Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 572: Cat catches mouse (thanks to Miss Rouge, Silver League)

The sound ...

It is the sound of the internal combustion engine!

"It's the sound of a car!"

Chen Xu stared at the eyes, but did not expect that the gang of anti-poaching forces had caught up so quickly.

Immediately, he looked up and looked around carefully, both ears were erected, carefully discerning the direction of the engine sound.

as expected.

In the wasteland of the southeastern jungle, about fifty or sixty meters away, an old-fashioned off-road off-road pickup truck was wagging across the bushes and heading towards this side.

"Oops! We need to leave soon!"

Chen Xu exclaimed that even the lid of the kettle was too late, he took it directly, and fled carefully to the dense jungle in the north.

He didn't dare to run too fast, because the greater the range, the louder the mowing of grass and bushes.

Therefore, he can only try to avoid it first.

When he ran away, he didn't forget to look back, watching the pickups at any time.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also frightened. They could not have imagined that the anti-poaching force had caught up with Xuye so quickly.

You know, along the way, Xu Ye ’s performance does not say that there is nothing to do, at least he is super conscious and responds extremely quickly.

Such powerful anti-reconnaissance and escape capabilities are still being chased by them. How fierce is this black cobra?

"As soon as the car came out, I was really scared. Ye Xu was a real opponent this time!"

"So nervous, what if Grandpa Asahi is found!"

"Me too. It's like cheating on an exam and almost being discovered by the proctor!"

"Xuye, run away! Don't be surrounded!"


Facing such a tight plot, the film director, Simon immediately called up a more nervous BGM.

The combination of the two makes the exciting and time-consuming escape picture more prominent. In a short time, the barrage of the entire live broadcast room has completely burst into bloom.

All the audience were holding their breath and gazing at the gods, the adrenaline soared, and their hearts constantly urged Xu Xu to run.

At this time, the sun was setting down little by little, and the orange-red light on the ground continued to fade away, and the light began to become more and more dim.

Chen Xu is like a flexible leopard, constantly shuttled in the jungle. Full Food Crazy Era

"The car didn't speed up! They shouldn't find me for a while!"

"Furthermore, there is a disadvantage of driving and tracking. They can only drive in open areas and cannot drive in dense jungles. This is back to my previous way to avoid mother hippos, but we have little time and must hurry up. Get out of here! "

After taking a few steps, he turned back and looked at the distance behind him. The two pickup trucks with the same yellow dots, if not for the purpose of strengthening the visual lock before he started the broadcast, it would be really difficult for him to run in the jungle. See it so clearly!

After making sure that the car would not be seen, he began to run at a rapid speed.

On the other side, Chen Xu is about 90 meters southeast.

Terence was sitting in the co-pilot of Pickup, looking out from the side windows to the surrounding jungle.

At this moment, not far away, a sand bunker with water attracted him.


He reached out his fist and yelled, and the next player heard the emergency brake immediately!

After the car stopped, the crowd immediately followed Terence to the sand bunker.

"Someone has dug water here!"

Terence observed the puddle for a moment and squinted his eyes and said, "This is usually where the elephant digs, but you see, there are many obvious fine marks around the wall of the pit. The elephant's nose does not leave this. Kind of trace. "

"Unless it is a human hand! Only people digging sand with their fingers will leave such traces. The kid has definitely been here. It takes about four minutes for the digging and fetching water to get clean. Now, the water in the puddle has not Completely clean. "

"That is to say, the kid will never leave for more than four to five minutes. Let's chase!"

After that, he immediately took off the rifle from his back, pulled the bolt, and hurried toward the forest.

"He must have heard the sound of the car. Everyone followed me on foot, and immediately contacted David Wave and asked him to follow immediately!"

While running, Terence issued two orders in a row.

Seven hundred meters away.

Yuri and Viken were still studying the dazzling blood stains on the desert grass.

"Okay, I know!"

David Bo received a message from the walkie-talkie, "Okay, don't worry about bloodstains, follow me first, and Terence finds the kid!"

"Really? Great!" Youth relentless dreams

You Xixi was pleased, "I bet the kid must be scared to die now, just like a mouse caught by a cat, with tremendous pressure on his heart!"

The three then headed northeast at full speed, ready to meet Terence.

About three minutes.

Several people saw Terence and others.

Although it's getting dark now, Yuri still relies on his strong tracking ability, and still finds Chen Xu's footprints, "Here! Found, the kid's footprint route is north!"

"Captain, do you need to drive to the north to intercept him?"

Next, a member asked.

"No need to!"

David's eyes flashed. "The boy is very capable of anti-reconnaissance. Maybe when will he change course again. Everyone is in this jungle, searching for reconnaissance in a fan shape, and shouting as soon as he finds it!"

"If I remember correctly, there will be an open area ahead. Everyone must catch this kid before it's completely dark. Don't make our black-eyed snake unit shame!"


All players shouted in unison.

In the next moment, a total of eight people, like eight hunting dogs smelling blood, scattered quickly and rushed into the jungle, like a large net, wrapped towards Chen Xu.

Protected area, north direction.

In the jungle, Chen Xu was holding his breath in his mouth, his lungs were up and down, his legs were like leopards, and he quickly shuttled through the grassland forest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After getting out of sight of pickup, Only dared to let go of speed and escape with all strength.

Among the special forces, there are also those who are not good at running in the jungle, such as those that often perform urban counter-terrorism operations.

But Chen Xu is not the same. He has the experience of fighting in the jungle of the Siberian Tiger, and the outbreak of sprints. The speed attribute of 21 points is strengthened, making him like a professional track and field athlete.

Coupled with the need for the anti-poaching force to pay attention to the traces of footprints, the tracking speed is relatively slowed down.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was extended to about 800 meters again.

After running for 10 minutes under a high load, Chen Xu could only stop first, hands on his knees, and panted with a big mouth.

From noon to now, he has not eaten a bit of food, and has been hurrying and running, which naturally consumes a lot of physical strength.

"Huh ... ha ... they are too close to me. This distance is very disturbing to me, and even brings me a strong sense of crisis. I must find a way to distance me!"

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