White Dragon Lord

Chapter 260 New Fishmen!

The gray dwarf left, and the voice of the gnoll commentator sounded again.

"The tidy team of the Grey Dwarves must have left a deep impression on everyone. Yes, the Grey Dwarves are such a well-equipped and well-trained team. Let's take a look at the power that represents the wilderness."


Accompanied by the shouts of the gnoll commentator, a 12X24 gnoll team emerged from the deep city gate. Like the murlocs, the gnoll team is also a team with complete arms.

Walking at the front of the team was a gnoll brute with a steel broadsword in one hand and an iron-clad round shield in the other.

The muscles of the gnoll brute are stronger than those of their kin. They wear standard chain armor. These chain armors are not ordinary chain armors that are connected together with iron buckles. The surface of the iron buckles is also inlaid with iron pieces. The sheet protects key parts such as the heart, providing double protection for the owner of the chainmail without losing flexibility. In terms of aesthetics, the iron sheet at the heart is printed with the imprint of the four dragon rings of the White Castle.

"At the forefront of the team are the gnoll brutes. The gnoll brutes are warriors who charge at the forefront of the battlefield. The steel knives in their hands destroy the enemy, and the shields in their hands give the comrades behind them a sense of security. Want to kill the comrades behind the gnoll brute, unless you step over their corpses!"

Behind the gnoll brute, followed by gnoll spearmen in leather armor. These emaciated gnolls with ten spears on their backs were extremely focused, even the fierce noise of the surrounding audience did not affect them. They are not at all, they are always looking at the front of the team without squinting.

"Following the gnoll brute are the gnoll spearmen. Compared with the gnoll brute, the gnoll spearmen are warriors who focus on killing. The spears they throw can accurately hit the prey 100 meters away. The eyes, in addition to being far beyond the arms, they are also flexible warriors and excellent scouts."

Following the gnoll spearman was a gnoll knight on a hyena mount.

Similar to the orcs domesticating the wolves, the gnolls also have a tradition of domesticating hyenas. These khaki hyenas with black spots are excellent predators on the grasslands, and a certain number of them even dare to challenge the lions.

These ferocious hyenas not only help the gnoll hunt, but are also a good mount, especially when it comes to stamina, hyenas are especially good at tracking down enemies for long periods of time.

The gnoll cavalry is armed with a light and thin broadsword, which allows them to have super fast slashing speed on the back of the strong hyena. Has certain long-range attack capabilities.

In terms of comprehensive strength,

The gnoll hyena knight is not inferior to the wolf cavalry, but because the gnoll has not established a brilliant civilization, the popularity of the gnoll hyena knight is far worse than that of the orc wolf cavalry.

"Those gnolls riding hyena mounts are the elite of our gnoll clan. They are the gnoll hyena knights, and the hyena knights are the best pursuers. No one can escape the pursuit of this group."

Walking in the back was the gnoll mystic with a staff.

"The last one is the Gnoll Mystic Mage. Mystic Mage is a legal profession. It is the essence of the Gnoll civilization. They are not only proficient in magic, but also use herbs to make magical potions."

The gnoll narrator focuses on the gnoll brute and the gnoll spear thrower, because the two are the least technical, and the latter two have a series of hidden methods, which are mainly to prevent future incidents on the battlefield and humans. The kingdom meets with swords.

The dazzling weapons in the jackal's hands, the needle-like hair on his body, the slender claws, and the sharp fangs that could not be completely covered by his lips, all revealed a wild aura.

Under everyone's attention, the gnoll team also came to the Kingdom Square according to the process, and saluted their loyal object - the White Dragon Lord.

The guests on the stage looked at the gnoll team composed of well-trained high-level occupations below, and had a rough guess about the combat effectiveness of the White Fort Army, which should not be underestimated.

Everyone already knew that the number and quality of murlocs in the overseas archipelago was the highest in the ocean, which established Baibao's status as the hegemon of the East China Sea, but most people did not take murlocs to heart.

