Xuanhuan: Storytelling In Shrouding The Heavens, The Saint Is Moved

Chapter 57: One Person Against One Country, Shura Reincarnated!

"The Sundae Dynasty has a vast territory and occupies the great rivers and mountains of Luoyu Realm."

"But as early as seven or eight hundred years ago, this world was still in the midst of ten kingdoms being divided.

At that time, the world was in turmoil, the country was founded today, and it will be destroyed tomorrow, and the people have no peace. "

"The general trend of the world, I think it has always been 'a long period of time, a long-term unity must be divided', such a chaotic world, there should be a hero to end it."

"Xunfeng Dynasty Feng Taizu Yun Liuyuan was able to overthrow ten kingdoms and divide into seven realms, not only because of his own strength at the peak of the pure Yang realm, but also because of some very key help, that is, many sects in the cultivation world. ."

"When Yun Liuyuan was evaluating the situation in the world, he only felt that the destiny belonged to him, so he invited ten top forces to work together."

"The first of these ten sects is the non-living religion."

"The Unborn Religion has been inherited for a long time, if you say it in detail, it has nearly ten thousand years, but it has a very deep foundation.

For thousands of years, even the ancestors of the Pure Yang Realm were born with too few hands. "

"This sect is known as 'one hundred thousand people, a vacuum without life'. Among the sects, the strong are like clouds, geniuses, and even crucian carp crossing the river."

"Yun Liuyuan made a big oath in order to let the Wusheng Sect and other forces contribute, if he wins the world, the land of the ten kingdoms can be divided and transformed."

"And with such promises, the ten forces are naturally excited, and they are all sending their great powers to help Yunliuyuan fight for the dragon."

"The world at that time had already been in chaos for two hundred years. Countless resources were hoarded by ten countries and turned into cultivation aids. The powerhouses in the cultivation world were several times more powerful than they are now."

"The heroes are fighting for the deer, the world is fighting, and the great power has fallen. It can be said that there are countless."

"Even if it was the original ten sects, three of them were forcibly destroyed, and only seven sects remained."

"And after Yun Liuyuan founded the country, he naturally did not violate his original oath. The land of the ten kingdoms is divided into seven realms according to the mountains and rivers, and the seven sects are divided into hands.

They jointly elected the Lord of the One to rule the One Land. "

"And the place where there is no choice for life education is Longchuan Road."

The audience below, naturally, had never heard of such things, and after hearing such secrets, a little sigh of surprise appeared in their hearts.

But some people felt a little surprised and couldn't figure out why Han Lian wanted to talk about this history.

Han Lian had already anticipated the doubts that appeared in the eyes of some people, he smiled and continued: "Some people may want to ask, didn't Mr. Han say that killing Shura Youhuang, why are you talking about these useless things?

However, Han wants to tell you that this is indeed related. "

Han Lian saw some curious expressions in the eyes of some people, but he didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "In the world of practice, once you reach the realm of butterfly transformation, you can have a method that is almost immortal, which is called "reincarnation of spiritual thoughts". .

This killing Shura Youhuang, whose previous life was a figure from 1,800 years ago, and once he was born, he had already awakened Su Hui! "

Awaken Su Hui, a reincarnated person? !

The audience in the audience heard this and couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

Few people know about reincarnation, and they only think it is a legend. Who can be equal, this kind of thing was directly pointed out by Han Lian.

The monks in the cultivation world are even more astonished, because it is too harsh to succeed in reincarnation, and they are born with memories of their previous lives, which can be described as terrifying.

Han Lian was not surprised when he saw this, he just raised the folding fan and pressed it down, stopped the voice, and continued: "If You Huang was just an ordinary master in his previous life, or a cultivator in the Butterfly Transformation Realm, there is no need for Han's words. , this man was also a great figure thousands of eight hundred years ago."

"When he was alive, few people knew him, but when he fell, everyone in the world didn't know him. Now, when you go to Longchuan Road, perhaps every county government enshrines his tablet."

"This person is the first ancestor of the Nine Realms who fell after the founding of the Sunda Dynasty. The ancestor's name is 'Xura', and he is dedicated to 'King Shura'."

Han Lian's voice fell, and I don't know how many people stood up, the emotions in their hearts can be said to be overturned.

But Han Lian really didn't care about this, he said to himself: "There are three surnames in the Wusheng Sect, they are 'Bai', 'You' and 'Ying', and the Daozi saints of all dynasties are almost all of these three surnames.

As for You Huang's previous life, he was a surnamed Daozi who taught Yingying two thousand years ago. At the beginning, he rarely went out, and his name was not passed down by scriptures. "

"Until the turbulent times of the Ten Kingdoms, he was promoted to Nirvana and was born. He changed his mind from the past. For the sake of the world's stability, the slaughter of the sect did not count, and because of this, his honorary title was changed from the original 'Xianying' to 'Sura'.

Around Yun Liuyuan, there were ten top cultivators gathered at that time, and he was one of the twenty-four Great Senior Lingyun. "

"After Yun Liuyuan established the Dingxun Capital, according to Yun Liuyuan's promise to divide the world into seven Taos, he also became the first Taoist master of Longchuan Road."

"There is a saying that it is easy to conquer the world and it is difficult to defend the world. Although only a small part of Longchuan Road borders Nanman, there are still foreign countries in the west of Longchuan."

"They originally wanted to take advantage of the turmoil in the Central Plains to attack them. Who would have thought that just outside Longchuan, the Xunfeng Dynasty had already decided its national destiny."

"But it's all coming, and the arrow is on the string, so naturally I have to send it, so I thought about taking Longchuan in one fell swoop, and then slowly drawing it."

"This Asura Great Venerable has a bursting Asura temperament, and naturally, he is not allowed to sleep soundly in the place where he lies."

"Knowing that a foreign country is attacking, he naturally cannot tolerate it, but because people's livelihood has not recovered, he has not assembled a large army, and just went alone."

"On that day, the Asura Great Venerable dressed in white, held a floating dust in his hand, and stopped a million troops while waving three thousand blue silk."

"Faced with the five great masters of Nirvana in the eighth realm, and the twenty or thirty masters in the seventh realm of Zifu, he stands alone."

"These Wudi characters, the more they kill, the better they are. Even if they are several times the enemy, the advantage is still mine."

"In that battle, the sky and the earth were dark and dark, and the desperate sublimation broke through to the realm of pure yang, killing those powerful figures with force.

As for the army of one million, there is not one left, and all of them were sacrificed by their blood, becoming floating dust in their hands and becoming a ninth realm spiritual tool.

The exotic ninth realm Chunyang who was hidden in the dark was also confronted by him and had to retreat with serious injuries. "

"But everyone who wants to come knows that killing ordinary people with the body of a cultivator is a taboo in itself, and I don't want to say more about it."

"Because its forced promotion to the ninth realm has damaged the origin, and the end of millions of unjust souls, after all, it is no match for the number of days, sitting in that battlefield."

"Baiyi is still dressed in white and does not touch any blood, but the person has passed away, and only the ninth realm's spiritual tool has been passed down."

"And in the world, there is also a king Shura who is one person against one country.

"There is a saying that 'killing one person is a crime, killing ten thousand people is a hero, killing a million is a hero among heroes'! King Shura has never been worthy of his name."

"But one drink and one peck, there is a certain amount."

"The foundation of the Unborn Religion is the 'land of nothingness'. All monks above the sixth realm will have spiritual consciousness in it. After their fall, the spiritual consciousness will be reawakened after two thousand years of rotation. Su Hui has become You Huang, the Taoist son of the Immortal Sect."

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