He Qiguang himself is a clear stream in the rich second-generation circle. He doesn't make scandals or accept interviews. He founded Chenguang Film and Television. I don't know how many handsome men and beauties under it, but I have never heard of who he is with There are relationships.

The outside world only knows that He Qiguang is a workaholic and an investment maniac. He has countless industries under his name.

It is not surprising that Xiao Ying received He Qiguang's contact. The meeting place between the two parties was Tianhua Building in City A.

Xiao Ying stepped on time to pass, and He Qiguang didn't put on any airs on purpose and arrived on time.

He Qiguang and the team he brought confirmed Xiao Ying's technical level. When the two sides negotiated the contract, He Qiguang proposed to invest in Xiao Ying's studio.

In fact, Xiao Ying studio is currently the only one by herself, and no additional investment is needed for the time being.

"I heard that Miss Xiao and Xingyu Company are in a lawsuit?" He Qiguang raised the wine glass in his hand to touch her lightly, "I know the boss of Xingyu, if there is any misunderstanding ...let's sit down and talk about it."

"It's all business, of course, peace is the most valuable."

Xiao Ying naturally heard the hidden meaning in his words, and refused directly.

He Qiguang is a shrewd man, and he owes him a favor.

Fortunately, He Qiguang is very personable, and he is not annoyed when he is rejected. The contract is still set.

The total remuneration given by Chenguang Film and Television to Xiao Ying is 80 million before tax. Part of the deposit is paid first, and the balance is paid later.

This price is not too much for the top international special effects team, but for the unknown newcomers, it is definitely a sky-high price.

The main technology of Xiao Ying is placed there. This cannot be faked, and Chenguang Film and Television is rich and rich.

In addition, He Qiguang is very optimistic about Xiao Ying's future development, so there is no need to press the price of Xiao Ying's studio in terms of price.

As he said, doing business is a matter of mutual benefit, and blindly exploiting other people's business will not last long.

Comparing the prices offered by He Qiguang, the prices offered by Raymond and Liu Jinfeng are much lower.

Fortunately, there are previous cases of cooperation with Chenguang Film and Television, and their own strengths prove that Raymond and Liu Jinfeng did not press too hard.

Xiao Ying hired a good lawyer to deal with her lawsuit against Xingyu platform.

The liquidated damages stipulated in many contracts are as high as hundreds of millions, but in fact, when you really lose money in a lawsuit, you can't pay so much.

Xiao Ying finally paid about 90 million in liquidated damages. Since then, she has no relationship with Xingyu platform.

On the same day, Xingyu officially posted a Weibo, stating that "The anchor and artist Xiao Ying has completely terminated the contract with Xingyu platform, and the two parties no longer have any relationship". ".

"Internet celebrities are Internet celebrities, mud can't support the wall, and Xingyu gave her such good resources. If this Xiao Ying didn't die, how could she have reached the point where the entire Internet is black?"

"If you want me to say, Lu Tingwan shouldn't be so tolerant and let go of this vicious woman Xiao Ying, the latter's behavior has broken the law, Lu Tingwan can sue her completely!"

"Please don't cue my girl goose upstairs. She has been miserable enough a while ago. Recently, she has finally settled down. The Hengzhou crew is concentrating on filming. How can I have time to do this."

"My sister just became popular, and there is no company team, so Xingyu will not be held accountable. What can she do? It costs money and energy to file a lawsuit, and she has to ask for leave from the crew. You are shameless and rascal like a scoundrel, even if you win with a high probability, you will lose money, and it will not be worth the loss at all."

In just a few hours, the official statement issued by Xingyu Weibo has more than 10,000 comments, including Xingyu, Xiao Ying's termination of the contract, and Lu Tingwan, etc. Hot search.

Xiao Ying only glanced at these news, and didn't pay attention anymore. Anyway, before the original owner committed suicide, social accounts such as Weibo were all cancelled. Some Internet trolls can't find a place to smear her, and can only find a sense of existence under some hot search comments.

Xiao Ying turned off the computer, picked up his mobile phone and was about to order takeout. The higher the level of body strengthening, the more energy you need to take in each day.

However, in the past in the Empire, many resident planets did not have the sun, moon and stars, they were all man-made.

Here, she can replenish all consumption and store excess energy by basking in the sun for a while every day.

With Xiao Ying's current body, she doesn't need to eat or sleep at all, but she still orders takeout several times a day and takes a nap.

There are few kinds of food in the Galaxy Age, and not many people make their own food.

As for sleep, high rhythm of social life, and evolutionary changes in the body have also resulted in humans no longer needing sleep every day. Most of them use short-term spiritual meditation to replace sleep.

Before coming to this world, Xiao Ying had been in this world for decades and had never experienced the taste of food or the feeling of falling asleep naturally.

Before Xiao Ying could choose today's takeout, she received a call.

Her phone is set to reject all unfamiliar calls, and there is only one person in the address book, and only Huang Zimin can make incoming calls.

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