Worldwide Survival: Begins As An Island Owner

Chapter 285 [Totally messed up] two in one

This is also related to Su Yu not daring to spread the method of visualization map practice on a large scale. The collection of beliefs behind the scenes is naturally not as good as that of the gods. many beliefs.

If Su Yu was able to accumulate enough power of faith to condense a crystal of faith within half a year, it would mean that the power in his hands had already penetrated a large area of ​​the Sea of ​​Gods.

Glancing at the world tree species that had grown a young leaf, Su Yu's thoughts moved slightly, and he directly threw a large amount of elixirs accumulated on the island of chaos beside it for him to absorb.

These elixirs are all refined through the alchemy pavilion, and the energy contained in them is extremely pure, which is of great benefit to the growth of world tree species.

When the tree species grow into small saplings in the later world, there will be no such trouble.

At that time, the saplings in the world can absorb some attribute energy in the dimensional space through the branches for their own growth.

Just like Su Yu's ghost ship, it can absorb energy in the dimensional space as power.

After dealing with the matter of the world tree species, Su Yu returned to the ascending tower and began to calculate with all his strength the cleansing of the sea area by the gods.

At present, Su Yu is not going to leave the island of chaos, because the rules of fate and space that he has comprehended, under the crazily condensed crystallization of laws, have approached the critical point of breaking the realm, and he is only short of the door. Able to step into the realm of martial saints.

While Su Yu was retreating and deducing, Zhou Yi and others on the island of chaos were also very busy.

Because of the large amount of information received by Tianji Pavilion, he and other members need to summarize and analyze and simplify.

In addition, there will be wars in the sea of ​​gods, and they also have to contact those heroes who are outside to prepare themselves.

To be honest, if he had that kind of invincibility, Su Yu would not choose to develop power.

Invincible hanging represents the growth speed of the person who opened the hanging, it is the kind that is beyond the reach of all living beings, even the top bloodlines in the heavens and worlds, it is difficult to match it.

Then if you open this kind of hook, the development of power is purely to find a bottle of oil for yourself, and ask who can help it and what can be done for it.

As far as Su Yu's growth talent is concerned, the help that his subordinates can bring to him is currently dealing with the daily life of the island of chaos, and then providing the power of faith.

If you want to say if there is any other great help, I am embarrassed to say that there is really not much.

On the other side, the masters of the other islands also got busy, and they also smelled the signs of war coming.

For example, the Zerg Queen, the No. 1 chess piece that Su Yu placed high hopes on, has already begun to choose crazy plunder, and wants to rely on explosive soldiers to build a terrifying Zerg army in the sea of ​​​​the gods.

The Zerg Queen has always been afraid of what she said before, but after recent development, a small part of the biotechnology in her nest has been unsealed.

Therefore, the Zerg Queen has one more card in her hand. In this case, the Zerg Queen, who feels that her wings have gradually become full, will naturally choose to start a plundering war instead of continuing to hide XZ.

Originally, the Zerg race was a notorious race in the heavens and worlds. Wherever they went, they would not leave even a needle for their opponents.

Being able to stay dormant for so long, the Zerg Queen is already more cautious.

Following the orders of the Zerg Queen, it spread layer by layer towards the Sea of ​​Gods.

In an instant, a large number of Zerg began to plunder wildly in the sea area where they were located.

At this moment, they no longer cared about whether there was any backstage behind those sea clansmen, one word was reckless.

Raising war with war is the most benign way of development for Zerg. After all, low-end Zerg is sometimes used as cannon fodder.

For now, the low-level cannon fodder in the hands of the Zerg Queen obviously has enough savings, so she needs to consume some of it in exchange for other benefits.

With the sweeping activities of the ten superpowers, many hidden heresies and believers of evil gods in the entire sea of ​​gods have been pulled out.

There is no way, the ten superpowers join forces, and among them there must be superpowers who are proficient in deduction. Therefore, if you want to avoid the cleaning activities, you must find a way to avoid the deduction of those superpowers.

