Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 494: strike decisively

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiaonian swept his eyes at the several vice mayors sitting in front of him, and said without a smile: "Okay, now everyone can talk about it. You are all old people in Luhe City. The situation of the window factory must be known more than I do. Just now everyone heard the question raised by the employee representative of the steel window factory. What are your thoughts?”

   What else are we talking about? You have arranged this, and you will immediately go to the steel window factory to check the accounts. What else is there to say? So, after listening to Yang Xiaonian's words, everyone seemed to have entered a state of meditation at the same time, looking at the nose, nose and heart, all of them looked like monks who had attained the Tao.

Seeing them like this, Yang Xiaonian smiled in his heart, and then said: "Since everyone has no different opinions, so be it. Secretary-General Yang, please contact the steel window factory and let them know, I and I Mayor Xue will go to the factory to take a look... In addition, the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate will also contact and ask them to arrange for someone to go there together..."

  Yang Xiaonian went downstairs, surrounded by Xue Shiyi, Yang Maozhen, Cao Yuqiu, Yue Cheng, and others. As soon as he left the lobby, he ran into Yu Haihui, the director of the Public Security Bureau, and Luo Xiangyang, the political commissar, who came over. Seeing Yang Xiaonian and the others coming down, he hurriedly took two steps forward, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Mayor Yang, those workers are gone!"

"Director Yu, Political Commissar Luo, you came at the right time. Mayor Xue and I went to the steel window factory. I have to take you with me. If you get stuck in the factory, you have to come forward, hehe..." Yang Xiaonian laughed They were very friendly, and Yu Haihui and Luo Xiangyang were very excited, saying that it seems that Mayor Yang attaches great importance to public security work, and the future will be better.

  Xue Shiyi and Yang Maozhen looked at Yang Xiaonian's harmless appearance, but they couldn't help but smile bitterly in their hearts, thinking that if anyone thinks he is a good man, then he is definitely not far from bad luck. Look at it, the days of flying chickens and dogs in Luhe City have come.

Yang Xiaonian and others waited downstairs for seven or eight minutes. Some people from the Finance Bureau and the Audit Bureau who were notified by Cao Yuqiu and Yue Cheng's phone calls rushed over. They got off the bus without them, so Yang Xiaonian took them to the steel window factory. rush. At the same time, Chen Chen, deputy chief prosecutor of the procuratorate, and several prosecutors also went directly from the procuratorate to the steel window factory.

   On the way, Yu Haihui called the Linhe District Bureau. When the Linhe District Bureau heard that the newly arrived Mayor Yang was going to inspect the steel window factory, he put down the phone and immediately notified the people at the police station in the street where the steel window factory was located. When Yang Xiaonian's car drove into the street where the steel window factory was located, most of the people from the police station had already been dispatched, standing on the street to direct the vehicles and maintain order.

   The city leaders and the city bureau chief and political commissar came down together, and the bureau chief and political commissar naturally did not dare not go around. Therefore, when Yang Xiaonian's car drove to the gate of the steel window factory, a lot of people from the Linhe branch, the steel window factory, and the sub-district office where the steel window factory was located had already come.

  Steel Window Factory was originally a large collective enterprise under the municipality, and later implemented a joint-stock system, but whether it is called the Steel Window Factory or the Luhe City Steel Window Enterprise Company, their nature must be regarded as a public-owned enterprise. Since it is a public-owned enterprise, the factory director and secretary are also in the ranks. Factory director Liu Henglin and Shu. Ji Ma Shiliang are deputy director-level cadres, and several deputy factory directors are section-level. Although the power in their hands is not comparable to that of officials in government departments, Liu Henglin and Ma Shiliang often deal with the leaders inside.

   Therefore, when they heard that the newly-arrived Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Executive Deputy Mayor were going to inspect the factory, the two of them were not surprised. But after they saw Xue Shiyi getting out of the car with a young man, they began to feel that the atmosphere was a little wrong. Xue Shiyi's gloomy face almost dripped with water, and the director of the city bureau and the political commissar actually got out of the car together.

  Introduced by Yang Maozhen, Yang Xiaonian walked over and shook hands with the cadres of the Linhe District Public Security Bureau and the Sub-district Office, and then formed a huge lineup and walked into the steel window factory. When they were almost approaching the factory office building, Li Tianmin, the secretary of Linhe District, Ding Yurong, the district chief, and others rushed over, and Yang Xiaonian stood up again and shook hands with them.

Li Tianmin and Ding Yurong did not know what Yang Xiaonian was here for, but Mayor Yang came to Linhe District on his first day in office. Come over to meet the leader.

   is also at the deputy department level. Yang Xiaonian has to pour the tea himself in the province, but it is not enough to put it in the place. Your every move, everyone guesses what it means. No matter what they do, they are followed by a large number of people. This feeling is easy to make people float up.

   When a new official takes office, there are always three fires. If you don’t come and follow, who knows who Mayor Yang’s evil fire will burn?

