Soon the little girl grabbed a handful of grass and hurriedly handed

it to Lin Yuan! After Lin Yuan took it, he asked the little girl to retreat a little farther, and then bowed down, so that her height was as equal as possible with the ewe, and her size would not be too large in her eyes.

The purpose of this is to reduce the panic of the goats as much as possible! Anyone

who has ever owned a cat knows that if you stand up and interact with the kitten, it will immediately run away in fear.

Weak creatures are inherently afraid of some tall creatures.

But if you crouch down and walk slowly.

Then it will also feel your kindness, and it will boldly come forward and let you touch it.

And this, Lin Yuan learned in the wilderness survival collection given by the system.

The goat saw that the human in front of him had become smaller, and the extent of his struggle had decreased considerably.

Seeing that it was effective, Lin Yuan hurriedly handed over the grass in his hand.

After the struggle just now, the goat's physical strength has really been consumed a lot, and now that it is pregnant, the energy required in a day is even greater.

Seeing a handful of juicy grass in front of him, and the human in front of him seemed to have put away his malice, the goats became a little more bold and began to gnaw.

Seeing this scene on the side, the little girl couldn't help but start to open her mouth wide, didn't the two parties just now

want to die and want to catch the other and want to run? Why did it suddenly become this friendly appearance?

Seeing that the goat had already lowered its vigilance a little, Lin Yuan took two steps back and prepared to lead it to the camp.

But the goat didn't move at all, and he didn't want to leave at all.

In desperation, Lin Yuan had no choice but to let Tong Yao continue to grab a handful of grass to see if he could seduce him back.

Soon Tong Yao brought another handful of grass, and after Lin Yuan took it, he began to gently tease the goat's mouth.

Seeing that the human beings in front of him brought grass again, and the goats did not refuse to come, they stretched out their heads to eat.

But how could

Lin Yuan let it eat it? Seeing that the goat was about to eat the grass, Lin Yuan took a step back, and the grass in front of the goat was a little farther away from him, so he also took a step forward.

Seeing that this method was effective, Lin Yuan was overjoyed.

Then the man and the sheep slowly marched towards the camp, and everything was going in a good direction

, but when the two men and the sheep came to the stream, the problem also came.

That is, the goat was reluctant to step into the creek no matter what, and Lin Yuan didn't dare to drag it in, after all, he didn't want to destroy the trust he had built up with great difficulty.

In desperation, Lin Yuan had no choice but to hug him, because the goat was pregnant, so he didn't dare to push too hard.

But fortunately, the goat only symbolically struggled twice, and was soothed by Tong Yao on the side with a handful of grass in his hand.

Seeing that the goat didn't struggle anymore, Lin Yuan hurriedly seized this opportunity to walk across the stream and put it down.

for fear of hurting the lamb in his belly.

After feeling the touch of the ground, the goat did not panic anymore, and finally returned to the camp under the temptation

of the two of them! After closing the door of the fence, Lin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that today is much more tiring than going to the bamboo forest to cut down trees two days ago.

"It's back, and I'm tired. Tong Yao took a sip of the kettle and sighed.

Because she didn't make a lot of effort on the road just now, at least the wild vegetables in Lin Yuan's back basket were brought back by her.

"Yes, but in the near future, we will be able to drink goat's milk!" Lin Yuan thought that he would be able to drink a bowl of hot goat's milk for breakfast in the future, not to mention how happy he was.

"Well, but what are we going to do today, it seems that there is almost no food!" Tong Yao looked at the time, the two of them went out early in the morning to look for food, and they didn't come back until more than three o'clock in the afternoon!

"Let's go, let's try our luck in the bamboo forest!" Lin Yuan thought for a while, and planned to go to the bamboo forest to see if he could find the bamboo rat's nest while there was still some time.

"Well, then we're going to have to hurry. Tong Yao nodded in agreement.

Then he took the sapper shovel and trotted all the way to the bamboo forest.

The purpose of the two is also very clear, and they each lowered their heads and looked for traces of bamboo rats on the ground.

Because the two of them have been catching bamboo rats to eat for the past two days, Tong Yao can more or less see the differences in some bamboo rat nests!

"Lin Yuan, come on, I see a bamboo rat's nest. The little girl shouted Lin Yuan excitedly.

Lin Yuan hurriedly rushed over, and without saying more, he began to dig quickly with the sapper shovel in his hand.

Because it was an all-out explosion, and the modern tools were too easy to use, it only took him ten minutes to dig more than two meters deep!

And before the bamboo rat inside could react, Lin Yuan grabbed the back of fate's neck, and then handed it to Tong Yao.

Seeing that there was still a little time, the two didn't plan to go back so early, and then found two bamboo rat nests and began to dig in the same way.

As soon as he was busy surviving, Tong Yao was carrying three bamboo rats in his hands, and Lin Yuan saw that it was almost there, so he also began to stop.

Although it is easy to say, he is really tired when he does it.

"Go back, it's not too early. Lin Yuan greeted Tong Yao and planned to rush back to the camp.

After all, I still have to cook at night!

Back at the camp, Lin Yuan began to process the bamboo rat meat, while the little girl took a bath in the bathroom.

After preparing all the ingredients, it happened that the little girl had already finished washing, and then Lin Yuan also got in.

The little girl took the ingredients back to the shelter.

looked at the dried bamboo shoots that were drying on the side, and the little girl also played with them a few times to make them dry more evenly.

Although it's dark now, it's useless to do this, but tomorrow it can be dry!Then

the little girl began to process the bamboo rat meat, and last night she was thinking about how to eat the bamboo rat today.

After all, she had eaten bamboo rat soup, roasted bamboo rats, and stewed bamboo rats

! So she wanted to see if she could stew them and eat them!

Then blanch the bamboo rat and wash it, then put the water in it to simmer, and finally pour all the ingredients into it.

Because she caught three bamboo rats this time, and both of them were quite hungry, Tong Yao put two of them in this pot of stewed bamboo rats.

There was also a bamboo rat, which was roasted by her on the fire.

Because of last night's roasted bamboo rat, she still tasted pretty good.

Soon Lin Yuan also came back from taking a bath.

Seeing that the little girl was busy, he also stepped forward to help.

When he opened the lid of the pot and saw a large pot of bamboo rat meat inside, Lin Yuan's saliva couldn't help but flow out.

Because this stewed bamboo rat is simply appetizing.

"How's that? isn't it?" said the little girl.

"Well, it feels like it's delicious. Lin Yuan nodded.

"Let's eat!" the little girl greeted, then took a piece of bamboo rat meat and put it in Lin Yuan's bowl, and then ate it herself.


"That...... Lin Yuan, I see that you are so easy to dig bamboo rats with sappers, why didn't you use it two days ago?" Tong Yao asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, maybe the author won't let it!" Lin Yuan said, and then took a piece of bamboo rat leg and put it in his mouth.

Author: ???

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