Otherwise, the only ones waiting for those creatures are the butcher's knives held high by the ten superpowers.

Su Yu was naturally aware of these powers of deduction, but neither the God of Light nor the Phantom of the Goddess of Darkness could deduce his specific location.

With these powerhouses alone, it is naturally impossible to calculate Su Yu's position.

But like the blood sun wizard, it is a bit unlucky, and its strength has not returned to its peak.

Now because of the evil god believers, it has been designated as a key target.

If it weren't for the existence of a certain deduction, who didn't find this guy, and the identity of the reincarnation, it is estimated that the one sent to hunt him down would definitely be at the level of the Xiri wizard, not the current Huiyue wizard team.

According to different deduction results, the top ten superpowers have also dispatched different cleaning teams.

Like this sea cleanup, they are mainly targeting heretics and believers of evil gods of the morning star wizards and above, and weaker creatures. To be honest, whether they are heretics or believers of evil gods, the impact is not particularly great.

After all, before the strength reaches a certain level, there is no way to cause any disturbance in the sea of ​​gods.

This also allowed many low-level evil god believers to escape unharmed.

It is normal that they cannot be completely wiped out. If they can be cleaned up completely, there will be no big cleaning activities every few years.

At this time, the blood sun wizard who was still recuperating in a certain place felt a sense of palpitation in his heart inexplicably, as if something bad would happen if he didn't leave.

The blood sun wizard, who believed in his intuition very much, finally decided to end the retreat and talk about it in another place.

Thinking of this, the blood sun wizard directly used space witchcraft, cut through the space and fled towards the rest of the area.

At the same time, several golden paladins were constantly approaching the location of the blood sun wizard, as if they had locked the position of the blood sun wizard by some special means.

At this moment, the leader of several golden paladins suddenly stopped in the void.

"Go this way." After closing his eyes and receiving some information, the golden paladin directly pointed to another direction.

Good guy, from reincarnation till now, the blood sun wizard is either on the run or on the way to escape, there is no one else.

And the mysterious existence who has been paying attention to the blood sun wizard who has the strength of the eight-day sun wizard has been unable to care about the blood sun wizard at this time.

Because he was also targeted by some old antiques among the top ten forces.

"Damn it, why did the cleaning activity come so fast this time." While trying to cover up the mysterious existence of his own breath, he kept cursing in his heart.

The gods issued a decree and began to clean up the sea of ​​gods, which obviously disrupted his layout.

So at this moment, this mysterious existence, like the blood sun wizard, is running wildly.

As for the demigod-level powerhouse who survived the last cleaning activity in the endless abyss, he would also dare not show his head.

Once he is discovered, he will be besieged by those guys from the top ten superpowers, and it will be really difficult to escape by then.

Fortunately, with the strength of this demigod powerhouse, super powers such as the Holy See of Light cannot deduce him, and can only deduce some information vaguely.

According to this situation, as long as he continues to live on and get through this cleaning activity, obviously there is no big problem.

Facing the ten major forces that were gaining momentum, in the end, this statue chose to continue hiding for a while, but he would not make it easy for the ten major forces.

Even if you don't tear off a piece of meat from those lackeys of the gods, you still have to disgust them.

Thinking of this, I saw traces of bloody aura gradually condensed into a few mysterious characters on the body of this bloody being, which went straight into the deep sea area.

When these blood-colored characters sank into the abyss of the sea, they saw several blood-red beings exuding an infinite bloody aura from the depths of the sea slowly towards other areas of the sea of ​​gods.

These are the mysterious existence of this demigod. For tens of thousands of years, the blood puppets who have been trained by secret methods not only retain most of their strength in life, but also possess some strange characteristics.

As for the strength, it can be compared to the six-day Xiri wizard. If it is really a surprise attack, it will definitely be able to cause a lot of damage to the top ten superpowers.

At the same time, Archimonde, the abyss demon who had been staring at Dragon Island, took the opportunity to attack a small group of dragons.

