But facts are facts.

From Tianshangjing,all the way to the north, after one day, they reached the border between Shangba and Chungju.

This place was the battlefield of the war between Meng and Wei last year. The traces left by the war are still clearly visible a year later. The broken city wall was barely repaired, and the outside was burned clean by a fire The fields,some are planted with new crops,some are overgrown with weeds, and after a year of scorched land,are still proclaiming the cruelty of war to the world.

"Master Yao,Look there, there used to be a family of three, my wife's family was in Zhongzhou, I accompanied her home the year before last, passing here, I asked for water at that house,the host was very hospitable,also made pancakes for me,although the pancakes were hard and teeth grinding, especially unpalatable. But his family The child is very cute,Bingxue is smart,I taught the child to recognize a few words, and he only read it once and then remembered it clearly."

Yao Yu was stunned,beside him, the officials who walked with him whispered to him.

"Unfortunately, the building is already empty."

Yao Yu listened to Xiaoguan's words, and asked in a mysterious way: "Did they escape to other places during the battle of Mengwei?"

"How could they escape? After the Wei State defeated Shangba, it went all the way to the north, vowing to destroy the Meng State. The villagers passed by the Wei army were all killed by the Wei army, and the food was eaten by the Wei army. I stole it. The food that I couldn't take, Wei Jun burned it all."

Yao Yu's eyes widened in surprise. He looked at the little official, hoping that the little official would tell him that all this was just nonsense and could not be taken seriously. But Yao Yu waited for a long time, only to see Xiaoguan's eyes full of sadness, and did not wait for Xiaoguan to laugh.

The Yao family was not affected in any way by the Wei army when they broke the hegemony.

Wei Jun said that they would not kill the people at will. They said that if the battle was won, the superior would be the superior of Wei. How could they harm the people of Wei?

"Wei Jun once said that he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, nor massacre people." Yao Yu murmured, a sentence that attracted the mockery of the junior officials.

"In their eyes, only people from aristocratic families are innocent and common people. What are the poor? It's just beef, mutton and fish, and they can be slaughtered at will."

Land reclamation. He entered the government through a literacy school run by Jiang You.

"In this world, only the eldest princess can save us."

Listening to Xiao Guan's words, Yao Yu was dazed, seemed touched, and seemed to have no idea of ​​anything.

Yao Yu rested in an inn in Zhongzhou on the first night, and the rest were placed in the inn. The conditions of the inn were difficult and Yao Yu was not suitable, so he went to the inn alone.

The small town of Zhongzhou is incomparable with the heavenly capital. At night, the town is pitch black, and no one is seen outside, only the bright silver glow of the full moon shines on the window lattice.

Yao Yu couldn't sleep, he remembered the heavenly capital, the heavenly capital at this hour, it was never night.

He thought about it, fell asleep in a daze, and before falling asleep, he seemed to see the door opened.

It's so late, who could it be?

Yao Yu didn't have time to think about it before she became dizzy and lost consciousness.

Tian Shangjing is not always night from the beginning.


Oil lamps are high luxury products that only nobles can afford. Ordinary people can't afford meat or viscera products. They haven't eaten dairy products, and most of them have night blindness. There is no difference between the blind, except that the love between husband and wife can kill time, the common people can only live according to the law of sunrise and sunset.

In the past, I worked hard all day in order to survive in the daytime, and I went home for dinner at night, and I could sleep when I closed my eyes, but now it is different.

The work in Tianshangjing is not tedious, at most five hours a day, that is, ten hours, and the remaining fourteen hours are all free time for the people. If you can't sleep and have nothing to do, people can do anything when they are bored.

For the sake of social development and stability, Jiang You found the white waxworm.

The breeding of white wax worms should be around the beginning of summer. Jiang You couldn't wait that long, so he simply used his magic power to make a batch and used it first.

The batch of white wax was too small, Jiang You threw the white wax worm to the Ministry of Agriculture and asked them to observe how to cultivate it, while putting the batch of white wax into the lantern and hanging it on the street.

After work, the employees with money in their pockets wandered the streets. They wanted to go shopping in other stores, but the other stores were dark and could not see anything. , Because there are no candles in circulation in the market, many shops simply set up stalls on the side of the street with candles at night, and watch the stalls by themselves, or ask family members to see the stalls, without spending the money of hired labor, and can make a small profit .

