black Magic Girl] filtering deck dominance ability, I really don't know what the [Nightmare Penguin] on the other side is going to win.

"My deck leader is, as you can see, a Nightmare Penguin. "


"My turn!draw card!" "

I summon [Berry Magic Girl], this card can only be activated when the summoning is successful, and add 1 "Magic Girl" monster from the deck to the hand card. "

I'm going to add [Kiwi Magic Girl] to my hand. "

Cover three cards. "

End of round. "

My turn!

"I'll summon the Seascale Serpent." "

The attack power of the [Sea Scale Snake] summoned by [Nightmare Penguin] has increased from 1800 to 2000, and after explanation, I know that it is the deck dominance ability of [Nightmare Penguin], and the attack power of the water attribute monster on his field has increased by 200 points.

"Activate the usual magic [Great Cold Wave] until the next time you draw your own card, and both sides cannot use, activate, and cover the effects of magic and trap cards. "

How is this happening?!Miss Apricot!

""Combat phase. "

[Sea Scale Snake] attacks [Berry Magic Maiden]. "

The effect of [Berry Magic Girl] can only be activated once per turn, and this card can only be activated when it becomes the target of the opponent's effect or attack. "

The representation of this card has been changed, and one "Magic Girl" monster other than [Berry Magic Girl] has been specially summoned from the deck. "

Come on![Lemon Magic Girl]!""The battle is recoiled,[Sea Scale Snake] attacks [Lemon Magic Girl]!""

The effect of [Lemon Magic Girl]

,1 time in 1 round,This card can only be activated when it becomes the target of the attack.,From the hand card, 1 magician monster is specially summoned.,After that, the attack target is transferred to that monster.,The attack power of the attack monster becomes half.。 "


Kyoko pulled out a hand card and slapped it on the dueling plate, and a new one appeared on the field.

"Come on![Apple Magic Girl]!"[Apple Magic Girl] waved the staff in her hand, and the attack power of [Sea Scale Snake] was reduced to 1000, but this is not over!"

"The effect of [Apple Magic Girl]

is 1 time in 1 round, and this card can only be activated when it becomes the target of attack, and a special summon of a magician monster below level 5 from the hand card, and then the attack object is transferred to that monster, and the attack power of the attack monster becomes half. "


"The effect of the [Kiwi Magic Girl] of the hand card, this card can only be activated when discarded from the hand card, and the attack power and defense power of the "Magic Girl" monsters on your own field will rise until the end of the round, and the type of "Magic Girl" monsters on both sides of the field and graveyard will × 300. "

The effect of [Kiwi Magic Girl], there are three kinds of "Magic Girl" monsters on my field, and there is one "Magic Girl" monster in my graveyard, and the attack power of the "Magic Girl" monster on my field has increased by 1200!" "Come on! [Chocolate Magic Girl

]!" "The attack power of [

Sea Scale Snake] has dropped by half again, to 250.

"The effect of [Chocolate Magic Girl] is 1 time in 1 turn, and when this card becomes the target of attack, it can only be activated by targeting 1 mage monster in your own graveyard other than [Chocolate Magic Girl]. The monster has a special summon. After that, the target of the attack shifts to the monster, and the attack power of the attacking monster is half. "

Let's resurrect!

] [Kiwi Magic Girl]!" [Sea Scale Snake]'s attack power is reduced by half again, to 125, and it is easily counter-killed by [Kiwi Magic Girl] and inflicts 1675 combat damage on [Nightmare Penguin].

Because of the effect of the [Great Cold Wave] launched by [Nightmare Penguin], [Nightmare Penguin] can't cover cards this turn, and Apricot's turn is blown up by the "Magic Girl" monster on the apricot field.

"Okay, that's the second Big Five, and the others should have already started. "

Well, let's go look for my brother.

"Then it's up to Naia to let us go, right?"

I looked up at the sky and smiled, I knew Naya could see it, after all, nothing in this world was real, including Noah herself.

"I'm not even going to give this reward, but the strength of the five big guys is really not good, and they have already lost twice, so it's really useless waste. "

My subordinates really feel ashamed, and what Lord Naiya said is very true.

"Don't make me mistake, I'm not angry, I'm just taken aback.

Naia pressed the button on the chair, and a door appeared in front of us, and I beckoned Kyoko and Shizuka to walk in behind the door.

"I'm so embarrassed.

"The five bigwigs who supported the Haima Group behind the scenes in the past, I originally wanted to use you as my pawns.

"It seems that I have lost my eyes, I don't need you anymore, you should simply give up the idea of getting the real body." Naiya

said that he was going to press the button to format the program of the five big guys, but Naiya is not a devil, and the subordinate's quibbles (crossed out) explanations will still be good to listen to.

"Wait a minute, Lord Naia.

"Actually, those two people just now are the most useless waste of the five bigwigs. "

Friends of the Dead Dao don't die in the Poor Dao, do you? Do you believe it or not? Because you are still wearing a pair of glasses, Naiya sighed Okay!"

"I am different from them, please give me another chance, I will definitely live up to the expectations of Lord Naiya, and show you the results."

"You're so confident!"

"So could you please give me my real flesh when I bring down those people?"

"I see, I'll give you another chance.

"Leave it to me. "

You really won't live up to Naia's expectations, because black can also be said to be white, a third-rate lawyer who will only win a lawsuit.

In the original play, your deck leader [Inquisitor] has the ability to pay 1000 health to remove all the monsters on the opponent's field and cause that amount of X500 effect damage, and even control the dice and coins in the city to make it the most unfavorable effect, if it weren't for Naia's intervention, it would really give you a fool to win.

Why do you say this guy is stupid? Jumping repeatedly on the minefield of Naia, and not lifting you up, it was only because the castle asked for the duel to continue.

As the second authority of the virtual world, Naiya only needs to move his fingers to delete such an unimportant program as the Big Five.

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