Because there are more landlocked countries on the mainland than coastal countries, at this time, the deterrence of an army like the gnoll is needed.

Both the murlocs and the pet army in White Castle have a flaw, that is, they cannot leave the water for a long time, which makes the threat of the murloc army to inland countries almost zero.

The goods transported by land account for a large share of White Castle's foreign trade, and most of the main forces that conquer the alien plane are terrestrial creatures.

These are the two important factors that the White Dragon lord vigorously promotes the development of the army. Gnolls, ogres, and trolls are the three main arms of the White Castle Army.

Among them, the ogres are the elite, the trolls are a bit embarrassing and tasteless, and the numerous gnolls with fierce fighting styles are the absolute main force of the army.

Therefore, the gnoll family represented by Hogg Riverpaw has always been the key support object of the White Dragon Lord.

Today, the number of master-level masters in the gnoll clan is comparable to that of the ogre clan, but at the level of high-level professionals, there are far more gnolls than ogres, and in terms of middle- and low-level professionals, the gnolls are even more overwhelming. Any race other than murlocs.

This keeps Hogg Riverpaw in the first echelon of the White Dragon Family.

In the heart of the white dragon lord, the most important family is of course Gulgaru, the two-headed ogre with infinite potential, followed by the leopard, the elusive super assassin, and then the legendary family and Hogg Riverpaw.

Both Gulgaru and Uyiel have a high chance of stepping into high-level legends, while Hogg Riverclaw and other legendary relatives have a slim chance. Maybe it will be better for the Dragon King to go through the bloodline advanced ceremony, but the White Dragon The lord can't guarantee it, after all, its starting point is too low.

The gnoll team saluted and left, and the task of the gnoll commentator was not over yet.

"Everyone! The races that appear next will surprise you, because they have never appeared in front of the world."

A short sentence aroused everyone's curiosity, but due to the dim light in the doorway, most people could not see clearly.

Among the guests on the high platform, there were many with excellent eyesight. They ignored the distance of several kilometers and looked at the murloc in the gate of the city gate with curiosity, frowning and discussing softly.

"It looks like a fish-man, hasn't it been through the scene?"

"Wait! Why do I feel something is wrong!"

Just when everyone was wondering, the voice of the gnoll commentator sounded again.

"They are a new race, they are the work of our great King, and they are, new! Fish! Men!"

Hearing the voice of the gnoll commentator, everyone was in an uproar.

"New race?!"

"New murloc?!"


In the dark doorway, Fauci Darkscale, who had been in charge of the new murlocs, spoke to the leader of the new murlocs.

"Fidam! Do well! This is the first time a new murloc has appeared in the eyes of the outside world!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!"

A tall black-scaled murloc nearly half taller than Faith Darkscale stared at the crowd outside the arena and said excitedly.

"We're sure to startle them."

A black-scale murloc led a 10X10 murloc phalanx out.

The moment everyone saw the black-scale murloc, they dared not imagine their eyes.

"This! This! This! This is a murloc?!"

Everyone was stunned when they looked at the black-scaled murlocs as tall as humans.

Ordinary murlocs are only as tall as the waist of an adult man, and even a big murloc with outstanding talent is only as tall as a human’s chest, and these murlocs are all about the same height as humans.

If that's the case, everyone might think that these murlocs are talented murlocs specially recruited by the white dragon lord. , these murlocs are good at using shadow energy.

Even if there are many murlocs in the overseas archipelago, it is almost impossible to find so many super tall black-scale murlocs, and these murlocs are all assassins.

Combined with the commentary of the gnoll commentator, then these murlocs can only really be a new race.

The scene suddenly boiled, because the gnoll said that these murlocs are the white dragon lords, oh no, the masterpiece of the white dragon king.

Creator? !

What kind of concept is this.

Everyone looked at the huge figure on the stage, with deep awe in their eyes.

"During an accidental inspection, the White Dragon Lord found that in a specific energy environment, special murlocs may be born, and these special murlocs were born."

