Jin Xia shot down through the thin clouds, gently caressing the two people on the green grass.

"Tear~" Dongfang Xianyun covered his waist, frowning together.

It is said that there is no bad field, only tired cows, but when the field cannot accommodate this mad cow, no matter how good the field is, it cannot withstand this almost crazy cultivation.

To put it simply, Mio Akiyama's physical strength is too good, and Dongfang Xianyun can't stand it.

Mio Akiyama opened her sleepy eyes, looked at Dongfang Xianyun in a daze, and unconsciously reached out to hug her.

At noon, the two came to a sea of flowers, and the breeze constantly swept across their cheeks, gentle and gentle, and did not make people feel pain.

It's called the Sea of Miracles and is made up of countless flowers.

Looking at the splendid sky, the white clouds are floating and moving inadvertently, and the two figures are lying flat in the sea of flowers, there is no chase of life and death, there is no need to farm monsters and level up, just lie down quietly.

Mio Akiyama suddenly looked sideways at Dongfang Xianyun, who was full of enjoyment, and secretly said in his heart: "It's time to calculate the time." Time

passed quickly, and as dusk approached, the two men arrived at St. Mary's capital, St. Nari.

The walls of the high song like iron seem impregnable, and the majestic soldiers on the roads of the city walls are constantly patrolling, and the archers are hiding in the battlements and ready to attack.

Beneath the walls were the common people lining up to enter the city, and everything seemed normal.

Just as the two were about to line up, they were stopped by a woman wearing gold armor with a gloomy face.

Dongfang Xianyun hid behind Mio Akiyama and carefully observed the other party, the soldiers on the city wall were wearing silver armor, but she was wearing a gold armor, and it was estimated that her position was not low.

"Please come with me, both of you. There were no polite words, and she turned to leave, not caring about the two of them at all.

Mio Akiyama held him with one hand, and the sword in her hand was clenched with the other, wary of the other party in her heart, for fear that she would turn around and stab out a sword.

All the way to the green light, the general led the two into the city, and the bustling city was presented to the two of them, with more colorful Western classical buildings, and crowded but orderly streets, where vendors sat and shouted and sold their business.

However, the glamorous gentlemen and ladies looked at the vendor with disdain, and kicked over the basket containing the vegetables, but it was the petty trader who apologized, and the lady did not care at all, and turned and walked into a luxurious clothing store.

Under the prosperity, it is full of sludge.

Dongfang Xianyun quietly withdrew his gaze, paused when he saw a dessert shop, and then followed as if he didn't see it.

Mio Akiyama also noticed the strawberry cake at the cake shop, but didn't say much.

After walking through several streets, the three of them came to a towering golden temple, with a red carpet in the center, from top to bottom, as if there was no end, and on both sides stood soldiers in dark armor, their eyes solemn, exuding a powerful aura.

The soldier in the golden armor suddenly knelt down, muttering something incessantly, and the two of them stood beside her, but they couldn't hear anything clearly.

It's just that on the stairs that seem to have no end, a small blurry black dot appeared, and he stepped in the air, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Mio Akiyama.

The eyes of the two were full of reflections of the figures of both sides, and the moment they saw their sister coming, Mio Akiyama's tense body relaxed, and the head of the sword was slowly inserted into the sheath.

Through the rapid sweat secretion on Mio Akiyama's palm, Dongfang Xianyun knew that she was more nervous than ever before.

Obviously, ignoring death is easier said than done.

"Don't you resist?" Qiu Yuanye's pink pupils looked at her amusedly.

Mio Akiyama was silent.

Inadvertently, she clenched the hilt of the sword in her hand, and Qiu Yuanye's powerful aura came to her face, she slowly closed her eyes, and kept rehearsing it over and over again in her mind.

Mio Akiyama finally let go of the hilt of the sword in her hand, her eyes radiating with relief.

I don't know why, Qiu Yuanye saw her eyes and became angry: "Sister, you have been like this since you were a child, you don't seek fame and fortune, you are loose and free, but you can easily inherit the property of the Autumn Mountain family."

She stretched out a finger and ran it across Mio Akiyama's jaw, and said softly: "And no matter how hard I try, my parents will never set their eyes on me, ignore me, ignore me, I am like an outsider at home, and why are you?"

Her fingers tightened suddenly, pinching Mio Akiyama's chin red, and her pink pupils burned with endless anger, and she said sharply: "It wasn't until I humiliated you in the school that I slightly aroused your competitive spirit."

"I've beaten you again and again, but my parents have encouraged you again and again!And I've never had a word of praise!" she

stretched out her palm and slapped Mio Akiyama on the cheek, and five paw prints appeared with ease, and blood was curling from the corners of her mouth.

"Just because you're a sister? It's ridiculous!" Until

now, she couldn't control her anger at all, she stretched out a finger and pointed it on the forehead of the female general: "Do you know what power is?"

The female general's body suddenly trembled violently, and just as she wanted to beg for mercy, she was pierced by a laser through her head, and she straightened back.

"This is the right!" she raised a strange smile at the corner of her mouth, and when she raised her hand, a ball of energy like a cannonball burst out, knocking down a house, killing and injuring several people.

But there was silence all around, except for the sound of explosions, and no one dared to roar, and there was numbness on their cheeks, as if they were commonplace.

Dongfang Xianyun silently threw a healing spell to Mio Akiyama, and watched her go crazy cautiously.

Suddenly, she turned her head and stared at Dongfang Xianyun with her eyes fanatical and obsessive.

She instantly walked in front of Dongfang Xianyun, grabbed him by the throat, and lifted him high.

"What are you doing!" Mio Akiyama instantly drew his sword and swung it in one go.

But Qiu Yuanye easily bounced off the hilt of the sword, and smashed her fist on the ground, she asked in a respectful tone: "This is my brother-in-law, right?"

She glanced at the back of Dongfang Xianyun's neck, white and smooth, but there was no elf pattern: "It seems to be."

She tilted her head and looked at the beauty in her hand with a slight request and inquiry, but the movements of her hand did not show the slightest pity: "Can my brother-in-law make me a real woman?"

"I really want to taste my brother-in-law~" She stuck out her tongue and licked her red lips, her eyes full of greed.

When she looked at Mio Akiyama who was in pain on the ground again, she said coquettishly like a little girl: "Really, my sister will eat alone! Whether it is family property or a man, good things must know how to share!"

She tilted her head and said, "Do you say yes? brother-in-law~".

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