Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

351 one by one, none of them is reassuring.

"Well, get ready, whether the outcome is good or bad, it's my past, always have to accept it, isn't it?

Of course, it would be great if you could accompany me.

Don't waste time, if the result disappoints me too much, and I pass out from crying alone, no one will know. "

Lin Yixue also quickly adjusted her mood, winked mischievously at Shen Miao, and joked,

"By the way, where did you lock them up yesterday? Can we go and see now?"

"Let's go, I just happen to have nothing important to do, so I'll walk with you for a while."

Shen Miao pulled Lin Yixue out and said,

"Because they were afraid of keeping them together and causing other troubles, they were detained separately.

Jing Niang was locked in a dungeon on the cliff to the north, and Fu Rui was locked in a dungeon next to the training ground in the valley below. "

"What are you going to do with Fu Rui? Have you figured it out?" Lin Yixue glanced at Shen Miao and asked curiously.

"Hey, I haven't made up my mind yet. When Qin Kai and Xiao Wu come back, let's listen to everyone's opinions. After all, they are brothers who grew up together." Shen Miao said with a sigh.

Lin Yixue could tell that he still had true feelings for Fu Rui,

"Forget it, let's not talk about him!

I will accompany you to the dungeon in the north first, and ask Jing Niang about your life experience. It is important, and it will save you from feeling like a rootless duckweed after so long. "

The two chatted all the way, left Shenlongju, and walked all the way to the north cliff.

However, just halfway through, I heard someone calling them from behind,

"Master Lin, please wait a moment, please wait a moment."

The two turned their heads and saw that Qing Shui was exhausted and out of breath chasing after him.

"What's the matter, are you burning the house? Look at you, you're exhausting yourself like a dog, and you're out of breath." Shen Miao took out her handkerchief, and wiped the sweat from her forehead with clean water, while joked.

"Big... the big boss, no... not good! The third... the third boss...he...he..."

It could be seen that Qing Shui was really exhausted. He stood panting for a long time that day, but he didn't say why.

"Yang Yi? What's the matter with him? Slow down, no one will fight with you." Shen Miao blamed.

"The third master, he took people down the mountain in the morning and robbed a caravan and came back. I heard that he brought them up the mountain. There are dozens of people and several boxes of silver and gold..." Qing Shui spent a long time, and finally put the matter in order. The whole story has been revealed.

"What? What is he doing with the robbery caravan? Isn't this Yang Yi messing around?

Isn't it the village rules we have established since ancient times that we are not allowed to rob caravans without reason? How come he, Yang Yi, has become a piece of waste paper. "As soon as Shen Miao heard Qing Shui's report, he immediately became angry.

Where are these going to go? Fu Rui just had an accident yesterday, and today Yang Yi is tossing about again, one by one, none of them are worry-free.

"Where are the others? Where are they now?" Shen Miao asked with a headache.

"I heard from them that money and other things are still piled up on the training ground. Everyone is discussing there, and they don't have the mind to participate in training at all. The third master, I don't know where it will go."

"This Yang Yi is really getting more and more ignorant, and he is doing unreliable things. How bad is the impact like this? As the owner of the three villages, he took the lead in violating the village rules." Shen Miao cursed bitterly. , turned to Lin Yixue and said apologetically,

"Xue'er, I'm sorry about that..."

"I'm fine. Let's go to Jingniang's. It's not that I don't know the place, so I can go alone. Since you have something to do, go and deal with it quickly." Seeing that the matter was urgent, Lin Yixue repeatedly urged Shen Miao to hurry up and deal with it. .

"Xue'er, why don't you wait a little longer, I'll go with you after I've dealt with Yang Yi's matter?" Shen Miao was still a little worried about Lin Yixue, and discussed in a good voice.

"Oh, what's the matter? I can't get lost. I can walk the nearby cliffs with my eyes closed.

Besides, it's just asking about your life experience, it's no big deal, you should hurry up and deal with the business.

After I finish asking, I will rush to the training ground to find you. "

Lin Yixue pretended to be indifferent, and comforted Shen Miao.

"Well, no matter what happens, don't worry, wait for me to go and make decisions for you."

Shen Miao patted Lin Yixue's shoulder, and finally told her worriedly.

"I know, I know, you will always be my backer, and I understand it in my heart. Just go there quickly, it's really urgent there."

Lin Yixue finished speaking clearly, waved to Shen Miao, and walked forward alone.

"Let's go, Qing Shui, don't be dazed, let's go to the valley to have a look!"

Seeing that Lin Yixue was gone, Shen Miao took Qing Shui, turned around and strode towards another path leading to the valley.

The two behind them strode away, and Lin Yixue stopped, turned around, and watched their backs silently.

Finally, another person, alone, walked towards another cliff.

In fact, Lin Yixue had indeed researched the poison that Shen Miao was suffering from a long time ago, and she had already clearly informed Shen Miao.

It is a kind of cup worm specially bred for women, and it is a poison called "daughter cup".

This kind of worm usually enters the woman's stomach through eating during the egg stage, and then enters the woman's uterus along the intestines and stomach.

Then, the eggs settle there and slowly hatch into larvae.

The larvae feed on the woman's menstrual blood and slowly grow up inside the woman's body.

Every night when the moon is full, when the yin qi in the world is at its peak, the cup worms will sense it, come out to move their bodies, absorb yin qi, and grow faster.

Finally, as it grows bigger and bigger, the menstrual blood is no longer enough to satisfy its appetite, and it will slowly eat away at the woman's uterus, causing the woman to die.

But under normal circumstances, before the joint of the uterus is eaten away, many women die under the torture of illness.

If it is not discovered, after the cup worm has devoured the womb, the person who served the cup will quietly take out the cup worm.

Let it breed new eggs.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is more like a parasite we mentioned in the previous life, except that its parasitic location is more important, which is the womb of a woman.

However, as for the antidote, Lin Yixue didn't actually develop it, so this was a plan that she and Shen Miao made together to lure the snake out of the cave from the beginning to the end.

Deliberately releasing the news of the antidote, causing the other party to confuse themselves, now it seems that it is still effective.

If Fu Rui hadn't messed up his own rules and came to kill her himself in a rage, exposing himself, they really wouldn't have caught the real culprit so easily.

I just don't know what the identity of this Jing Niang is.

Lin Yixue remembered very clearly that the envoy of Fanyuan once told him about the "daughter cup" mentioned by Shen Miao.

Once upon a time, it was popular in some places in Dongyu, and many women used it to fight in the inner court.

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