Wearing some kind and kind high hat by Nameless, Wei Wuji's temptation completely failed.

He sighed helplessly in his heart, and then waved to the maid with a smile.

"Mr. Nameless praised, since you agreed to adopt this child, then he will hand it over to you!"

Nameless carefully took the child from the maid.

At this moment, this little guy is sleeping soundly and has no idea what is happening in the outside world.

"The carriage I promised you before is also ready, just outside, and this is my token, when you want to go out of the city, you only need to show the token, and it will be unimpeded."

After talking about the child, Wei Wuji took out another token of unknown texture and handed it to the two.

Bai Yuan took the token and thanked him.

"The transaction has been completed, I still have things to deal with, it is inconvenient to wait for a long time, so I will leave first!"

His purpose of coming here today had also been achieved, and Wei Wuji planned to go back and continue to deal with Wei Yong's affairs.

"Gongzi go slowly!"

Bai Yuan and Nameless sent him to the door and watched him get into the carriage and leave. When he left,

he also left behind a carriage similar to the one he was sitting on, that is, the luxurious carriage that Bai Yuan had been thinking about before.

"It's really worthy of being Xinlingjun, and it is magnanimous to make a move!"

Bai Yuan looked around the carriage, couldn't help sighing, and then immediately instructed Lin He to place the carriage, especially the horses pulling the carriage, must be fed.

When the two came to the backyard with Xuanxuan's child, they saw that Lu was telling Ning Yan the story of the demon boy Nezha that Bai Yuan had told him before.

At this time, he talked about the plot of Nezha's three-headed and six-armed war dragon, and his life was rebellious and did not admit his life.

Words like "my life is up to me" and "if fate is unfair, then fight it to the end" made Condensation Yan eye-opening.

Hearing the footsteps, the two noticed that Bai Yuan and Nameless had returned, and the story could only be heard next time.

When they saw the baby in Nameless's hand, they were all a little curious.

"Didn't you go to see Shinling-kun? How do you bring back a child? "This is Xuanxuan's child, sent

by Xinlingjun, and it just so happens that we also promised Xuanxuan to save his child."

Bai Yuan briefly explained the origin of the child.

At this time, the baby who had been sleeping suddenly woke up, twisted his body restlessly twice in Nameless Arms, and then cried loudly, and the loud sound startled everyone.

Nameless tried to soothe him, but the baby's cry was louder.

Bai Yuan tried to extend a finger to his mouth, and found that he would want to suck his finger, so he immediately speculated.

"It should be hungry, condensation, you go and pick him up and eat something."

The condensation smoke that was suddenly called was immediately stunned.

"Huh? I? What should I feed him?

Ning Yan took the child in a little panic, she had no experience in taking care of the child at all, and she seemed a little overwhelmed when she heard Bai Yuan's words.

"Hmm... You go and ask Lin He if he has goat milk, feed him some goat milk or something!

Bai Yuan also saw the embarrassment of Condensing Yan, so he gave her support.

In fact, he has no experience himself.

Ning Yan nodded, and then ran to Lin He with the child in his arms.

As soon as she left, Bai Yuan felt that his ears were immediately much clearer.

"Whew! Finally gone, this kid is terrible!

Hearing his words, Wuming couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't expect you to be afraid of a baby?"

"Mr. Nameless, don't tease me, or this child will let you take care of it?"

"Ahem... That's it, let Miss Condensing Yan take care of it.

Nameless immediately refused when he heard it.

It's okay to take care of a road, but let him take care of this baby who is still waiting to be fed, then he really can't take care of it.

Bai Yuan said a joke and did not continue to discuss this issue. Anyway, as

long as he is not here to bring the child, whoever brings it will do!

After a long time, the condensation returned, and he seemed a little tired.

"Back, where's the kid?"

"I drank some goat's milk and fell asleep again, so I left it to someone else to look after."

Bai Yuan nodded slightly after hearing this, and then said: "It's hard for you, before returning it to the Xuanqi couple, the child has to trouble you to take care of it."


"No, that's it, it's just taking care of a child, I'm sure you'll have no problem!"

Bai Yuan directly interrupted Condensing Yan's words and settled the matter.

Seeing that he couldn't help him, Condensing Yan could only admit it, who called her just a maid now?

Seeing the condensation smoke visibly losing its brilliance, Bai Yuan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

I didn't expect that the first-class killer would actually become like this because of a baby.

Of course, he is fifty steps and a hundred steps of laughter.

"Okay, I won't let you take care of it for long, I'll pack my luggage later, and we'll leave Daliang tomorrow."

"We're leaving?"

Hearing this news, Ning Yan's face became a lot better.

"yes! Originally, we just wanted to get a carriage to use on the road, but now that we have been in Daliang for nearly half a month, it is time to go.

They themselves did not expect that so many things would happen to a big beam.

After staying for so long, I was finally able to leave.

Ning Yan was also glad in her heart, fortunately she didn't have to take care of Xuanxuan's child all the time, and when she went out of the city tomorrow, she would be relaxed.

In the Xuanxin Pavilion, she was not needed to take care of her personally, and Lin He had already arranged for a special maid to take care of the child.

Thinking about it like this, she immediately felt much better.


Bai Yuan was alone in the room packing his luggage when there was a knock outside the door.

"Uncle Junior, it's us!"

"Come in!"

Yun Xuan and Yu Xuan pushed the door in, and at a glance they saw the package luggage that Bai Yuan had put aside.

"Just as I was going to go to you, you came by yourself."

Bai Yuan looked at the two with some surprise.

"Uncle Junior, we heard from Treasurer Lin, you guys are leaving tomorrow?"

"That's right, the senior brother in charge sent me to the Little Sage Village to do errands, this time passing by the girder originally did not plan to stay longer, now that I have already got a carriage, naturally I can't delay any longer."

Bai Yuan bowed his head slightly.

"Then we..." Yun Xuan

and Yu Xuan were a little overwhelmed.

They had just learned to refine the Qi Nourishing Pill now, and as soon as Bai Yuan left, they didn't know what to do next.

"You already have arrangements, I wrote a letter to the senior brother in charge, after we leave, you will return to the Heavenly Sect with this letter, and then listen to the arrangement of the leader."

Bai Yuan took out a secret letter scroll that had been written a long time ago and handed it to the two.

The two took the scroll with some excitement, held it in their arms as if holding a baby, and then saluted Bai Yuan with tears in their eyes.

"Thank you, Uncle!"

"Xie is not necessary, I didn't cultivate you for your thank you, the matter of nourishing the Qi Pill is very important, after you return to the Heavenly Sect, no matter who asks, you can't leak the Danfang!"

Bai Yuan instructed the two very seriously.

After hearing this, the two immediately said: "Please rest assured that Uncle Junior will never leak Danfang!"

The two of them knew very well who gave them the opportunity to return to the Heavenly Sect, so they cherished this opportunity extraordinarily.

For them, something is more important than life.

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