Reality proves that those who can talk are not necessarily monsters, but may also be parrots.

"What kind of monster bird is this!"

Lu Yang was furious. Suction appeared in his palm and he pulled the parrot over. The parrot didn't even have a chance to react before it was caught.

Xiangzheng can also do this, but Xiangzheng thinks this is some kind of Qi-training and foundation-building monster, and he doesn't dare to do it.

"Monster! There is a monster!" the parrot chirped but didn't listen.

Taoyaoye heard the movement in the room and rushed over to check. Her mood was similar to Lu Yang.

It's a good thing that the mission is completed, and it's also a good thing that there is no need to fight, but the problem is that he came all the way from Taoism and spent three days on a flying boat just to catch a parrot?

How to write a mission report and make people laugh when you tell it.

The people in Taiping Township have little knowledge and do not know this bird that comes from the depths of the rain forest, but Lu Yang and Tao Yaoye know each other. This is the most basic knowledge in Taoism.

"As expected of a Taoist priest, he captured the demon bird easily!" After Xiangzheng and others learned that the parrot had been caught, they all praised Lu Yang and said that he had advanced cultivation.

The two people were helpless and patiently explained to everyone that this was a very common bird, but it was not common in the northern part of the mainland.

"This parrot... what you call a monster bird is best at imitating human speech."

"Imitate people's speech, imitate people's speech." The parrot kept chirping next to him. Lu Yang pinched the parrot's beak and continued to explain to everyone.

"It called Zhang Guanjia a monster, not because it wanted to call it, but because it heard Tailor Feng call 'monster' before, so it followed suit. When it met Zhang Guanjia, it happened to repeat it."

Zhang Guanjia breathed a sigh of relief. As expected of a Taoist disciple, his grievances were cleared right after he arrived.

"Similarly, it shouted, 'Who are you and where is Zhang Guanjia?' It was the same way. It couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence. It just heard it somewhere and repeated it meaninglessly."

"Damn this broken bird, look at me killing it." Zhang Guanjia was furious when he saw the parrot.

Lu Yang raised his hand to stop Zhang Guanjia: "This place is half a continent away from the rainforest. This bird must not have flown here on its own, but was brought here by someone."

"Except for someone who is so bored that he would even cross half a continent to bring this parrot that has no use other than a curiosity, only the Landed Money Merchant Guild would do such a thing."

"Is there a money merchant association here?"

Xiang Zheng shook his head: "The Chamber of Commerce will not open in a small and remote place like ours, but there is one in Quhe County. It is opened in the most prosperous area and there is an endless stream of people. It is possible that after someone bought it from the Chamber of Commerce, the parrot escaped accidentally. ”

As for the parrot escaping directly from the Landed Money Chamber of Commerce, that is absolutely impossible.

Lu Yang asked again: "This bird has been around Taiping Township for twenty days and has not gone anywhere else. Maybe its owner is here. I wonder what Xiang Zhengke thinks?"

Xiang Zheng thought for a while and then said: "Everyone in this town knows about the monster bird. If there is anyone who may not know, it is the Shang family in the east."

"The Shang family seldom goes out and doesn't want to talk to others. I heard that the head of the Shang family is also a practitioner. He suffered setbacks when he was young and his cultivation plummeted. Since then, he has lost the intention to practice and lives here in seclusion."

"The Shang family also has considerable financial resources. They are the richest people in the local area. It would be reasonable to say that they bought the demon bird from the Landed Money Chamber of Commerce."

"In that case, let's ask the Shang family."

Taiping Township is not a big place, so three people and one bird quickly arrived at the door of Shang's house.

After a knock on the door, someone opened the door soon. It was a middle-aged man with a mustache and a gentleman in a Confucian robe.

"It turns out to be Xiang Zheng. I don't know who these two are, so I can inform you." The man with the mustache said.

Lu Yang held the parrot's wings, as if he was carrying a rooster to be slaughtered during the New Year: "We found this parrot by chance. After asking around, we thought it might belong to the Shang family, so we came here to ask."

The man with the mustache was surprised when he saw Tao Yaoye first. He had never seen a woman as beautiful as Tao Yaoye.

He looked at the green parrot and showed a happy smile: "So that's it. Thank you two young heroes. This should be my lady's parrot. Since the parrot was lost, she has been depressed all day long, which makes us servants very sad. It’s embarrassing.”

"Miss, I don't know how happy she should be when she knows that the parrot has been found."

Xiangzheng tilted his head and whispered: "He is the housekeeper of the Shang family. His surname is Zhang. He opens the door every time I come to the Shang family."

Butler Zhang hurried to report and received a reply soon.

"Master, please invite the three of you in."

After passing through the screen door, passing by the outer courtyard, from the second door to the corridor and then to the main room, I saw the head of the Shang family.

Shang Jiajia's main body is rich and handsome, and the gloomy look on his face puts others away from him. He is unwilling to talk too much with others, but when he sees Xiang Zheng, it can be seen that he is quite happy.

"Brother Huang, it's been a long time since we last met."

Xiangzheng's surname is Huang.

The two of them bowed their hands.

The head of the Shang family looked at the parrot for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, you can't be wrong. My daughter went to the Land Money Chamber of Commerce in the county to buy this. At that time, I thought this broken bird was not worth much. The chamber of commerce was asking for a high price, but my daughter refused to comply. If she insists on buying it, I have no choice but to follow her wishes.”

"Steward Zhang, take the two young heroes to see Xiao Yuan."

"Yes, sir."

Butler Zhang made a gesture of invitation, and then called the maid, asking her to pour tea for the head of the Shang family and Huang Xiangzheng.

On the way, Taoyaoye asked casually: "How long has it been since Butler Zhang came to Shang's house?"

Butler Zhang said respectfully: "The master saved me on his way to seclusion. Since then, I have been serving him. Counting the time, it has been twenty years. At that time, the lady was not yet born."

"So speaking of it, Miss Shang's relationship with you should be quite good."

"To be honest with you two young heroes, I watched the young lady grow up. I have no children. I treat the young lady as my own daughter. The young lady is depressed all day long, and I, the housekeeper, feel sad when I see her."

Lu Yang suddenly asked: "Were you present when the parrot was lost?"

Butler Zhang sighed and could feel the self-blame in his tone: "I was distracted at that time and didn't notice the parrot flying away. If I had paid more attention at that time, I would not have made the lady so sad. This was my dereliction of duty. "

Lu Yang said oh and said nothing more.

Butler Zhang clicked the button three times and said unhurriedly: "Miss, the parrot you escaped has been found. It is two young heroes who travel around the world. They came with the parrot."

A voice came from the room: "Then let them come in."


Lu Yang and Tao Yaoye opened the door, and Miss Shang leaned against the window, reading quietly. The evening sunlight shone on her hair, as if time had stood still, giving it a static beauty.

I don’t know how many teenagers in Taiping Township are obsessed with Miss Shang’s family.

Lu Yang kindly reminded: "Reading in the sunshine is not good for your eyes, especially the sunset. Light a lamp. Your father is not short of money."

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