A water balloon quickly condensed in her hand, and it hit Qiu Yuanye's face with a "snap".

"Wake up!" The

soldier next to him saw that the dragon man was so faceless to his leader, so he opened the fan left and right, until the cheeks on both sides of her were swollen high, and he couldn't stop his movements.

"Hiss————" Rafal gasped the moment he opened his eyes.

The hot on both sides feels like a layer of chili pepper is smeared, and at the same time it is painful... It also made her a little...

Although she didn't know why she wanted the soldier next to her to slap herself a few more times, the current posture of her lower abdomen being pierced by a spear still made her quickly recognize the reality.

She is now a prisoner!

Hey, why does this identity seem to make people even more excited?

Qiu Yuanye looked at her pretty face that suddenly turned red inexplicably, and then looked at her lower abdomen that was pierced by a spear, and the raging fire on the top roasted the skin around her on the outside and tender on the inside, and a smell of meat inexplicably spread around.

"Inexplicable. Qiu Yuanye muttered, and then asked the soldiers to arrest Li Qingzhao.

"You are left to your disposal. Qiu Yuanye waved his hand and said casually to the soldiers under his hands.

When the group of soldiers heard this, their eyes immediately lit up, and they pounced like wolves

! I have to say that this Li Qingzhao was also a great beauty, with snow-white skin and delicate facial features, not to mention the appearance of messy hair and complaining eyes now, just looking at it made them set off a wave of heat in their lower abdomen!

Qiu Yuanye watched them pounce, nodded with satisfaction, and then turned around.

Except for Dongfang Xianyun's body, she didn't want to see any other man's body, and even felt disgusting.

She looked at the situation of the forest casually, although the fire was fierce, but it couldn't burn from this side of the autumn garden, not even a wisp of smoke drifted over, and the air was still fresh.

But it was different with Rafal, and at this moment her heart was like a lead, which was quickly ignited, and pleasure was suppressed, replaced by anger and jealousy!

"Please.... Please, it's time to help me kill her

~" "It's the first time for me..."

"Hmm~" "I—I like you too

~" "Don't crowd so many people together!"


That dragon man? Don't mention her, it's a disappointment." "

It was as if he had been pierced by ten thousand arrows in his heart, and he was forced to listen to those foul words and insults against her, and even some of them were insults to Li Qingzhao

! The baby he had been holding in the palm of his hand for half a month was so insulted and trampled on by others, without pity

! And he had to pray for them to kill him at this time!

What kind of hatred and resentment made him want to kill him so much!

Just because of that younger brother? But isn't our love more important than a mere family affection?!

Her body trembled with anger, the tail behind her shook out from time to time, and her fingers clenched into fists, even if her nails were embedded in it, and blood dripped down her fingertips, she didn't care at all.

Qiu Yuanye squatted on the big tree, and from time to time there were two contemptuous laughs in his heart.

Before, she didn't know how different the dragonman's three views were from humans, but now she knew.

This dragonman's three views are distorted to the extreme in human beings!

But Qiu Yuanye looked at it and found that something was wrong with Rafal, her cheeks flushed from being humiliated were still the same, but at this moment, it was more like a dragonman's emotional appearance.

The rough breathing, and the unique roaring heartbeat of the dragonman, the tail raised high behind him hung down even more weakly, and the tip of the tail was near the vertebrae, as if it was in...

Qiu Yuanye was stunned, can she still be in estrus at this time?

She looked at this scene funny, and shook her head weakly, this dragon man is really hopeless.

But the more stunned Qiu Yuanye was, the more Rafal got into a state, and Li Qingzhao's tactful and coquettish voice and posture were her best spiritual rations!

"Look at what that dragon man is doing

!" "Hey, it's really the race with the strongest desire!"

"Seriously, I envy her tail. "

Bitch, what are you doing looking good!" The soldier slapped Li Qingzhao's buttocks, setting off a burst of flesh lines.

Li Qingzhao looked at the sound of the voice, glanced at the soldier, and took the initiative to kiss him again.

"Don't look at that unproductive dragonman, or I'll go find someone else!"

"Okay, okay, you're a bitch!

For a moment, Rafal's gaze tightened, and his face was slightly condensed.

In the distance, tens of thousands of meters above the mountain peak erupted and springs, a rainbow hung in the sky, and water droplets swayed down the mountain.

"Goo-doo. "It's the sound of Rafal's tail.

Her cheeks were crimson, her eyes were downcast, and she didn't dare to plagiarize her surroundings at will, only the shame and the thought of wanting to die that were wrapped in a violent sense of shame!

A few days after she returned, Li Qingzhao was named a "missionary" in Saint-Nari, and she could go to the army to select soldiers to serve anytime and anywhere.

Compared with the previous compulsion, he now fell in love with this feeling, wearing the costume of a male friar who symbolized holiness, and was a famous "courtesan" in the city.

On the other hand, Rafal was plucked with scales all the way, and his whole body turned into blood, and his flesh turned outward, like a fish with all its scales removed.

But she didn't feel much pain, but when Li Qingzhao was helping others to preach along the way, she lay quietly in the prison, studying by herself, and from time to time she copied notes with her hands and tail.

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