Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

091 hunting, you have to go

"I know that I came back in a carriage, but I really can't remember anything about getting in the carriage. I want to ask, uh..., is it me who walked back to the room by myself?" Lin Yixue was still weak in the end. Weakly asked out.

She remembered that after leaving the palace, Ouyang Zhixuan seemed to get into her carriage at the end, saying that he was going to take her home, could it be...?

The scene behind was so beautiful that Lin Yixue couldn't even imagine it.

"Hmm... His Royal Highness brought you in." Pearl said in a low voice.

"Ah? What? Really? It turned out to be the room that that stallion Ouyang Zhixuan carried me back to. Pearl, are you sure you're not talking about a dream?" Lin Yixue opened her eyes and asked angrily.

"Slave... sure... sure." Pearl glanced at Lin Yixue's angry expression, and replied in a voice as small as a fly.

I'll go, Ouyang Zhixuan, you bastard, you actually took advantage of me while this girl was drunk. See if we meet again next time, I won't poison you to death with a bowl of poison.

"What about you? Where were you at that time? Why didn't you help me back to the room?"

"Your maidservant was sitting outside the carriage at the time, and His Highness the Crown Prince carried you out without even having time!" Pearl replied guiltily, her head almost hooked to the ground.

"What? You sat outside the carriage and let me be alone with that stallion. Pearl, do you think you are stupid? How could you let your miss and me be alone with a pervert?" Lin Yixue pointed at Pearl's forehead and cursed .

Now she is 100% dissatisfied with Pearl. Isn't this girl usually very reliable?

Thinking about how brave, mighty and powerful he was when he confronted Mu Ying back then, why did he get scared when he saw Ouyang Zhixuan?

Lin Yixue looked at the disappointing pearl in front of her, and then at the bowl of soup in her hand, feeling depressed, she drank it all in one go.

Anyway, I am suffering enough in my heart now, and I am not short of this bowl of soup. Lin Yixue thought angrily.

"Miss, this servant has cooked porridge..." Pearl looked at Lin Yixue's expression cautiously, and asked timidly.

"If you don't eat, you will be full of gas."

Lin Yixue finished speaking forcefully, but her stomach grunted a few times.

"Miss, if you want to be angry with the slave or want to beat the slave, you have to drink the porridge first, so that you can have the strength to beat the slave, right?" Pearl put the porridge in front of Lin Yixue with a shy face.

A sweet porridge smell came, and Lin Yixue's stomach growled even more joyfully.

Forget it, the whole thing was the fault of Ouyang Zhixuan's stallion, and it had nothing to do with him. Why did he punish himself? He had to starve himself.

Thinking about this point, Lin Yixue proudly took the porridge and drank it in big gulps.

"Well, the porridge was good today, and I will make it like this again next time." Lin Yixue's stomach was full, and her mood also improved.

"Yes, Miss." Pearl glanced at someone's cloudy face, and went out proudly.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather is getting colder day by day. Apart from going to Baiyao Garden every day, Lin Yixue just spends time with Mu Ying. When Mu Ze left, that young master Rong Jin also left, which made Mu Ying very sad. Be lost for a while.

"Xue'er, good news, good news!"

Lin Yixue packed up early in the morning and was just about to go to the Hundred Medicine Garden when she heard Mu Ying's cheers.

What a good thing, so happy? She remembered that Mu Ying hadn't been this excited for a long time since Mr. Rong left.

Just as Lin Yixue was thinking about it, Mu Ying rushed in, and Lin Yixue sat down on the ground with that fierce force.

"Hey, my Miss Mu, can we have a bit of a ladylike demeanor? Are you practicing iron head kung fu? You knock me to the ground every time I move, and my old waist is about to be knocked down by you!" It's broken!" Lin Yixue sat on the ground and said helplessly.

"Oh... oh... oh, Xue'er, didn't you hit you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Mu Ying had a rare good temper, and she didn't care about Lin Yixue at all.

"What is the good news? You came here in such a hurry in the morning? Tell me, I have to go to the Hundred Medicine Garden." Lin Yixue didn't bother to calm down with Mu Ying early in the morning, so she stood up and took a picture. Patting the dust off his body, he asked absently.

"Of course it's great news, Xue'er, do you know? The emperor will go hunting in autumn in a few days!" Mu Ying pulled Lin Yixue and said excitedly.

"Fall hunting? Oh! What does that have to do with us?"

Ever since she found out that she had Ouyang Zhixuan as her fiancé, Lin Yixue was not interested in the royal affairs at all.

"Of course it has something to do with it, we can also drop by to play! Let me tell you, hunting in autumn is really fun, every year we used to go..." Mu Yingcai stood there alone, regardless of Lin Yixue's willingness or not. , Self-talk and self-painting.

"That's Miss Mu, how could I go?" Lin Yixue interrupted Mu Ying impatiently.

The last time she participated in a moon appreciation banquet, she made such a big embarrassment. It's too late for her to hide now, how can she still have the interest to follow the emperor to hunt in autumn.

"Xue'er, have you become more stupid recently? You are the future princess, can you not be allowed to go?" Mu Ying said, pointing at Lin Yixue's forehead.

"Why... talking about the Crown Princess again? Can we not mention the Crown Princess?"

As soon as Lin Yixue heard about mentioning the crown princess, Lin Yixue thought of the day when she was drunk, and whenever she thought of that day, she became very angry.

That Ouyang Zhixuan's stallion attribute must have taken advantage of him while he was drunk.

Hmph, she doesn't care about being a concubine.

"Okay, okay, don't mention the princess, but let me tell you, you must go for this autumn hunt, which was appointed by the emperor."

"The emperor? Why? Besides, how do you know whether the emperor ordered me?"

Calculated by myself, I only saw the emperor twice.

He hasn't entered the palace recently, and he hasn't been recruited yet. Why would he want to shoot him while hunting? It must be that girl Mu Ying is trying to trick him into going with her, making nonsense here.

"Of course I know, because this girl entered the palace yesterday, and then I saw Aunt Huang. Aunt Huang told me, let me call you and Wei Er, and we all went to hunt together." Mu Mu Ying said proudly, with an air of asking for credit.

"I'm going, you took the initiative to ask the emperor to bring me?" Lin Yixue asked dissatisfied.

"Oh, I'm really not pretending to be a good person in this matter, you were indeed chosen by the emperor's uncle, and have nothing to do with me or the empress." Mu Ying quickly clarified seeing Lin Yixue's expression was wrong.

"Ah!" Lin Yixue wailed, it seemed that she couldn't run away this time, why did she get registered with the emperor again?

"But Xue'er, why don't you want to go hunting? It's so fun!" Mu Ying asked weakly beside her.

"Why else, of course I don't want to see someone!" Lin Yixue replied angrily.

"Someone? Is it Cousin Xuan? Hey, it turned out to be this matter. What am I supposed to be? Don't worry, you won't be able to see him even if you want to."

A word to readers:

Dear friends, there will be three more shifts today, zero o'clock, eleven o'clock, and six o'clock in the evening, everyone must remember to watch on time!

Thank you Yilian Meiyang, 3G newcomer 26232446 for the reward; thank you 3G newcomer 26232446, 3G newcomer 25211145, 182196630 for the tickets, thank you Shiyu and Qiangmoxiao for your message, thank you for all the girls who have been supporting me, love you, okay? Wow!

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