Over time, these places have become unique night markets in Tianshangjing.

One year later, the Ministry of Agriculture has gained experience, raised a batch of ashworms, and made a lot of candles. The price is not low. Ordinary people buy one and put it in Among the lanterns, carry the lantern to the night market at night, stroll for a long time, and then go back to sleep with the lantern when tired. A single candle can be used for ten days and a half month, which is quite cost-effective. Shops, restaurants, restaurants, restaurants, and even Yanlou Huanchang have money, buy candles, and hire a group of people who work night shifts. The candles illuminate the building brightly, and it has the reputation of the city that never sleeps in Beijing today.

When Yao Yu was tossing and turning, the merchants in Tianshangjing lit candles as always, and there were many people on the street, laughter and laughter came from the street, or a family of three came out, or single The men and women are walking on the street, just waiting for the dim light to meet someone they love.

A scream broke the stability.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and call someone! The Zhou family shop is on fire! Hurry up and call someone!!"

"What's the matter? Don't the candles have lampshades? How can they catch fire! Go and inform the urban management and the street officials! Let's go fetch water to add water to the fire! Quick, quick!"

Because the houses are all wooden structures, the people are very afraid of fire, and they are afraid that the fire will really start and burn a street.

When the enthusiastic people ran over with buckets, the fire in the Zhoujia shop had been put out, and except for the Zhoujia shop, the shops on both sides were not damaged in any way.

"This fire is so strange."

"Yeah, look at the two shops next to Zhou's shop, like the blessing of the gods, there is no spark at all."

"The fire just burst into the sky, and I thought the Zhou's shop had been burnt down. It's all right."

Well, they thought that the Zhoujia shop had been burned to ruins. Now, looking at it, the Zhoujia shop is obviously still in good condition. Except for some of the goods inside, the rest of the place is only smoked. Just black marks.

"Have you forgotten? Our shops in Heavenly Beijing are built with bricks. The government said before that brick houses will be built for free for the common people, but you still don't want them. I listen to the urban management adults. It is said that bricks are the best thing, not afraid of blisters, not afraid of fire. This is what we use when we cook the kang at home.”

"No wonder you can put firewood under the kang, but it won't start, can the government help build it for free?"

"If it's free, you must be in charge of eating and drinking."

"That's a good deal, too. I'll go back and talk to my wife Haosheng. Where can a house built of wood be built with bricks?"

The topic quickly changed from Zhou's house on fire to other places. The people saw that no one was injured and the fire was doused, so they left again with buckets.

The other Jiang Zhen's clan brother, Jiang Wen, the major general in charge of the city management army, was standing with a gloomy face.

As the common people say, there is a lampshade on the candle, even if it falls on the ground, the candle's light is small, and it will not ignite such a big fire in an instant. The place where the fire is located is the corner of the shop where the fabric is placed, and it is not open at night. Like this kind of flammable material, who would dare to bring Mars there?

The fabric is hung from several places, a candle is poured, so it won't be put together in several places, right?

Apparently it was arson!

"Major General, the arsonist has been caught."

After a while, a soldier came from a distance with a man in his hand.

It was a student uniform of the Library College!

Jiang Wenqi clenched his left hand into a fist and put his right hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist. At that moment, he had the heart to draw his sword and slash people, because there were still people around him. Go, he didn't do anything drastic, he just said sharply, "Take off his clothes!"

They are in the backyard of the Zhou family shop, some distance from the front yard. Xiaobing entered from the back door with someone. There are no lanterns on the street at the back door, so no one should see it.

In winter, the man was wearing only one layer of underwear and fell on the cold ground.

There is a red scar on the back of his neck, his eyes are closed, and he is so shivering that he does not wake up.


Zhou Da heard the voice and comforted his wife and children, then came out of the house and saw the man lying on the ground at a glance, he shouted in disbelief, the man's eyes moved slightly, There was no movement again.

"You know him? Is he your enemy?"

"No, no, he's my cousin. He should be in the government prison at the moment, why is he lying here in underwear?"

Zhou Da was puzzled.

Jiang Wen frowned deeper, "Your cousin, is a student of the Library College?"

Zhou Da shook his head, "He really wanted to go in, but the girl in charge of admissions said that he was too old to be accepted by the college."

