Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 572: innocence

  701: The Finale

  300 meters, in front of world famous horses, that is only 18 or 19 seconds. In front of the world's top horses such as Fenglihuo, Holy Light and Flame Thorns, Hoofs Treading Blood, Qingyan and Golden Arrows, and Tianyi Ma, it is even less, and it is estimated that it can be 2 to 3 seconds earlier.

  What can you do in less than 20 seconds?

   Here, it can decide the work and future of countless people, and even decide the life and death of some people.

   "Not good! Qing Yan has been given a place to live!"

   "Damn it! The wind and fire jockey is too sinister, actually forcing Qingyan out to make it run more distance!"

   Wang Hao and Jiang Jun saw the scene and began to grit their teeth.

   Xu Jie also began to scold: "Damn it! It was definitely premeditated, and it didn't give us a good position!"

   In a horse race with a long running distance, preempting the corner is a technical task. If you grab the corner well, you can let yourself run a little less, rush out of the corner in a more favorable position, and then burst into the sprint at a faster and better speed, which is a fraction of a second faster.

   And here, let alone a few tenths of a second, even a few tenths of a second is fatal.

   "Final sprint!"

  Cheng Feihu looked at Feng Lihuo and Qingyan in despair.

   It has to be said that both of these horses are among the finest racehorses available today. Especially today, they have all run out of the world's top speed and can challenge the world's number one. Even if they fail this time, they will gain widespread attention and a steady stream of wealth.

   However, Cheng Feihu was not happy. Because after losing this time, not only will his assets shrink seriously, but they will also be almost bankrupt when traveling around, and the enemy will be able to face them with a more arrogant attitude. At that time, money can't make up for it.

   "I'm going to lose!"

   In the last 100 meters, Feng Lihuo was still stubbornly eating and living a distance of half a horse's head. No matter how hard Qing Yan tried, he couldn't surpass it.

   Seeing this, Cheng Feihu became more discouraged.


   "My God! Qing Yan still has room at this time!"

   Wang Hao and Jiang Jun shouted suddenly, bringing back Cheng Feihu's despairing heart.

   But the next moment, Xu Jie saw a scene of despair: the fire in the wind seemed to be stimulated, but it broke out again under impossible circumstances, pressing down the body that Qing Yan was about to surpass.

   "It's over!"

   "It's really over!"

   Cheng Feihu and Xu Jie's faces were ashen. The most terrible thing in this world is to give you a glimmer of hope in despair, and then disappear in front of you.

   But at this moment, Zhou You suddenly stood up.

   His attention was not Qingyan, but staring at Fenglihuo, as if Fenglihuo was his old enemy. That chill, that murderous aura, even Cheng Feihu and the others around him were so startled they wanted to flee, and Dazhi and Forrest Gump, who were the closest to traveling around, even showed fear on their faces.

   Such a trip is not a trip at all.


  Tianci suddenly let out a loud cry and rushed down.

   But in an instant, Tianci drew an impeccable arc in the air and left leisurely. Almost at the same time, Qing Yan, who had almost reached a desperate situation, miraculously caught up with Feng Li Huo, and the two horses kept pace.

   "Cross the line!"

   "Cross the line at the same time!"

   "The naked eye can't tell the difference, we have to turn to the electronic eye!"

   There was a fierce roar from the radio, and the entire racecourse was in an uproar.

   In the surging crowd, Zhouyou's body seemed to have suddenly lost its support, paralyzed, his eyes were dull, but the smile at the corner of his mouth was indescribable.

   "I'm so tired! But I can finally rest!"

  Just like that, Zhou You closed his eyes, closed them tightly like a long sleep, and sat on the seat with a strange serenity, gradually disappearing into the surging crowd.



   years later.

   With a strong cultural atmosphere, Mingyuan City is like a garden.

  In the Dujia Racecourse, a petite figure flew into the arms of a man who looked very young and had a great temperament, and Xiaozui kept shouting "Dad" and so on.

"my darling!"

The    man picked up the child, kissed his little cheek happily, and asked, "My little baby, why did you suddenly run over? Don't you hate walking with dad?"

   The child replied, "But Xiao Song likes to ride Da Heili very much! Mom said, when I grow up, I will ride Da Hei and become the best jockey in the world, just like my father!"

   "Travel around!"

  Wang Hao, Jiang Jun, Xu Jie, Cheng Feihu and others came together with a huge lineup.

   Yes, the one who holds the child is the one who travels.

  Zouyou greeted everyone with a smile.

  Wang Hao looked at the still spirited wandering around, and sighed sincerely: "It's still you kid, you are still so young. Look at us, we don't know how old we are in the past few years, and someone called me uncle the day before yesterday!"

   Zhou You smiled and said, "I reminded you a few years ago, don't worry so much, just leave some things to the people below to do."

Jiang Jun scolded: "Don't stand and speak sarcastic words. You, the shopkeeper of the Dragon Sparrow Building, have done a thorough job. Tell yourself, how many times have you been to this year? If we are all like you, The Dragon Sparrow Building can't have the scale it is today."

Xu Jie said with a smile: "But the problem is the attitude of traveling around, don't use people who are suspicious, and don't use people who are suspicious, so his museum can attract nearly 14% of tourists from the whole city, and his Qianjun Group can only be a company with a market value of 50 billion. A super multinational group. Even the Dragon Sparrow Building, which even the three of you have a share in, has been able to develop to the top of the country because of the complete decentralization."

   "That's right!"

  Wang Hao and Jiang Jun were choked and speechless.

   "Okay, let's stop talking about these topics, let's go straight to the topic."

