Because of Bai Yuan's flickering (crossed out)... Dialed, Nameless's original plan was directly disrupted.

He was now immersed in studying the lightsaber, and he had a feeling of entering a state of epiphany.

After a long time, Nameless recovered and sighed: "It seems that I can't teach you today, the time is not early, tomorrow I have to rush, you should go to rest first!"

After speaking, he entered a state of epiphany again, and kept staring at the lightsaber.

Bai Yuan and Lu looked at each other, so they had to go back to sleep first.

Back in the carriage, the road quickly fell asleep, and it could be seen that he was also tired.

Bai Yuan opened the system panel and calculated today's harvest. 【Name】:Bai Yuan 【Entry】:Quantum Speed Reading (purple), Fire Eye Golden Eye (purple) 【Skill】: Hunting (1/100), Cooking (1/100

), Phase Sword (1/100)

[Fragment]: 2333

Looking at the information on the panel, Bai Yuan was quite satisfied.

In addition to the used fragments over the years, it is already not easy to save more than two thousand, after all, there was only one way to obtain fragments before.

Don't look at more than 2,000, it seems like a lot, but if you really want to use it, it is completely useless.

Upgrading a white entry to green requires 100 fragments, and the number of fragments required for each level increase increases tenfold.

And he breaks down a white entry to get only one fragment, 10 green ones, and so on.

It can be seen that he was already lucky to be able to get so many purple entries.

And today he activated three life skills, which brought him a harvest of hundreds of fragments, which is equivalent to the harvest of decomposing a blue entry.

This is still a stable harvest, which is much stronger than relying on a daily pump.

Bai Yuan, who originally felt that it was very troublesome to go down the mountain, now began to look forward to the next days.

The silver moon sets, and the sun rises.

Bai Yuan woke up early, stepped out of the carriage, and found that Nameless was already waiting outside.

At this time, Nameless has obviously detached himself from yesterday's obsessive epiphany, and the whole person looks more energetic and restrained, completely like an ordinary person.

Seeing Bai Yuan come out, Nameless bowed slightly to him: "Since you are already awake, then call the road too, go wash up, we will continue on the road."

It didn't take long for them to simply pack up and get into the carriage and continue towards the east.

And as soon as they left on the front foot, a group of men in black arrived on the back foot.

Looking at the extinguished firewood on the ground and the chicken bones in one place, a commanding man squinted his eyes and said: "It seems that they spent the night here last night, send a team of people back to report to the lord, and the others will continue to track the mission target with me."

"Yes!" The

soldiers in black divided into two ways, one went all the way to the direction of Xianyang, and the other chased along the rut marks on the road.


Time flickered by, and Bai Yuan and the others had left Taiyi Mountain for more than ten days.


Thunder in the sky, an autumn rain is coming.

On the carriage, Bai Yuan and Lu whispered the story of Nezha: "Ao Bing accidentally exposed himself as a dragon clan, Tai Yi Zhenren was ready to expose the great crime committed by the dragon clan, and at the instigation of Shengong Leopard, Ao Bing decided to go on a killing spree, slaughter all the people present, and bury Chen Tangguan alive..."

Lu couldn't help but tighten his sleeves when he heard this, worried about the people of Chen Tangguan in the story. Nameless, on the

other hand, sits on the side and closes his eyes, and this state has been going on for a long time.

Since that night, Wuming has been in this state for most of the time, almost blocking out the distractions of the outside world, concentrating on improving the meditation method to make it more suitable for the path containing the lightsaber.

Therefore, sitting in the carriage can be described as extremely boring, and Bai Yuan also passes the time by telling stories to the road.

Lu He has heard such ups and downs, gripping stories, even if his heart is more mature than ordinary people, but he is still attracted by this story.

And Bai Yuan, who told these stories, suddenly became much taller in Lu's mind, and he was even almost able to compare with his master.

The characters and magic weapons in those stories were said by Bai Yuan as if they really existed, which made Lu can't help but be a little fascinated.

After all, Lu is just a child.

At this time, Ah Da interrupted Bai Yuan's story and shouted outside: "Sir, this rain is heavy, I'm afraid I can't go anymore!"

After hearing this, Bai Yuan lifted the curtain slightly, and a little rain came in along the gap.

He saw that the road ahead was already a little muddy, and this rain might not stop for a while and a half, and if he continued to move forward, the carriage might get stuck in it, and then it would be trouble.

"Then find a place to shelter from the rain first!"

Fortunately, they soon found an abandoned house that could be used to shelter from the rain.

The room looks like it has been abandoned for a long time, but it is still intact, although there is a hole in the roof, and rainwater will drip down the hole in the roof, but fortunately the hole is small and not tight.

In the house, Bai Yuan also turned over some discarded wood, so he made a fire to keep warm.

"This rain is really heavy."

The road leaned against the fire, his eyes staring outside, and he sighed a little.

"Yes, if nothing else, I'm afraid I'm going to spend the night here today."

Bai Yuan fiddled with the fire, and he was also quite helpless.

With such heavy rain, there is no way to go out hunting, and today I can only gnaw dry food.

At this time, Nameless, who was meditating on the side, suddenly opened his eyes and whispered: "There is a murderous aura!"

Hearing this, Bai Yuan also immediately became vigilant, and his hand already held the hilt of the peach blossom sword.

Nameless strength he recognized, since he said so, it must be sensing something.

At this time, Nameless got up and held him down.

"You're here to protect them, I'll go out and see."

After saying that, the nameless figure flickered, and a few breaths disappeared.

Lu was worried about Nameless's departure, and couldn't help but grab Bai Yuan's clothes.

"It's okay, Mr. Nameless's strength is very strong, and my senior brother may not be able to compare with him."

Bai Yuan touched Lu's head and comforted him.

If his guess was correct, it might have been someone who came to the net, for the lightsaber in Nameless's hand.

It's just that with nameless strength, ordinary Tianzi first-class killers are also sent when they come.

So there is no need for him to worry about anything at all.

And the absence of a name will actually take away the danger, after all, he is the target of Luowang's mission, and Luowang's people will most likely be attracted away by it.

But just as Bai Yuan was thinking so, a figure suddenly appeared outside the door.

This is a woman wearing a cobweb-patterned road mask, wearing a tight black fishscale ornamented combat suit, and a pair of long legs with characteristic cross-era fishnet socks.

And the pink sword in her hand also indicates her identity.

Luo Net Tianzi first-class killer - shocked salamander!

Bai Yuan immediately put Lu and Ah Da behind him and looked at her warily.

At this time, the shocked salamander glanced at the peach blossom sword in Bai Yuan's hand, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The order given to her by her superiors was to kill a person, without giving information about the name or anything, but there was one article, the other party's sword was special, as special as his person.

A good-looking mahogany sword... It must be very special, right?

Immediately, the salamander pointed his sword at Bai Yuan: "You are my target."

Hearing this, Bai Yuan looked confused. (´⊙ω⊙`)?

Who am I? Where am I?

Isn't the target of the salamander nameless? When did you become yourself?

Am I a stand-in?

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