Whispering Verse

Chapter 2566: Boat Ticket (please ask for more tickets)

Chapter 2565 Boat Ticket (please ask for more tickets)

"I brought that flame to her, and then in the fusion of the flames, first the blood vessels all over her body were lit up, and then bright red cracks appeared on her skin, and finally she was burned to ashes in front of me. I Only then did we realize how dangerous the initial fire is.”

Fire-wielding nuns cannot always hold flames safely. Almost all fire-wielding nuns in the past were burned to ashes by the flames. Even though Sister Devlin was almost the most talented nun in the Sixth Age, her hands had burn marks long before she met Shade.

Therefore, Ms. Aniya Bullock's sister was burned up by the flames because of the strong initial fire. In fact, this was her destined ending from the beginning when she set out on this road.

Of course, Sister Devlin would most likely not die like this. After all, she found the stranger, a "fire-carrying hero" with a special soul. The shared flame not only meant that the flame would become more and more powerful and docile, but also meant that there was someone to share the power with her.

"Sorry. All mortals are mortal."

Shade could only comfort her like this. Ms. Bullock nodded and continued to look at the bonfire absentmindedly:

"I have reached the thirteenth level, and I have seen a lot of things and experienced a lot of sorrow. Although the sister who loved me all my life died because of the flame I found, I still hold on to my last hope:

When I go to death, I think my sister will be there waiting for me and we will meet again. "

She took a deep breath and then asked Xiang Shade:

"Do you know what happens next?"

"You know, although the souls of the nuns burned by the first fire will also end, they are not like other souls that can appear at will."

Ms. Bullock nodded slightly:

"Yes, it took me a long time to find out about this. Before my sister turned into ashes, she comforted me and said that she didn't mean to let me bury her with my own hands, but it was her responsibility. She said she would wait there. She told me, but in the end she lied."

Shade was glad that she just told the story and didn't shed tears, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to comfort her.

"So you came here?"

"Yes, since she lied, and since no one is willing to wait for me even before the end, then let me disappear completely and let her wait for the end of the world while burning alone."

"Sorry, can I say a word?"

Mr. Nelson said boldly, almost using up all his courage:

"You want to punish your sister by hurting yourself. This is stupid. I'm sorry, but it's really stupid. You hurt two people at once and get nothing."

Shade cast an approving look at him. Miss Bullock did not look at Mr. Nelson, was not angry, and did not refute.

"Mr. Nelson is right, and you have a bright future. When you sit on the seat of death, can't you use the power of the witch to go to the real place of death? Since you can't see her after death, then you can't see her during your lifetime. Would you consider meeting her? Go and meet her in death."

Shade added that although the witches of the Sixth Age did not have this kind of power, he did not know about the Fifth Age.

"I can actually use the power of the parliament to briefly open the door, or use relics like the [Death Door] to peer into death. But no matter what, living people like us can't go to that place."

Miss Bullock probably thought that Shade didn't understand, so she explained to him what the so-called witch of the death seat could do.

She spoke in great detail, and there were some things that Shade thought that even Miss Flora Winslet of the Sixth Age might not know.

The most important responsibility of the "dead" Archwitch is actually to record the death of every Archwitch in the Council. According to Miss Bullock, although there is no requirement for the great witches to be buried in the parliament after their death, there is indeed a "witch cemetery" underground under the witch parliament.

The corpses of the great witches who voluntarily were buried in the parliament are among them, and the witches whose corpses are not in the parliament also have their own tombstones:

“That’s where our souls are.”

However, Ms. Bullock is not yet a real member of Parliament, so she does not know whether her soul will really return to Parliament after her death.

Therefore, she chose to come here before she became a member of Parliament, bid farewell to her life completely, and let her dead sister "regret for the rest of her life."

"It's almost like a child fighting."

Shade thought this in his mind, and then thought that instead of just relying on words to comfort her, it would be better to use actions to make her stop doing stupid things.

Of course, although letting her go would most likely not affect Shade's mission this time, based on the principle of "it's better to save her if nothing happens", he still said:

"It's a coincidence that I also have the power to open the door of death."

The witch looked at him, and Shade lit up the fire and coughed:

"Of course it's not right to play with death, but for various reasons, I go to death every few months. I even return to the world of the living with my soul that is approaching its end.

