In less than half an hour, everything was packed up and everyone left the laboratory.

After Qin Xu confirmed that there were no safety risks, he returned to the car. After he saw Gu Chun making an OK gesture with him through the periscope, he immediately stepped on the accelerator. boom!

The behemoth immediately rushed forward, directly penetrated the wall made of green bricks, and crushed it past.

Then he rushed directly through the wall and roared towards the front.

Boom! Boom!

The collapse of the wall shocked everyone in the entire Quanyu Machinery Factory.

It is now 10 o’clock in the morning. After more than a month of reconstruction, the factory has begun to take shape. Three workshops are already producing equipment and there are many workers.

After suddenly hearing a loud noise and feeling violent vibrations on the ground, the workers quickly ran out of the workshop.

As for the migrant workers who were building houses, they all put down their work and looked over.

With just one glance, they saw a scene they would never forget.

A tank ran rampantly, creating a huge gap in two walls of the laboratory, and then sped quickly on the cement road in the factory area.

Three senior executives, Fang Hong, Wang Hai, and Yang Danian, also heard the news and rushed out of the temporary office.

When they saw the Q90 tank speeding along the main road, their eyes showed surprise and disbelief.

“Well done! Well done!”

“This tank is more domineering than any tank we have seen before!”

“From today on, we are a real heavy industry, a heavy industry enterprise that produces tanks.”

The three of them never thought about whether the brand could be issued.

In the cab of the tank, Qin Xu rushed out, stepped on the accelerator as much as he wanted, and ran wildly for more than a minute on the main road nearly 800 meters in the factory.

Driving forward and backward Speed, maneuverability, and shell rotation, etc., all aspects have been tested.


After completing all the tests, he couldn’t help but exclaimed.

He stopped the tank, jumped out of it, and shouted to Yang Danian at the door of the office not far away:”Director Yang, let’s go, let’s take you there. a place. By the way, bring your big brother.”

When Yang Danian heard this, he returned to the office and picked up the phone without saying a word, and then came to the tank with excitement on his face.

Fang Hong and Wang Hai were also a little eager to try, but they still had to manage the factory and couldn’t leave.

Yang Danian After entering the cab, Qin Xu asked him to sit next to him, and then directly stepped on the accelerator. The Q90 quickly rushed out of the factory and onto the road outside.

At this moment, there were many people on the road outside. People.

Most of these people were workers from nearby factories. They were startled when they saw such a huge thing at first, and then they all got out of the way.

Qin Xu opened the driver’s door, stuck his head out from above, and immediately drove forward.

“Director Yang, call Brigadier Jiang and keep calling until you get through.”

While driving the tank, he said to Yang Danian next to him.

Upon hearing this, the latter took out his mobile phone without saying a word and dialed Jiang Zhenhai’s number.


he first call was not dialed, so he continued to dial, but Still no one answered.

Qin Xurang kept calling, but he didn’t stop and dialed for the third time.……

At this moment, at the tank brigade station, Jiang Zhenhai was roaring anxiously at the officers under him.

“What do you do for food? Maintenance class, why didn’t you discover such a serious problem of spindle twisting and fracture?”

“And you, you are all owners of old cars for several years. When a fault occurs, you should have discovered it immediately. Now you are lying in bed and only say that there is a problem. Are your heads squeezed by the door?”

“You bastards, are you trying to kill me?”

Jiang Zhenhai is really angry.

Thirteen Type 88 tanks are lying around, and they have not found any problems yet.

Although this tank was put here for testing, but…except for such a big accident, he must be responsible Yes.

The deputy commander of the Southern Military Headquarters called him just now and scolded him so much that he was so stunned that he didn’t dare to say a word.

Now, he was so angry that he vented his anger directly on his hands. These soldiers.

But they were not unjust. As the actual operators, it was their fault that they did not find the problem.

A group of officers and non-commissioned officers were so scolded by him that they did not dare to say a word. Finally, after Jiang Zhenhai’s anger subsided a little, they finally Someone had the courage to speak.

This was a captain, and he said:”Chief, we will check in detail every time we leave the car, and we will also check it after we collect it, but……”

“This is no reason! Jiang

Zhenhai said coldly.

Then he looked at a first-class sergeant major, and his expression softened slightly.

This man is a real veteran, with almost 40 years of service.

He has been on the battlefield and fought in more than ten battles. In battle, when he was still a new recruit, he charged into battle with the old squad leader.

If it weren’t for the old squad leader, he might not even be able to get off the battlefield.

Two second-class merits and five third-class merits. This man is definitely a person with great achievements.

“Senior monitor, do you have any solution? He asked.

The latter shook his head and said,”Brigadier, this should be a technical problem.” Our maintenance department can’t come up with a solution, so it must be returned to the factory.”

When Jiang Zhenhai heard the word”return to the factory”, he felt that one was bigger than the other.

Their training tasks were heavy, and they had to train from time to time. There were a total of 84 tanks in one brigade. If so many tanks were taken away at once, the superiors would definitely be furious.

Maybe the deputy commander would actually masturbate himself this time.

Beep beep beep…

At this moment, a military jeep rushed quickly behind Jiang Zhenhai, raising a cloud of dust.

Then a lieutenant hurriedly rushed out of the car Came down, stood at attention and saluted in front of Jiang Zhenhai, and reported:”Brigadier Commander, an unidentified tank was found on the mountain road outside the station.”……

PS: 7th update! Q90 is coming and crushing them all! I’m asking for all kinds of data, and those of you who enjoy reading it can give me some. Thanks!

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