Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

465 How could Hong Xiu be related to some prince or princess?

Leaving Xiao Chan here to guard, Lin Yixue and Pearl quickly went downstairs.

Then, Pearl pulled Lin Yixue and jumped around a few times, quickly diving into another abandoned yard that was only separated by a wall from the carriage.

The two pressed their ears tightly against the wall and could vaguely overhear the conversation in the carriage.

"...Absolutely not. You are now pregnant and going to be a mother. You understand my feelings.

This child has been in my belly for such a long time and is jumping around every day. He is a living being.

This...this, how can I bear it, how can I be willing to do this to him? "

A sad voice came, seemingly Hongxiu's pleading voice.

This voice was completely different from the bossy and scolding situation just now.

Who is in the carriage? To make Hongxiu beg so humbly, asking her to keep her child.

If she heard correctly, Hong Xiu just said that she was also pregnant with a child. It seemed that she was also a woman.

What is the situation that makes this woman so embarrassed?

"Why can't you? Hongxiu, now is the time for you to pledge your allegiance. You must not delay the prince's important events for your own selfish reasons."

In the carriage, another cold voice came, and it could be heard that it was the voice of a young woman.

"But Princess, I...I..."

Hongxiu hesitated, and I didn’t say anything for a long time. I seemed to be organizing my words, thinking about how to influence the other person and save the child in my belly.

"There is no chance anymore, Hongxiu, the prince said, this is a death order." The young woman said stiffly.

After a moment of silence, the young woman spoke again,

"If I remember correctly, the prince once said that you wanted this child behind the prince's back, and it was your own decision.

Now that someone is doing harm to the prince, it is time for you to repay your kindness with meritorious service. How can you be so forward-thinking and only think about personal interests? Could it be that the prince has trained you for so many years and still cannot keep up with the piece of meat in your belly?

The prince also said that anyone who ruined his important affairs and made him unhappy for a while would be unhappy for the rest of his life. "

The young woman said coldly, without any warmth in her voice.


I went there. Weird things happen every year, especially this year. Just a few sentences, such a huge amount of information!

Isn't Hong Xiu the person Lu Yuan rescued?

How could he be related to some prince or princess and meet here mysteriously?

Moreover, listening to these words, Hongxiu must be a craftsman who has been cultivated by the other party for a long time and deliberately placed beside Lu Yuan.

I just don’t know which unlucky person these two people are planning to plot against now.

"Okay, I obey." Finally, Hongxiu's compromising voice came.

Lin Yixue could hear the deep sadness and reluctance in Hongxiu's heavy voice.

"That's right, you prepare in the next two days. I will send someone to deliver the letter to you at the banquet in a few days. I will send someone to deliver the letter to you. You just need to do as required.

The prince said that if this is accomplished, the prince will be generously rewarded and can consider arranging other tasks for you. Seeing that Hongxiu finally relaxed, the other party said in a slower tone.

Not to mention, when the young woman's tone slowed down, Lin Yixue felt a little familiar when she heard the voice, as if she had heard it before.

However, for a moment, Lin Yixue couldn't remember who the owner of this voice was.

No, the conversation is almost over, we have to think of a way quickly to see who is in the carriage?

Lin Yixue made a gesture towards Pearl, who immediately understood and took Lin Yixue with her feet, lightly jumping onto a tree not far away.

Lin Yixue didn't know what the two sides said in the carriage. Soon, Hongxiu opened the curtain and got out of the carriage.

After Pearl got off the carriage, she looked around and saw no one around, then quickly returned to the yard.

However, Hongxiu's footsteps returning sounded extra heavy.

Lin Yixue hid in the tree and did not come down immediately. It was not until Hong Xiu entered the yard and the carriage went away that Lin Yixue and Pearl jumped down from the tree.

If just now Lin Yixue still had a gossip mentality and just watched the fun, now Lin Yixue really couldn't laugh anymore.

Because just now, Lin Yixue finally saw clearly the face of the young woman sitting inside when the carriage curtain was opened.

Sitting in the carriage turned out to be Ouyang Zhiting's princess, the young lady of the Pei family whom she had met several times at the banquet.

It seems that what kind of environment and what kind of talents are created, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and if you marry a dog, follow the dog!

The little girl who looked so gentle and sweet at first turned into such a vicious person in less than half a year.

If her prediction is correct, the content of the other party's conversation may be related to her, and she may be the one the other party wants to deal with this time.

However, now is not the time to pursue these matters. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Lin Yixue and Pearl quickly returned to the room on the third floor.

"Mother, what's going on with that purple smoke? Is Jinxiu Shop the property of our princess's mansion?" Lin Yixue asked softly on the carriage back to Xiangyun Villa.

"Did you see it?" the eldest princess asked with a smile.

"Well, Xueyi looked at that Zi Yan and saw that his conversation was extraordinary, not an ordinary person.

Where did my mother find such a powerful and beautiful female shopkeeper? Let me tell Xueyi. "Lin Yixue asked coquettishly while lying on the eldest princess's lap.

"Okay, okay, if you don't ask about these things, my mother will tell you when she gets back.

As for Zi Yan, she was a young lady from a wealthy family who was in trouble. I rescued her a few years ago.

Later, I found that girl was very talented in business, so I opened Jinxiu Shop for her to run.

Unexpectedly, this girl's management has been quite good. "The eldest princess stroked Lin Yixue's hair and said lovingly.

"Mom, our family is not short of money. Why do we think of running a shop?" Lin Yixue raised her head and asked doubtfully.

"Silly child, do you really think mother is doing it to earn that little money?" The eldest princess nodded Lin Yixue's forehead and said with a smile.

"It's not to make money," Lin Yixue was stunned for a moment, but she soon understood.

"Oh, Xueyi understands. It turns out that my mother is a drunkard who wants her to be the ears and eyes of our princess house, right?" Lin Yixue suddenly realized.

"Child, you have to understand one thing. You can know some things in the world, pretend not to know, and ignore them.

However, you must not really know nothing, otherwise, when someone sells you, you will still be helping them count the money. "

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