Zhou Da was very impressed by this incident, because after Wu Feng returned, he was furious, smashed the house into a mess, and accidentally beat his cousin's wife and daughter-in-law. What he does is not as good as that of a Yamano villager.

Jiang Wen squeezed the clothes in his hand and looked at Wu Feng with deep eyes, like a pool of water with cool air.

"I understand, your shop has a labor contract, and you can go to the government to get a subsidy with the list of burned goods today. If it's all right, let's go first." Jiang Wen said, He asked Xiaobing to take Wu Feng, turned around and left.

Zhou Da bowed and saluted, and after Jiang Wen left, he sighed heavily.

"Husband, it's cold at night, why are you still in the yard? Hurry up and go into the house." Mrs. Zhou put on a dress for Zhou Da, awakening Zhou Da's thoughts, Zhou Da Da turned his head to look, his wife's smile came into view.

Zhou Da saw the fine lines at the corners of his wife's eyes and the eyes that were no longer bright. They had been married for more than ten years. Tell her to live a life of high quality and high quality.

Thinking of Wu Feng's contempt for his wife after he came, Zhou Da cut off the last trace in his heart.

Yes, his wife is just a nameless refugee, a woman he picked up from the slave heap, but so what, this is his wife, and he is Wu Feng's watch aunt! Since Wu Feng always felt that she came from a humble background, let Wu Feng know how difficult it is to live at the bottom in this world!

The son of the big clan pulled it out with a whip.

Mrs. Zhou shook her head gently. From her face, she could no longer see the ferocious and terrifying look on her face when the two first met.

The daughter inside the house looked at the parents outside the house, blinked, turned her head shyly, and covered her eyes.

Jiang Wen and his party took Wu Feng all the way to the official residence, and halfway, Jiang Wen stopped again.

"Major General?"

"It's getting late, go now, disturb people's dreams, throw him in the prison, be careful, don't let others see."

The soldier nodded honestly and took Wu Feng away.

Jiang Wen's intuition that this matter is not so simple, if Wu Feng can really escape from the official prison and set fire to it, it means that the official side is not safe. Jiang Wen looked up at the moon and decided to go directly to the Supervision Department tomorrow.

The sun will soon rise.

This night was an ordinary night for countless people in Tianshangjing, but for Jiang Wen in Tianshangjing and Yao Yu in Zhongzhou, it was not ordinary at all.

Jiang Wen felt that he was forced to be involved in a conspiracy, while Yao Yu was unfortunately robbed.

He never expected that such a big inn would be robbed by thieves! A blatant robbery!

Waist, Yao Yu wanted to fight this thief for life and death after waking up, but he was beaten to the ground by the thief before he started.

The corners of Yao Yu's mouth were blue and purple, and the mountain in his right eye was high. He was tied with hemp rope, and his head was still dizzy. Yao Yu has lived for 20 years, and has never been as miserable as today. He scolded the thief angrily, but the thief was not ashamed, on the contrary, he felt very proud of stealing and robbing him.

"You! The thief, do you know who I am? I came from the Yao family, and I am a son of an aristocratic family! You kidnapped the aristocratic family and deliberately did me harm. If you were discovered, you would be beheaded and displayed to the public. !"

Yao Yu always had an ominous premonition, which deepened after seeing the surrounding environment.

This is a ruined temple. He was wearing a sackcloth and his hair was loose. Yao Yu was shocked to realize that he was dressed as a refugee!

What is this person trying to do by pretending to be a refugee!

"Beheading for public display? What kind of talk is this, why can't I understand it?" It means to kill, "You young masters, you can't do anything else, and most of all can kill, I want to see today, you have one more life than me, or one more black heart, you can easily kill people! "

The thief took out a short sword from his arms and stabbed Yao Yu directly. Yao Yu wanted to be a gentleman with backbone, and wanted to stare at the thief with wide eyes at this moment to show his spirit of not bending .

Then he closed his eyes subconsciously, not daring to see the picture of the knife piercing his chest.

"Da! What are you doing!"

The girl came in from outside, and she was full of rain. I don't know when, it rained lightly outside.

"Girl, I just want to see if these children from aristocratic families have two lives."

Yao Yu heard a soft sound, which was the sound of the sword being sheathed.

He opened his eyes, looked at the thief in disbelief, and the girl who came in behind him, and asked in a hoarse voice: "You are not from Mengguo."