It was just a magic experiment.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief. If the white dragon lord has the ability to create species out of thin air, then the white dragon is almost no different from the true god. If it is just a magic experiment, then everyone can accept it.

Throughout the ages, crazy wizards have done countless experiments on living organisms, and a large number of new creatures have been born.

The so-called layman is watching the fun, and the expert is watching the doorway, and the guests on the stage are horrified.

The moment the black-scale murlocs appeared, everyone understood that they were the product of magical experiments, but so what, the white dragon lord created a race.

There has never been a shortage of crazy mages in this world. They have created a large number of new species through hybridization, in vivo experiments, alchemy and other means, but most of these species are irrational aberrations.

Even if it is made by chance, it is either low in intelligence, or the success cannot be replicated. In short, there are such and such problems that it cannot be recognized by other races. These experimental products will either spend their lives in the laboratory or be destroyed by humanity.

And like the white dragon lord, let the experimental products openly appear in the world and admit that they are new races, which shows that these experimental products are genetically stable, have sufficient intelligence, and can reproduce.

Such a major event, the annals of history will definitely record that the last time the birth of a new race produced by experiments in Nordhill occurred was in the era of elves’ rule 20,000 years ago.

But for some unknown reason, this newly born race was wiped out by the powerful elf empire before it existed for a long time. Later generations only found their name in some ancient books - blood elves.

Not to mention these ancient times, since humans ruled the continent, there have been countless mages who have experimented with new species, but none of them have succeeded, and now the White Dragon Lord has succeeded.

This made everyone have to re-evaluate the magical power of White Castle.

Seeing the surprise in the eyes of everyone looking at him, the White Dragon Lord also roughly guessed what they were thinking. In fact, there are too many accidental factors for the success of the new murlocs.

The white dragon lord just put in the guide factor potion, and used the law of survival of the fittest to screen the murloc eggs. The core mutation of the new murlocs still depends on the genetic mutation. Whether the genetic mutation is benign or malignant depends entirely on luck. Even if the White Dragon Lord was given the same experimental conditions, he would not necessarily get the same experimental results.

And this method can't be used on other intelligent creatures, because murloc eggs can produce such a rare and completely benign mutation, which is completely based on the huge fish eggs.

You must know that for this experiment, the White Dragon Lord cut off the "J" curve of the population growth of the murlocs, and the number of fish eggs consumed is probably in units of billions.

Of course, if everyone doesn't ask, the White Dragon Lord is also happy to keep it mysterious.

Obviously, on this occasion, it would be inconvenient for everyone to ask questions, and even if they did ask, the White Dragon Lord would definitely not say such a confidential matter.

The murloc with shadow energy all over his body walked, his body slowly faded, and finally disappeared.

The crowd was terrified.

"I saw the undead alive! No. 100 murlocs! It disappeared like this?!"

A thief witnessed the whole process of the disappearance of the black-scale murloc, and couldn't help rolling his throat and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"This is stealth! High-level stealth!"

Another master-level thief mixed in the crowd said with a solemn expression to his fellow warriors.

"If I guess correctly, these murlocs are born extraordinary creatures, and they are shadow energy friendly. These shadow energy friendly extraordinary creatures are simply born thieves."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it is an incredible method. In terms of racial talent, murlocs are probably the last existence of all races. That existence can actually make them leap into extraordinary creatures."

The two couldn't help but glance at the white dragon lord on the stage.

The legendary professional guests on the stage can naturally see the changes in the murlocs, and they can see it more thoroughly than the master thieves. At a glance, they confirm the shadow energy affinity talent of the black-scaled murlocs.

However, since these murlocs have taken up thieves occupations, the shadow energy in their bodies has been further strengthened, and the murloc's natural biological level can no longer be seen.

All this is not a secret to the white dragon lord. The natural creature level of these murlocs is generally level 2.

But don't underestimate this 2-level creature level.

You must know that even a fairly powerful monster like a gnoll has a biological level of only 3, and humans have no biological level, let alone ordinary murlocs that are weaker than humans.

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