Huang Jianming, Fatty Ma, Jiang Hailiu, President Hu, Li Yidao, Zheng Minglang, Lin Huihuang, Mr. Zhang Lao, Boss Jin and others were all about to come out, and Huang Jianming asked, "Xiaoyou, the jadeite market has finally stabilized. Come down. Now with the increasingly tense jade resources, Laochangkou resources are becoming more and more depleted, the market seems to be returning to the previous upward trajectory, what are your plans?"

Fatty Ma also replied: "You retired in the stone gambling world for several years, and no one knows you anymore. Even the Jade King and Jade Saint's accounts are not sold very much, the atmosphere is very chaotic, you should stand up and maintain it. ."

Zhou You thought about it for a while and replied with a smile: "If that's the case, then I really have to sort out the boundaries a little bit. Back then, when Ma Lao and Fang Lao gave me the barriers, they didn't let me sit and watch the show. That's it. , I will participate in the Pingzhou public auction and Myanmar public auction in this world.”

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   In recent years, the jadeite market has not been very good. Everyone is not profitable or even at a loss to support it, or they have shifted the sales route and temporarily put jadeite aside. But now that the lively market is back, it's time to start a full-scale launch and harvest like before.

  Cheng Feihu saw that there was a gap, so he quickly interjected and asked: "Don't talk about that, Xiaoyou, you promised us a few years ago that you would give us an answer, can you reveal the answer now?"

   Everyone nodded.

Xu Jie sighed and said: "We were all discouraged at the time, but as soon as Godsend appeared, the scene was reversed, and Qingyan defeated Fenglihuo with a slight advantage of half a thumb at the last moment, causing a big upset. ."

Jiang Hailiu continued: "After that time, you directly harvested funds worth 40 billion RMB in that battle, which made your total assets surpass the 100 billion mark in an instant, and became a veritable leader of a small consortium with a resounding international name. And you His opponents disappeared, especially that Jimmy's father, the so-called head of Machi Bank's Asia region, was fired directly, and now he is a plague in the industry, no one wants to hire him, and the situation is desperate."

   Zhou You did not respond, and instead asked: "Where is the Songling Consortium? Where is Songling Koji?"

Jiang Hailiu replied: "Because the Songling Consortium has offended many people, its industry in the United States has suffered setbacks. The development in recent years has not been very good, and there are signs of prestige. As for Songling Koji, he seems to have been sent to a certain company by the Songling family. A small company, to spend the rest of your life in peace."

  Zhouyou smiled and said nothing.

  Cheng Feihu asked, "Xiaoyou, let's reveal the mystery!"


   Everyone agreed.

  The tour has been organized for a long time, without speaking, but a move to the sky.


   Godsend has come.

   The godsend at this time is a well-deserved sky overlord. The terrifying body with a wingspan of more than 3 meters, the sharp eyes that are so sharp as a knife, and the sharp eagle mouth that can pierce a 1 cm thick iron sheet with a hook, whoever sees it will feel chills. Only by traveling around can we be with it and come so close to it.

   Xu Jie asked, "Is it a gift from God?"

   traveled back and said, "Yes and no!"

  Cheng Feihu asked: "Tell me more carefully, I was confused by what you said."

Zhouyou replied: "Animals, even genetic animals, are born with the keen sense of beasts, and their perception of danger is supernatural beyond our thinking. And the more spiritual, the more sensitive the animal, the more sensitive it is to this. sensitive."

   Everyone is still a little confused, and Xu Jie is just a little bit clueless.

Zhouyou can only go on to say: "The thoroughbred horse is a very sensitive horse that is easily affected by the external environment. Not to mention being targeted by natural enemies, even if a small mouse runs in front of them, even if the eyes are covered. They can also be keenly caught by their ears."

"I understand."

  Xu Jie clapped his hands and laughed, the knot that had troubled him for years was finally resolved.

   But Cheng Feihu and the others are still at the juncture of understanding but not understanding, but Zhou You and Xu Jie seem to have no intention of explaining further, Cheng Feihu and the others can only rely on their own to understand and guess.


   Another little girl flew over.

   Immediately after, two more suffocatingly beautiful women came over with a child each. They see Zhouyou, especially a large group of people around Zhouyou, with bright, sweet smiles at the same time.

   The little girl who just ran over pulled Zhou You's trousers, pointed at the double dragon play pearl jade pendant on Zhou Song's chest, and asked, "Dad, my brother has such a beautiful jade pendant, why doesn't Linlin have one?"

   "Yes, there will be!"

   Zhou You picked up Zhou Lin and replied with a smile: "Even if it doesn't, Dad will give birth to it and give it to my beautiful little Linlin!"

   "Dad is the best!"

   Zhou Lin kissed Zhouyou obediently.

"Ha ha……"

  Zhouyou walked away happily, and said as he walked, "Little Linlin, Dad will go home now and look through the house to see if there are any suitable jadeites to carve!"

"This guy……"

   Everyone watched Zhou Xie go away with a very happy expression.


  Thank you all for accompanying me through these 9 months.

  I believe that friends who have read the testimonials know that I came to 17k by accident, but after 9 months of writing, it has become a root by chance. I have met many enthusiastic book friends and encountered many difficulties.

   As you may not know, I encountered a drunken lunatic a few months ago and was almost hacked to death, leaving a hideous scar on my hand. Although that time was dismissed by some relevant departments that "need money", it has always been my heart disease, which has caused my writing status and speed to be bad since then.

   But now that everything is over, people have to look forward. I hope everyone can continue to support me in the next book and let me go further

   temporarily established a contact q group: 210161259, I hope everyone can come in and chat.

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