This team of dragons, led by a giant star dragon at the Lunar Moon Realm, and four weaker dragons at the Morning Star Realm, were just right for Archimonde.

At this moment, Archimonde, who was using the secret method of the abyss, was lurking in the void, and when the giant dragon of the Bright Moon Realm was not far away from him, he took the lead in launching the attack.

Facing the attack of an abyssal demon with the same level as him, but with the bloodline of the abyss, this star dragon couldn't react at all.

In an instant, Archimonde's devil's claw pierced through the heart of the star dragon.

However, with the tyrannical vitality of the star dragon, it will not be killed with one blow.

But with Archimonde's sophistication, how could he let the prey continue to struggle!

I saw that after piercing the body of the star dragon, he directly used a terrifying spiritual mystic method, and began to obliterate the dragon soul of the star dragon.

And the four giant dragons following behind the star dragon were a little dazed at this moment, and they were all stimulated by the scene in front of them.

When they reacted, the four weaker star dragons were ready to escape immediately.

They are not stupid, the enemy is obviously not something they can contend with, and if they don't run now, it will be later.

It is only one person who can run away. As for who can save a life from the other party, it depends on their luck.

However, for this attack, Archimonde made a perfect plan. The four star dragons in the Morning Star Realm wanted to escape his clutches, and they were wishful thinking.

At the same time as he attacked the star dragon in the Bright Moon Realm, Archimonde launched his own abyssal demon domain, completely sealing off this void.

As an abyssal demon of the top bloodline, Archimonde is not a vegetarian. He also has a lot of methods, such as blocking the void, which are all routine operations.

"Damn heresy, you dare to attack the noble dragon clan, you will be torn to pieces by Lord Dragon Emperor." The star dragon, whose dragon soul was being wiped out at the moment, roared in pain.

"A mere reptile dares to pretend to be a dragon." Archimonde, who heard the roar of the star dragon, said very disdainfully.

In Archimonde's inheritance memory, the real dragon family is extremely terrifying, far beyond the comparison of these four-legged insects with big wings.

According to Archimonde's memory records, when the abyss captured a plane called the real dragon world, it was rumored that the king of the abyss died in battle.

From this gossip, one can imagine how tyrannical the real Dragon Clan is.

This is also the reason why Archimonde doesn't look down on the dragons of the sea of ​​the gods at all.

"Roar." Faced with Archimonde's disdainful words, all the star dragon could do was roar angrily.

As for the resistance, he was completely suppressed, and because his heart was broken and his dragon soul was damaged, he didn't have much strength to resist at all.

On the other hand, the other four star dragons are terrified at this moment, and are frantically attacking the Demon Realm cast by Archimonde, trying to escape from this void.

But the strength gap between the two sides is indeed relatively large.

No matter how these star dragons attack, the demon domain Archimonde casts shows no signs of breaking.

Seeing that there was no hope of breaking through this blocked area, the four star dragons finally chose to fight Archimonde.

"An ant may shake a tree, beyond its control."

He glanced at the four star dragons attacking him.

I saw Archimonde's eyes slightly raised, and then his right hand claw swept forward slightly.

Immediately, I saw a terrifying claw, sweeping out of the void, and bombarded the four star dragons heavily. Among them, the first one was directly smashed into pieces by the terrifying power of this claw. Flying minced meat.

In response to this, Archimonde shrank his abdomen slightly, and all the flesh and blood floating in the void immediately gathered towards his mouth.

Before the other three star dragons could react, Archimonde made a few grabbing moves, and in an instant, the three star dragons in the morning star realm were crushed and exploded on the spot.

Glancing at the still-struggling Dragon of the Bright Moon Realm, Archimonde directed towards its head and began to output violence.

Under Archimonde's savage blows, in the end, the star dragon in the Bright Moon Realm could only leave with hatred.

Scanning the blood mist floating in the Demon Realm, and the body of the star dragon under his feet, Archimonde's body suddenly swelled up, and finally the star dragon under his feet was also swallowed by him and turned into blood food.

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