World of Warcraft: Reviving Stromgarde

Chapter 161 Royal Terror Guards

"For the Dark Queen!"

A legion exuding death appeared in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. This legion was composed of undead. They dragged their cursed bodies, wore tattered armor, and held weapons covered with blood and wear.

When you see them for the first time, you may wonder how the undead of the Scourge came to the Silithus Desert.

They are not the undead of the Scourge, but the Forsaken with free will.

After the Covenant accepted the Forsaken, it did not hesitate to fight a holy war with the Alliance.

These Forsaken who have experienced the curse will not say anything, but in their hearts, they are willing to fight to the death for the Covenant that gives them respect and survival!

The Western Plaguelands, Quel'Thalas, and Gilneas, all three regions have Forsaken legions participating in the war. Even the Forsaken, who can be soldiers, do not have many troops available.

This time, the legion that traveled across the ocean to the Silithus Desert in Kalimdor is the most powerful legion of the Forsaken - the Royal Terror Guard.

The former Kingdom of Lordaeron was the leader of the Alliance and the most powerful kingdom in the Eastern Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Lordaeron, which occupies almost half of the northern continent of the Eastern Kingdoms, has the most powerful legion in the Alliance, the Royal Legion of Lordaeron.

Unlike the Silver Hand Paladins, which are mainly stationed in various areas of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Royal Legion of Lordaeron is only responsible for the Royal City of Lordaeron.

Sadly, this most powerful legion in the Kingdom of Lordaeron died without a fight because of Arthas' betrayal.

The Royal Legion of Lordaeron, which was resurrected as undead, resented their former prince. After the Lich King lost control of some of the undead due to Illidan's long-range bombing, the Royal Legion of Lordaeron also gained free will.

Under the slogan of revenge of the Dark Queen Sylvanas on the Scourge, the Royal Legion of Lordaeron resolutely joined the Forsaken and became the Royal Terror Guard.

The Royal Terror Guard fought for revenge against the Scourge and for the Dark Queen Sylvanas.

This time, the Royal Terror Guards fought for the survival of the Forsaken and for Azeroth!

The undead were not accepted by the living because the living were afraid of their existence. The Forsaken were like rats crossing the street, and everyone wanted to kill them.

Although the Covenant accepted the Forsaken, 70% of the people in the Covenant still opposed the joining of the Forsaken.

The Alliance even launched a holy war, wanting to kill the Forsaken and the Scourge together.

In order to be accepted by Azeroth again and to walk under the sun, the Royal Terror Guards responded to the call of the Covenant and secretly joined the Azeroth Alliance.

If they joined directly, they would inevitably be strongly opposed by the Alliance, and the druids of the Cenarion Circle would also reject the Forsaken due to their own natural power. The only one who could support the joining of the Forsaken could only be the Horde.

Therefore, since Garen set foot on the Kalimdor continent, he did not let the Royal Terror Guards appear in the vision of the Azeroth Alliance.

The time when the Royal Terror Guards appeared was when the Azeroth Alliance could not refuse, that is, now.

Even though Grand Duke Bolvar still rejected it, he had to admit that the elite Royal Terror Guards who would not get tired were the best choice to fight against the Zerg in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. They could buy enough rest time for the Azeroth coalition.

Even Grand Duke Bolvar agreed, and the rest of the Azeroth coalition would not refuse.

In this way, the Royal Terror Guards of the Forsaken stood in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and slashed the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg with their terrifying blades.

The most terrifying thing about the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is the number. Except for a few, the quality of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is not satisfactory. The best way for the Zerg to fight is to crush the enemy with numbers.

However, the terrain of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj limits the number of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, which is limited in number, is no match for the elite Royal Terror Guards.

The undead body that does not get tired allows the Royal Terror Guards to fight non-stop.

"I have to say, these dead... Forsaken are the best choice to fight these damned Zergs." King Saurfang looked at the dark Royal Terror Guards and couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart.

Even orc warriors will get tired and be overwhelmed by endless enemies. Without the characteristic of fatigue, they are simply rogues, especially the Forsaken who still have free will, allowing them to burst out the original strength of individuals brought by free will.

At the same time, fighting with Zergs will inevitably be bitten and injured by Zergs. The injuries are not serious, but if they are ignored for a long time, they will lose too much blood. 70% of the soldiers of the Azeroth coalition have wounds bitten by Ahn'Qiraj Zergs, and they are now being bandaged by priests and druids.

But the Forsaken are exempt from the effects of bite damage. Their bodies are already undead bodies. Without blood flow and pain, slight bites have no effect.

Grand Duke Bolvar was in a complicated mood. Garin's move of cutting off the firewood directly made him helpless. The Royal Terror Guards are the best choice for the Azeroth coalition now, and he can't refuse it.

However, now that the Royal Terrorguard are fighting to buy rest time for the warriors of the Azeroth Alliance, they are obviously also part of the warriors of the Azeroth Alliance. This proves one thing, that is, the Forsaken are also part of Azeroth.

In this way, the policy of exterminating all the undead pursued by the Alliance is wrong. After the Second Battle of Quicksand, the human soldiers of the Fordagon Legion will inevitably question their jihad, and the Fordagon Legion is also a jihad against the Covenant. the main force.

If Azeroth truly accepted the orcs, an alien race, during the Battle of Mount Hyjal, then Azeroth's acceptance of the Forsaken, the cursed undead remnant, would be the second Battle of Quicksand.

Grand Duke Bolvar is extremely loyal to the Wrynn family, but now, even he has to admit that Garin Trollbane is a king beyond imagination, and may even be the second Emperor Thoradin. .

After defeating the Scourge, defeating the Ahn'Qiraj bugs, and defeating the forest trolls, will the next step be to defeat the Alliance?

Thinking of this, Grand Duke Bolvar suddenly felt a little scared. In the holy war between the Covenant and the Alliance, the Covenant has entered a counterattack. The Covenant, which was just established, is growing at an unparalleled speed. Facing this general trend, everything the Alliance has done is in vain. of.

Grand Duke Bolvar couldn't help but smile bitterly. His king and brother Varian Wrynn was still missing, and Stormwind City was under the rule of darkness. What was the point of him still caring about how to stop the rise of the Covenant.

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