"How can this be

?" "We are not convinced

!" "It's just that it's so unfair!" "

Why can the Chinese people choose a room when we can only sleep in the corridor and the hallway?"


At the words of the major officer, many foreigners began to protest, and even the victors had already begun to resist and riot

! However, they were stopped by the soldiers in front of them with their guns!

Before meeting, the black muzzles of guns were pointed at themselves and others, and these foreign contestants did not make any more radical moves!"

Silence, I can understand your dissatisfaction, but you might as well look around you, apart from our Huaxia Kingdom sending a fleet to rescue you, are there any other people?" the major shouted.

"This is a competition held by you in China, and the rescue work should also be your obligation!" replied a black man in a loud voice!

"When you say this, don't forget that you signed a life and death certificate before you went to the island, which means that we can completely ignore your life and death, and as for now, we are still here to rescue you, it is completely incidental."

If not, I might as well send you back to the island now and let you continue the game!" The major officer coldly responded to the black man's words, his eyes were as deep as if the abyss beast was about to devour him!

As soon as the black man's eyes made contact with the major's gaze, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in his heart, feeling that the other party was looking at him as if he was looking at a corpse, which made him shudder!"

Now, the contestants of the Huaxia group can directly enter the cabin, and the controlled weapons such as machetes on their bodies can be handed over to the soldiers who lead the way for safekeeping, and they will be returned one by one when we go to Pingxin Island!"

The foreign contestants before the meeting began to calm down, and the major officer let a few soldiers lead the Huaxia team in! The foreign

contestants behind him could only look at them and dare not speak!

Seeing this, Lin Yuan, Li Wanting, and the others didn't stay any longer, and followed the soldiers with some of their own supplies

! Soon, under the leadership of the soldiers, the contestants were taken to a place like a soldier's

dormitory and stopped! The dormitory was very large, almost every dormitory could accommodate seven or eight people, and the visual inspection of this floor was all over, and it was simply easy to live in more than 1,000 people, and there was no place to live like the major said!

"Okay, this is our dormitory, you can choose for yourself, you can be two people in one room or more people in one room!" said a dark-skinned soldier with a hearty smile.

"Wouldn't it be too extravagant for the two of us to share such a large dormitory?, what if we take all of this place, what if you don't have a place to sleep?" the man next to the soldier asked!

"What is this, let me tell you, we have such a big aircraft carrier, there are many rooms inside, and as for the words that the chief said outside, it was purely a lie to those stupid foreigners." The dark-skinned soldier explained with a smile!

As soon as this remark came out, everyone began to laugh, and the atmosphere was very pleasant!"

"Also, you should be quite tired from the competition on the island by now, there is a water dispenser in the dormitory, you can use it as you like, and have a good rest." Although we can't prepare survival supplies for you, the water can still make you drink!" A tall soldier beside him also talked to everyone

!"Then you won't be criticized by the leader for doing this?" The man asked again

!"What are you afraid of, it's all approved by the leader!" And you can also use the bathroom inside, at least wash your body cleanly, and rest more comfortably!" The dark-skinned soldier smiled!

And you are also fighting for the territory of the country now, how can we make you suffer?" The tall soldier also smiled and echoed

! These soldiers all know a little more about

the rules and rewards of this competition! At the thought of the possibility that foreigners might win away their own island, they all held their breath in their hearts, if it weren't for the rules that did not allow military personnel to participate in the competition, they would have rolled up their sleeves and signed up for the competition directly!

Lin Yuan said that this kind of behavior of protecting calves

is very Chinese! Looking at these honest and lovely soldiers in front of him talking and laughing with everyone, the depressed emotions that several people had originally accumulated on the desert island have also been greatly relieved!

Then everyone began to choose a room, but they were all very conscious of four people in a room, the Huaxia group was actually quite lucky, at least none of the 72 members of the selected group had quit in the past few days!

However, seeing that the contestants were all four in one room, several of the soldiers began to get anxious

! On their own side, more than 60 rooms were set aside for the Huaxia group players to live in, but now only about half of them were occupied, wouldn't the remaining rooms be given to those gringos?

Then these soldiers began to persuade!

There are many rooms, you are welcome

! Everyone does not need to be restrained and so on!

However, they were politely rejected one by one, and there were only four people living in a dormitory of seven or eight people, and to be honest, it was already very empty!

There was no choice but to lock all the remaining rooms with keys, since their own families could not live in so many places, they could not cheapen those gringos.

Lin Yuan, Li Wanting, and the others naturally lived

in the same dormitory! I saw that the interior of the dormitory was neatly arranged, and the quilts on the bed were stacked neatly into tofu blocks and placed at the head of the bed

! For Li Wanting

, who had never liked to fold quilts when she got up! She had never seen a quilt folded like this when she was so old

! Although these had military training when she was in college, it was just a joke!

"Wow! It's so neatly arranged here, and the quilt can still be folded like this!" The little girl looked

at the dormitory in front of her, and sighed in her heart! Because she also belongs to the type of person who doesn't like folding quilts at home

! So it is inevitable that there will be some different emotions!

"Yes, I am embarrassed to mess up such a neat place!" Lin Yuan scratched his head with a smile and said!

The major, who learned that the players of the Huaxia group had finished moving in, waved his sleeves to show that the foreign team could

enter the cabin to rest! However, it was not as easy for them to enter the cabin as the players of the Huaxia group.

More than 400 groups of contestants and more than 800 people were taken to a large room by the soldiers before entering the cabin, and after being searched one by one, some controlled knives and other items were placed in groups.

He then blindfolded his eyes with strips of black cloth before he could actually enter.

And now the time has reached 6 o'clock

in the afternoon! Because of the typhoon, the sky has already darkened at this time, and the typhoon is coming as scheduled

! A 12-magnitude super typhoon is blowing on the sea and setting off a huge wave of monstrous waves

! Rain mixed with strong winds and lightning is constantly flickering and falling in the sky!

Fortunately, an aircraft carrier was dispatched this time, and the contestants inside did not feel much shaking!

If it had been replaced by other warships, there would really be a possibility that they would have been overturned by this typhoon!

A few people who had been engaged in an ideological struggle had already taken their seats at this time.

In the bathroom of the dormitory, Li Wanting was humming a little song happily, and there was a sound of water splashing on

the ground from time to time! In the past few days since she came to the desert island, Li Wanting has almost wiped her body with water to keep it tidy

! As a family member, she also endured the discomfort to participate in the competition, and now that she learned that she could take a good bath, Li Wanting naturally couldn't wait to walk in!

(End of this chapter).

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