No, no, don't blink your eyes. I can't resurrect your sister. It's absolutely impossible. And if you want to take a trip to death, you need a door, but that door is in my house."

As he spoke, Shade raised his head and looked at the boat next to the pier:

"But you're lucky. The 'boatman' said he can take me wherever I want to go. So as long as we can afford the payment, I think this boat should be able to take us on a trip to death."

"But the soul of the nun burned by the First Fire is different from that of ordinary people. Even if she goes, we will most likely not see her."

The witch gathered hope for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, she thought of a new problem.

Shade shook his head:

"This is a small thing. I once saw someone call out a nun from the past in death (Extra 3). Of course, I can't bring the lady who did such a thing here, but I can borrow that A key item.”

In other words, she borrowed the mithril eyepatch from Sister Devlin. Judging from inheritance, the eyepatch actually still exists in the current time and was worn by Ms. Bullock's sister. With that, Shade felt like he was 100% able to see Ms. Bullock's sister from death.

But thinking of Sister Devlin's attitude towards the eyepatch, Shade actually worried for a second whether Sister Devlin would be willing to borrow it.

Of course, that was something to think about after returning home. He still smiled and concluded:

"You see, the ship will take us on a trip into death, and then I will take out the key props and be able to call out souls that would not appear otherwise. I hope Detective Sparrow will not be called out this time. In this way, you Can’t you just meet your sister? If there’s something you can’t think about, just talk to her.”

Seeing her hesitant expression, Shade continued:

"Or at least ask why she lied to you in the first place. Instead of just leaving and never looking back, it's better to answer your doubts before making a decision."

Ms. Bullock nodded and then asked him:

"You help me, what do I need to pay you?"

Shade was startled. He had never thought about remuneration. After all, he had never asked for remuneration when he helped anyone during the Fifth Era:

"If I have any questions later, please answer them as much as possible. Also, this Mr. Nelson did not come here by mistake. He is waiting for his wife here. If he needs help later, I would like to ask you to help him with me." "

The middle-aged man looked over in surprise, and Shade smiled at him.

The thirteenth-level witch nodded decisively:

"That's fair enough, so what now?"

"Come with me to ask about the boat tickets. The boatman will not take us off for free."

Shade stood up holding on to the black sand, his shadow swaying on the sand further away as his body swayed.

Ms. Bullock also stood up hurriedly, and then saw him giving a very serious warning:

"Remember, I'll talk later. If I don't give you a signal, don't say a word."

Although Ms. Bullock didn’t know why, she still nodded:

"Don't worry, since you are here to help me, everything will be at your discretion."

So Mr. Nelson watched Shade and Ms. Bullock get up and walk onto the trestle, and then watched them come to the side of the ship.

The three-meter-tall black-robed ferryman did not ask the two of them if they wanted to board the ship this time, so Shade took the initiative and asked:

"Hello, could we please pay for the boat to take us both to our literal deaths and then bring us back the same way we came?"


The hoarse and slow voice said, Ms. Bullock was obviously relieved, and Shade asked again:

"What do we need to pay for the boat ticket?"

Three playing cards flew out from the sleeves of the black robe made of black mist, and stopped in front of Shade and the witch. The back of the card is the card back of the "All Things Impermanent Card", and the front is a blank pattern.

"The cards in the game of life?"

Ms. Bullock was a little surprised, and the "ferryman" under the black robe continued:

"A tear of regret, a moment of [cowardly] sin, a little warmth of the soul."

"We need to give you the tears ourselves, but the sins and the temperature of the soul, do you come to get them, or do we get them and give them to you later?"

"These are containers."

"The boatman" replied, and Shade understood that they had to separate themselves and then pay the boatman. So he reached out and took the three cards floating in front of him, and asked in his heart:

"Can I take them away and collect them in the Sixth Epoch?"

【Can't. 】

Then Shade bowed to the "ferryman":

"Thank you for clarifying my doubts. We will bring these 'ship tickets' later."

As he spoke, he motioned to the lady on the side who was a little surprised by his respectful tone and actions to follow him back under the trestle.

The two returned quickly. Here, far away from the bonfire and above the black water, the emotions of joy and happiness passed much faster than on the beach.

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