Although the Meng dialect they speak is very authentic, but as a Meng people, how can they not know the rules of the eldest princess, killing people to pay for their lives, debts to pay back money, malicious kidnapping and robbery, intentional murder, etc. It's a charge of beheading.

And the thief didn't even know what it meant by beheading him.

Go out, we only want money, not life."

Yao Yu closed his eyes in humiliation, his forehead bulged with anger, just now when the man stabbed at him with his sword, his demeanor did not mean that he would not kill him at all.

"You don't have to wait, I'm not from Zhongzhou, and no one will come to find me." Yao Yu said stubbornly, secretly expecting that after he disappeared, the little official who took him to the inn decided It will be noticed that there are Master Lu and General Jiang, presumably they will find him soon.

"It's not a good habit to deceive people. When you enter the city, you shout and hug back, so majestic, I see other people living in the inn, but you live in the inn, presumably your identity, must be Very high." A Dabie didn't understand, but he knew the particulars of these gentry children. For ordinary people, a place like a post station was a good house that only adults could live in, but for gentry children, people from that place came here. People go, dilapidated, totally unbearable.

Only one Yao Yu stayed in the inn, and his identity must be extremely high.

Yao Yu understood, Ah Da regarded him as a big fat sheep and thought that he was a willful and reckless son of a noble family who must be very valued by the family, so he was tied. "If my status is very high, why am I the only one living in the inn and no one else? What about my attendants? Why are none of them missing! This strong man, I'm just a concubine, and I'm not loved by the family, even if you tie me up , it won't get much benefit, so let me go. I can give you as much as you want."

Ada frowned in confusion, "When you say money, do you mean copper coins in the heavenly capital?"

"Yes, yes, I can give you as much copper coins as you want in the heavenly capital." It's good to talk, it means curiosity, and it's not far from being curious.

He came out with General Jiang and others this time, and was thrown out by that guy Cui Xin. He still wanted to perform well, and when he made his merits, he returned and made Cui Xin look good!

A Da was very moved by the copper coins in the heavenly capital, he looked at the girl, the girl looked at him, and then at Yao Yu, who was a little proud, and smiled: "A Da, don't agree These sons of noble families talk too much, and not a word of their words can be trusted."

"Why can't you believe me, I can really give you copper coins, you can give you as much as you want, ten gold, a hundred gold, even a thousand gold!" Yao Yu was anxious when he heard it, A Da is already moved, why does this little girl want to ruin his good things!

"Hahaha, ten pieces of gold and one thousand pieces of gold? If we really took your copper coins, would we still be able to get out of Zhongzhou? Da, don't forget our purpose."

The girl walked in front of Ah Da, stretched out her hand and poked his waist, Ah Da jolted, instantly sobered up, and kicked Yao Yu, "I almost took copper coins from your kid. Seduced, kid, don't think we don't know, what the **** are you doing!"

It’s really worth a thousand dollars, where did they get it?

Yao Yu was kicked to the ground, his face was thrown on the ground, and he ate a mouthful of dirt. He was so disgusted that he retched, his nose was sore, and almost tears came down.

Twenty years of pampering and pampering, Yao Yu has suffered a lot today.

The most terrifying thing is not the hardships, but the fact that his life and wealth are in the hands of a thug. This feeling of life and death is someone else's, it's really uncomfortable.

When Yao Yu was suffering, there was one person who was also suffering, and that was Wu Feng who was locked up in another place.


At this time, Wu Feng was covered in blood, and the wee marks on his body were stained with salt water.

"Aren't you going to say it yet? With such a hard mouth, it seems that the person promised you a lot of benefits."

Hua Rong tilted her head and looked at Meng Xue. The whip was soaked in salt water to pump people. The average person couldn't stand it at all. As a result, Wu Feng was whipped more than 30 times, and he Do not speak.

"What! I really don't know, I don't know anything!"

While Wu Feng was crying bitterly, he was still biting and not knowing anything.

"It seems that another punishment is going to be imposed. Lock him in a dark room, put a bucket of water, and save his death. When you ask for mercy, when will it be released." Hua Rong When she thought that this person had replaced him and a student from the library school under the nose of the Intelligence Bureau, and that student almost went to Qingzhou to build a road, her head swelled with anger.

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