During the dinner, the staggered and various toasts were lively.

It also ended in eating and drinking, and people began to leave one after another.

The celebrities and brands who sat at the same table as Chen He also retired one after another.

In the end, only Chen He was left on the entire table.

Today he ate very slowly, very slowly, and was almost the last to put down his chopsticks.

During this period, he should have gone over to give Yu Lao and the people in the company a few glasses of wine, but he didn't move.

For this reason, he was also ridiculed by Xiao Xianrou at the next table for his high shelf and backstage, and he didn't even have to pay attention to this basic human sophistication.

I can't say whether it's jealousy or envy.

Chen He turned a deaf ear and only silently ate the vegetables.

In the end, when everyone was almost gone, Chen He looked left and right, and found that there seemed to be few people around.

His expression finally changed.

His brow tightened, and a groan of pain came out of his mouth.


Chen He couldn't bear it anymore, the pain in his left leg came from, and he lowered his body to cover his leg.

It was as if someone had broken it with a hammer, and the pain was so great that he couldn't even hold his chopsticks steadily.

Dropped on the table, it also attracted the attention of the people at the table.

Then there was a dense pain, as if there were thousands of ants gnawing on it, and the muscles and bones ached together.

Chen He wasted a lot of energy before he didn't wail.

Beads of sweat were slowly running down his forehead, and in fact, his back was already soaked with sweat before that.

But Chen He forcibly held back.

At that time, it was the time when Yu Lao was talking and toasting, and he couldn't make a sound, let alone leave the scene.

Otherwise, it is disrespectful to Yu Lao.

Yu Lao is his own Bole, and he must not embarrass him in public.

Otherwise, tomorrow there will be unscrupulous media writing: Chen He played a big name as soon as he became a brand ambassador, and he didn't even listen to Yu Lao's words and left the scene!

At that time, the public opinion turmoil caused by the time may bring even greater trouble.

Chen He could only endure it.

thought it would end soon, but apparently he underestimated the amount of alcohol in the entertainment industry.

Those female stars who say they can't drink alcohol can drink more than one another.

Chen He saw with his own eyes that a sweet-looking female idol drank three big men, and finally left the scene calmly.

It's terrifying.

During this period, some people also came to toast Chen He, and he resigned one by one.

The pain made him unable to show too many expressions, and he grinned at his teeth if he was not careful, it was too ugly.

Chen He could only keep the whole process cold.

Fortunately, after two or three people hit a wall, others are no longer bored.

They just silently gave Chen He an impression score in their hearts: cold, big shelf, and will take Qiao.

Fortunately, there is no one anymore, and Chen He can finally cover his feet and show a painful expression.

I don't know if he ate food he shouldn't have eaten, or if he was nearing the end of his life.

This time, the leg pain was stronger than ever.

When I went to Huaxi before, after taking the painkillers prescribed by the doctor, my condition was actually much better.

But for nearly two weeks, the pain has intensified.

Probably because his body has developed drug resistance, he can't even take medicine.

But because he was busy with things, he was preparing to move his parents Wu Cuifang and Chen Zheng, so he couldn't take care of it so much.

I hurriedly went to the hospital to take a look, bought two more pairs of medicines and took them, and didn't care anymore.

Unexpectedly, today, it almost made him embarrassed.

After his leg pain was slightly relieved, Chen He slowly stood up on the table.

He had to go home and take his side medicine or go to the hospital.

There is no way, if it drags on any longer, I'm afraid this leg is not my own.

Chen He had never felt that death was so close to him.

There is no moment when I can feel more personally and realistically than now, and the impact of bone cancer on me is so great.

There are levels of pain that he can bear.

But beyond a certain limit, there really is no way.

But as soon as he stood up with his support on the table and was about to take a step to the side, his left foot just touched the ground and the whole person fell down.

Because that foot has no strength to support it at all.

And the moment of the force, the huge pain was as if the calf bone had been severed from the middle.

Chen He's whole person fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

The waiters who were cleaning up the table over there were all startled.

They hurried over to check on Chen He's situation.

"Sir, sir, are you alright?"

The huge pain made Chen He unable to answer their words, nor did he have any way to respond.

He could only cover his legs and curl up in a ball, like a helpless child.

The waiter on the side looked at him helplessly, not knowing what to do.

I heard that there are some diseases that you can't go up to touch the patient, otherwise it will frighten him and deepen his condition.

They could only watch Chen He fall to the ground, looking like a sheep having a seizure, and the whole person was trembling.

There was a waitress who couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to come over to help Chen He, but was stopped by the male waiter on the side.

"Don't move, what if it gets worse? Wait for the doctor to come, I'll call 120. "

The waiters on the side were in a hurry.

Some knelt beside Chen He to check on his condition.

Others ran to call the service manager in the lobby.

Others wanted to come around and see what was going on.

But he was driven away.

Some people with asthma need breathing space.

If they are together, it will deepen the condition and make him unable to breathe.

Such a big movement attracted the attention of the few remaining guests who had not yet left.

One of them is Bai Qing.

She was just far away and saw a man falling, but she didn't know who it was.

It wasn't until those waiters shouted Chen He's name loudly that she reacted, and it turned out that Chen He fell to the ground.

Her face changed, and she suddenly remembered, it couldn't be Chen He's illness, right?

Bai took three steps and two steps in a hurry, hurriedly ran over, and looked down.

Who is lying on the ground holding his legs, with a painful expression, who is it not

Chen He? Bai gently squatted down quickly, shook Chen He's shoulders vigorously, and shouted anxiously: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Brother? Brother? Are you having a leg attack?" Chen He didn't

have the energy to answer her.

He could only open his eyes and look at Bai lightly when his body was shaken.

He wanted to say don't shake me, I was really in pain.

It's a pity that Bai Qing can't understand his hints.

Fortunately, she let go of Chen He and shouted at the waiter next to her:

"Call the doctor quickly, quickly!"

Chen He slowly lost consciousness in pain.

His eyes slowly closed, and his eyes became pitch black.

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