  The production area and the living area of ​​the steel window factory are next to each other. The entire factory has more than 1,700 employees and 3,000 or 4,000 family members. It can be regarded as a medium-sized enterprise in Luhe City. Liu Henglin and Ma Shiliang didn't know that Duan Xiu took one or two hundred employees to besiege the city government just now. On the one hand, it shows Duan Xiu's method, and on the other hand, it also reflects the control ability of Liu Henglin and Ma Shiliang. In addition, with his brother-in-law Xue Shiyi following, Liu Henglin didn't think about the disadvantage at all, walking beside Yang Xiaonian and Xue Shiyi, and let him in the smiling Wang's office building.

Yang Xiaonian was very satisfied with this effect. In the meeting room of the municipal government, he left the deputy mayors to listen to the complaints of the employee representatives of the steel window factory. The purpose was to see if there was anyone in the city government trapped in the steel window factory. go in. But looking at this, so far, it seems that no one has tipped off Liu Henglin.

   As he walked in here, Yang Xiaonian couldn't help but glanced at Xue Shiyi, wondering whether Lao Xue didn't know about Liu Henglin's situation, or was he really selfless? He actually hasn't reminded his brother-in-law yet?

   The expressions of Li Tianmin and Ding Yurong who were with Yang Xiaonian were relatively relaxed. Although the factory of the steel window factory was on the ground in Linhe District, the development of the factory was not under the control of Linhe District. Whether the factory is prosperous or going bankrupt soon, it doesn't matter to them. The factory is prosperous, and the tax revenue goes to the city; the bankruptcy of the factory will not hinder anything in Linhe District.

However, this factory has been going downhill since August last year, and it has almost officially shut down. During this period of time, no city-level cadre has ever visited the factory. No one is interested in this burden. This is a mess. , whoever gets unlucky. Besides, the vice mayor in charge of the industry is Liu Henglin's brother-in-law. Even if others want to intervene, it will be more inappropriate.

A group of people walked into the meeting room of the steel window factory. Everyone sat down on the chairs. Yang Xiaonian looked at Liu Henglin who was sitting opposite him, and asked with a smile, "Chairman Liu, please introduce the factory first. Let's go to the workshop later to see the situation..."

   "Oh. Okay..." Liu Henglin glanced at Xue Shiyi who was sitting next to Yang Xiaonian, coughed, and said with a yin and yang: "Dear Mayor Yang, all leaders, the steel window factory was built in..."

   While listening, Yang Xiaonian couldn't help frowning slightly, and Liu Heng's mouth was blooming with lotus flowers, talking about the former glory of the steel window factory. In his mouth, the small steel window factory is praised as if it is rarely found in the sky. In this case, why is the steel window factory losing money now?

"... Mayor Yang, all leaders, since the country changed its credit policy last year and regulated the loan limit, because of the huge pressure of loans for the new plastic steel production line, the booming development momentum of the steel window factory has encountered unprecedented difficulties..." Liu Henglin The reason why the factory is on the verge of bankruptcy is blamed on the national policy. This made Yang Xiaonian sneer secretly in his heart, saying that the national policy is not aimed at your family alone. I was still working in the development zone last year. Haven't you heard of the form there?

   Besides, it is absolutely impossible for the state to issue a policy just to bring down state-owned enterprises. You don't have the ability to seek development, but you make accusations of national policies. You are not very clever at shirk the responsibility.

   After Liu Henglin finished speaking, there was silence in the conference room. Liu Henglin couldn't help but look at Xue Shiyi again, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart. Can this set of rhetoric be able to handle the young man in front of him?

After pondering for a while, Yang Xiaonian said: "I am here today to implement some situations. According to the information held by the government, the only reason for the loss of the steel window factory seems to be more than the few things that Chairman Liu said just now. I I heard that the price of raw materials has been increasing during this period, and the finished products are backlogged in the warehouse but no one cares. The products produced cannot be sold, and the capital chain of the steel window factory is immediately broken. This is a big problem. In my opinion, the steel window factory will not be able to transform and reorganize..."

  The meeting room was dead silent. The eyes of Xue Shiyi, Yang Maozhen, Cao Yuqiu, Yue Cheng and others collided with each other quietly, thinking that this young executive deputy has deep scheming. We are obviously here to close the door to check the accounts, but Mayor Yang's words are full of concern for the steel window factory.

   However, before Yang Xiaonian could say anything more, Liu Henglin's forehead was already sweating slightly. Yang Xiaonian was going to restructure the assets of the steel window factory, so what's the point of me going so hard to make the steel window factory go bankrupt?

He hadn't figured out what Yang Xiaonian wanted to do, but Yang Xiaonian's tone suddenly became sharp: "In order to ensure the normal operation of the steel window factory, to ensure that more than 1,000 workers in the steel window factory will not be laid off and unemployed, from now on The city will directly take over the steel window factory. The municipal party committee and municipal government will come up with a specific plan for how to operate it. Now the steel window factory will notify the financial staff and check the accounts from now to today, including the steel window factory. We must figure out how much assets the steel window factory still has, and what the debt ratio is, so as to lay a solid foundation for the next step of the steel window factory's asset reorganization and optimized combination. Base……"

"Ah? This...I'm afraid it will take a while? After all, our financial staff is limited..." Before Liu Henglin's words were finished, Yang Xiaonian smiled and said, "Did Chairman Liu underestimate the Audit Bureau by saying this? With the professionals of the Finance Bureau? This matter is handed over to their people, and you are responsible for notifying the factory to cooperate with the finance department..."

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