"What else do you have to say?" Lin Yuan turned his head to look at

the black man and said coldly! The black man looked at his shelter that had completely fallen apart, and felt very uncomfortable

! But he was helpless, because the rules of the game were like this, his speed could not compare with others, and now the solidity of the shelter was still not comparable, and it was inevitable to withdraw from the race!

The black man shook his head

! Now that the defeat was decided, even if he wanted to refute anything, it was only in vain!

Maybe he will be ridiculed by the people around him for being a clown, so he has no choice but to admit defeat

!"Okay, now that the winner has been decided, according to the agreement, the black players must contribute all their survival tools and withdraw from the game!" The soldier announced

the result of the game loudly! Although the people around him already knew the result, their faces were full of shock!

However, after thinking about it, since people can find so much food in the small earth, they naturally have his own advantages

! Some of the players in the Huaxia group couldn't help but blush when they recalled the scene of isolating Lin Yuan and them during the day!

Where did they get the courage to dare to isolate such a great god?

People can build a one-bedroom and a living room in two hours, how many people can do it?

The black man and his teammates also consciously presented their tools one by one, in addition to the machete they had just used, among their tools were a flint and a sleeping bag.

And the sleeping bag is still a double model, Lin Yuan was very happy to see it, and hurriedly took it.

After all, sleeping bags are hard to come by.

However, Lin Yuan still wanted a compound bow and other hunting tools in his heart, knowing that there were still jackals around his camp

! It's a pity that people didn't have them, and he couldn't force them, so he could only silently accept this sleeping bag

! Li Wanting's side, after hearing the results of the game announced by the soldiers, there was a burst of cheers

! They had been worried about Lin Yuan since the beginning of the game, and now that they had won a big victory, the big stone hanging in their hearts was also put down!

Wang Zhong on the side looked at the sleeping bag in Lin Yuan's hand with a blank eye, and was greedy for a while!

You know, since he came to the island, he has been sleeping in a cold cave.

He has been carefree and pampered since he was a child, where has he suffered like this, and now that Lin Yuan has been given a sleeping bag, his determination to persuade Li Wanting to give up the competition has become more and more serious!

As long as he can make his cousin withdraw from the competition, he will be able to swim the two-dimensional ocean with thousands or hundreds of wives again.

Wang Zhong in the city is a complete two-dimensional otaku, for which he also bought a villa, which is filled with all kinds of figures, and many of them are female characters, no less than ten of the same height

! Not only that, Wang Zhong also wears all kinds of costumes for these characters in all kinds of bad tastes!

What Christmas maids, sailor suits, high heels and professional clothes are everything.

If it weren't for Mother Li's inadvertently discovering such a little habit as Wang Zhong and threatening Wang Zhong's father, he would definitely not have come to participate

in this competition!" "With this sleeping bag, this winter should be stable, and the strength of the body seems to be much greater!"

Lin Yuan clenched his fists, feeling the power in his hand.

In fact, he had already discovered this change when he was cutting down trees with Wang Zhong before proposing the competition.

It's just that it doesn't have the same strength as other traversers, and it suddenly begins

to increase by leaps and bounds! But the increase in strength is inevitable

! If Lin Yuan used to pull a bundle of thorny branches back to the camp and his tired limbs were so weak that he couldn't walk, now he can do fifty more push-ups on this basis!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuan can greatly shorten the time to build a shelter and win the competition!

After the two blacks announced their retirement from the competition, they also quickly left with the roar of the helicopter

! And the soldiers saw that the matter had been settled, and they also returned to their posts one after another

! Lin Yuan returned to the front of everyone! The

bonfire in the camp had already been lit by several people, and now several people were preparing dinner

! Seeing Lin Yuan come back, several people greeted him with smiles!

"Lin Yuan didn't expect you to have such a hand, I was really stunned!" Wang Zhong patted Lin Yuan's shoulder

with a smile and said!"I usually watch more videos of Bei Ye, so I learned a little more!" Lin Yuan smiled and threw the pot to Bei Ye again

!"Bei Ye has never taught how to make the shelter so big, Lin Yuan, don't be modest!" Li Wanting also smiled and joked with Lin Yuan! "Don't

talk about this, is dinner ready?I'm a little hungry just after the game!" Lin Yuan covered his already hungry stomach and asked a few people for food!

"It's going to be fine right away, and it's Sister Wanting who cooks herself, Lin Yuan, let me tell you, Sister Wanting's cooking skills are good. When the little girl heard Lin Yuan's words, she hurriedly took the trophy in Lin Yuan's hand and motioned for her to wait a little longer

! Then she continued to return to Li Wanting and began to help

out! Lin Yuan also simply sat

around the bonfire and waited slowly! Several people were busy talking and laughing around the bonfire, not caring about the light rain in the sky, the scene was very warm!

Of course, the other players did not have such a good attitude!

Because they didn't bring much food, and some people even ran over empty-handed, so they could only endure hunger and prepare to go to bed tonight, planning to wait for the next morning to look for food around

! Soon, the dinner of several people was ready, and Li Wanting motioned for everyone to eat

! Several people hurriedly began to move their chopsticks!

Lin Yuan looked at the food in front of him, and his mouth began to secrete saliva frantically!

He didn't expect that he could still eat such delicious food

in the wild! I saw that the Wang Jin snake that Lin Yuan caught in the morning was stewed into a pot of snake soup by Li Wanting in the unknown method, and it was filled with shell bowls! And in the two pots brought by Lin Yuan and Li Wanting, one pot was filled with stewed meat, and the other pot was filled with some stewed vegetables

! Moreover, there was also a rabbit roasted by the bonfire

! It can be said that this meal is quite rich if it is eaten by four people!

The aroma of the food here naturally wafted to the camp of the other

contestants! Some contestants who were nibbling on some wild vegetables and fruits looked at the food on Lin Yuan's side, and then looked at the

food in their hands! Instantly felt like chewing wax

! There were also some contestants who had no food to eat, but they were seduced by these smells and turned over and over again

in the shelter! The protests in their stomachs came and went! This

scene definitely happened in more than one group!

Even the soldiers stationed on the side were secretly swallowing saliva when they smelled

the food of several people! Looking at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning

! Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly, and then said "Sign in" to the system and then joined the team of several people competing for food! "Sign

in successfully, number of days to sign in: five days."

However, in the process of eating, Lin Yuan and the others were shocked when they learned that Li Wanting had taken the

national second-class chef certificate! There are still so many talented people in the world?

First, he is a master's degree student in botany, and now he is a national second-class chef.

It is not an exaggeration for the woman in front of her to say that she

is a genius! No wonder cooking can be so

delicious! After eating such a dinner, Lin Yuan, who has always thought that cooking is delicious, can't help but bow down! After

all, the strength of the people is there, and you have nothing to say!

(End of this chapter).

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