In the global military industry workshop, Qin Xu led a team overnight to assemble the production line of the Q90z foreign trade version.

The day after he returned from the war zone, Nanxin Steel had been acquired by Quanyu Steel and renamed Quanyu Steel.

From that day on, Quanyu Steel was directly separated from the government, stopped all external orders, and fully supplied materials from Quanyu Military Industry.

So far, in more than a week, Qin Xu’s customized production lines have been put in place one after another, and now they just need to be assembled.

Several workshops were brightly lit, and Qin Xu kept shuttling back and forth in the workshops as sets of equipment were assembled.

Tang Haoyuan, Gu Chun and others are training engineers and technicians, and they can start manufacturing and assembling after the production line is in place.

Of course, in addition to the foreign trade version, Qin Xu is also designing and improving the production line for his own version.

Compared with the foreign trade version, the self-use version has higher requirements and more comprehensive technology.

At 10 o’clock in the evening, while Qin Xu was working overtime and busy, Chang Dawei made a phone call in his dormitory

“Hello! Chief, I am Chang Dawei.”

When the call was connected, Chang Dawei immediately called the chief with great respect.

An old man’s voice came from the other end of the phone:”Xiao Chang, what’s the matter? Did that kid Qin Xu have a conflict with you? Chang Dawei:”

No, chief.” I’m here to report some information to you about Mr. Qin and the Lai people.……”

He briefly explained what happened during the day.

After he finished speaking, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then an angry voice rang.

“Chang Dawei, are you an idiot?”

“I asked you to go there to protect Xiao Qin. Did you report to me to affect our internal unity?”

“I have told you before that Xiao Qin has complete autonomy. He is a private military factory, do you understand?”

“Before you went over, did I tell you how much he contributed to our Rabbit family? Do you have?”

“Little bastard, come and complain to me now, give me 5 million red coins to complain to me, is your brain squeezed by the door?”

“It’s only 5 million. In other people’s eyes, it’s just investment. Do you know about investment?”

“You idiot, can you give me some advice? Is he wrong? Free is the most expensive. He will be sold for 10 million meters in the future.……”

At this point, Zheng Lin suddenly paused.

10 million dollars?

According to the current exchange rate, 1 meter of knife is about 4.8 yuan in red coins.

Good guy, that guy made a profit of more than ten times as soon as he made a move. How much foreign exchange will he bring back?

Although most of the Rabbit’s industrial equipment no longer needs to be imported, many other raw materials, necessities and other things are scarce.

Rice knives are hard currency and can be used to buy many good things.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zheng said in a low tone:”Chang Dawei, please remember this. As long as it does not violate the principles and does not leak secrets, you can let him do it without reporting it to anyone. Also, you must To ensure his safety, if something happens, I will kil

l you”


Chang Dawei could only say loudly:”Chief, I understand.””

“Just understand.”

Zheng Lin said angrily and then hung up the phone.

Chang Dawei put down the phone and was secretly shocked. It seems that Mr. Qin has a very high status in the hearts of the leaders and they must pay attention to it in the future.

For 5 days Qin Xu has been busy all day long.

Six Q90z production lines have been assembled, and nearly 1,000 workers, technicians, and engineers have also passed the training and are able to work.

These six production lines can produce an average of 36 vehicles a month. On average, each production line can produce one tank every five days.

The speed is so fast that it can put other military industrial companies of the Rabbit family to shame. In the Global Military Industrial Laboratory, Qin Xu almost lives here these days.

Anyway, he is now He was alone, no matter where he slept.

After waking up from the lounge inside, he looked at the sky and saw that it was another beautiful day.

After stretching and washing, he went to the cafeteria of the Quanyu Military Industry Have breakfast.

Although the Global Military Industry is hidden inside the Global Machinery, both the dormitory and the canteen are separate. Wang Hai is responsible for these things and arranges them well. After breakfast, he returned to his laboratory

With a thought in my heart, I pulled out the system panel.

When I saw the system’s experience value, I couldn’t help but be stunned.

The experience value was 74,388 points. Good guy, I haven’t looked at it for half a month, and it has soared to more than 70,000.

It seems that the busier he is, the faster the experience points will increase!

However, no matter how fast they increase, it is not enough.

He still has a surplus now, but he can think of the thousands of experience points consumed when analyzing and upgrading to straight 8 at that time. He understood that the more high-end things he analyzed, the greater the cost of experience points. This was true for a Z-8, but what about analyzing fighter jets, and analyzing aircraft carriers? If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely want to acquire all of these things. Build it, and then directly push the Rabbit family to the position of a great power, or even the overlord.……

Qin Xu was busy here, while on the other side, the battlefield in Lai was filled with flames of war. boom! boom! boom!…

Click, click, click…

Explosions, the sound of gunfire, and the sounds of crying and screaming resounded in a low-rise city.

Gun smoke fills the air, and the smell of blood rises to the sky.

Among Rai’s troops, a middle-aged man wearing General Rai’s uniform with a stubble on his face was holding a telescope and looking at the scene in the distance in shock.

I saw one tank constantly shuttling through the encirclement of more than a dozen tanks. It was very fast, and with the operation of their soldiers, it quickly killed three Eagle Sauce tanks, and then exited the battlefield from the right rear.

“hiss! Cam, what kind of tank is that? Who is driving it? I want to see its commander. You should ask the commander to come and report immediately!”……

PS: Chapter 6 is here, please give me flowers and review votes! Woohoo, beg!

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