Before leaving the room, Bai Yuan made a mess of the originally neat and clean room, and there was an extra dark red blood stain on the bed.

After he helped the salamander out of the door, the maid who cleaned up the room for them couldn't help but blush when she saw the scene in the room, and her legs trembled a little when she thought of the salamander walking out just now.

"Mr. Bai Yuan is actually so strong!"

After a night of thinking, Wei Wuji at this time changed back to the same appearance as at yesterday's banquet.

Seeing the shocked salamander who couldn't walk, Wei Wuji showed a mocking expression: "Did Mr. Bai Yuan rest well last night?"

"Very nice and comfortable!"

Bai Yuan glanced at the salamander with a smile and showed a satisfied expression, as if what really happened last night.

"Just be satisfied!" Wei Wuji nodded and took a deed from his subordinates on the side, "This is the deed of the Condensing Smoke Girl, sir can keep it."

Taking this contract, Bai Yuan thanked him, and then mentioned the matter of going back.

"We have been bothering for a long time, so we will no longer delay Gongzi's time, and we will have the opportunity to meet again next time!"

"Then I'll send two gentlemen."

Wei Wuji led a group of visitors to the door until they got into the carriage and disappeared around the corner.

As soon as Bai Yuan and the others left, Wei Wuji immediately summoned his henchmen to talk about things when he returned to the mansion.

On the other side, Bai Yuan and the others returned to Xuanxin Pavilion, and Lin He immediately came out to greet them.

Seeing a strange woman who came down with Bai Yuan and Nameless, Lin He was slightly stunned.

"This is condensation, and it will be my maid in the future."

Bai Yuan just explained simply.

Hearing this, Lin He also relaxed his heart, it seems that they had a good conversation with Xinlingjun last night.

At this time, he seemed to remember something and reported to Bai Yuan.

"Lord, I have found the person you want me to find, do you want to meet him?"

Hearing that Lin He had actually found someone who met his requirements in such a short time, Bai Yuan hesitated.

When he asked Lin He to go to the alchemist before, he proposed that first, he must have a clean life, and second, he must be loyal enough, in fact, there is a third hidden requirement.

Alchemists need to be able to accurately control the Dan Fire in order to successfully refine the elixir, which determines that ordinary people without internal strength cannot do this.

The three requirements combined, this person is not easy to find.

In fact, Bai Yuan did not have much hope for Lin He at all, and the final selection must be checked by the Taoists.

The main purpose of this mission is to test Lin He's ability and loyalty.

After thinking about it, Bai Yuan finally decided to take a look.

"When I change my clothes, you bring them to the backyard to meet me."

After that, he went back to his room to change his clothes.

When Bai Yuan changed his clothes and came to the backyard of Xuanxin Pavilion, he found that Lin He had ordered that no one was allowed to come near the backyard at this time, and he waited here with two men.

Bai Yuan saw from a distance that the two were dressed as Taoist disciples, and he couldn't help but have some doubts.


Lin He saw Bai Yuan coming over and immediately stepped forward.

The other two opened their mouths in shock when they saw Bai Yuan, but then reacted and immediately hugged their fists and saluted.

"See ... I've seen Uncle Master!

Hearing this title, Bai Yuan was even more puzzled. "Lord, these two are

actually also disciples of the Heavenly Sect, but because they made some mistakes, they were sent out to take charge of some chores, but I know them and can confirm that these two are trustworthy people."

Lin He explained the identities of the two.

Bai Yuan felt a little interesting after listening to it.

"You are also a disciple of the Heavenly Sect?"

The number of disciples of the Heavenly Sect was not large, and he was not surprised to see two disciples he was not familiar with, but he still asked tentatively.

"Uncle Hui, we are Yun Xuan and Yu Xuan of the Qingfuzi Elder lineage, and we were sent out three years ago because of a private duel with a disciple of the Human Sect."

The two took the initiative to explain.

Bai Yuan nodded slightly, he did hear a little about this matter, although he usually didn't care about these things, but this matter was quite big within the Taoist at the beginning, the disciples of the Heavenly Sect and the disciples of the Human Sect had a private duel, the impact was bad, and the disciples who participated in the duel seemed to be sent abroad.

In fact, expatriate is also a good way to say.

In fact, they were expelled from Taiyi Mountain, but the Taoists have not yet removed them, giving them a chance to return to Taiyi Mountain if they make any contributions in the future.

Bai Yuan also didn't care about the mistakes they had made before, and after confirming the identities of these two people, he continued to ask, "Do you know what you came for?"

The two shook their heads a little awkwardly.

"I don't know, Lin Treasurer sent us a message at that time only saying that Xuanxin Pavilion had an accident and needed our help, so we rushed over, but I didn't expect it... Uncle, you are also here. He

could see that the two were not lying, and it could be seen that Lin He was still very cautious when looking for someone.

And they rushed directly because of Lin He's words, which shows that they should still maintain enough loyalty to Taoism.

Bai Yuan couldn't help but glance at Lin He, his performance was somewhat unexpectedly good.

Seeing Bai Yuan looking at him, Lin He also explained with a smile in time: "This matter is very important, even if they are also Heavenly Sect disciples, but before the Lord confirms it, how dare I tell them?"

"You're smart, okay, you go down first!"

Bai Yuan praised him, this time for the test, he was very satisfied, Lin He not only proved his ability, but also proved his loyalty to Taoism and Bai Yuan.

"Then the subordinates will retreat first!"

As soon as Lin He left, leaving behind two confused Heavenly Sect disciples, they still hadn't figured out what was going on, waiting for Bai Yuan's explanation.

Bai Yuan didn't bend around the corner either, and asked directly, "Do you still want to return to the Heavenly Sect?"

Hearing this, the two of them showed joy on their faces, and nodded hurriedly to make an expression.

"Of course! In the beginning, we were too impulsive to make a big mistake, and if Uncle Junior was willing to help us return to the Heavenly Sect, we would be willing to do anything!"

Bai Yuan nodded: "Do you know how to refine pills?"

"Refining... Alchemy? The two smiled and slowly shook their heads, "We have only read some books on alchemy before, but we have not practiced.

Alchemy is not mainstream in Taoism, most disciples will not learn it, and these two people will not be expected by Bai Yuan.

"It doesn't matter if it won't, just learn, I asked Lin He to find you here just so that you can learn how to refine pills."

But after listening to Bai Yuan's words, although the two were puzzled in their hearts, they still nodded.

"Since Uncle Junior told us to learn, we will learn!"

Seeing that they agreed to come down, Bai Yuan also patted the shoulders of the two with satisfaction.

"Very good, then I will personally teach you in the past few days, and when you learn, I guarantee that the senior brother in charge will agree to your return to the Heavenly Sect, and your status will be greatly improved!"

"We must study hard!"

The two children were almost smashed by the big cake painted by Bai Yuan, and they nodded vigorously.

They didn't dare to ask for any status, and they were already satisfied if they could go back and be an ordinary disciple.

"This motivation is good, since you are ready, then come with me!"

Bai Yuan was like a big bad wolf who abducted the little white rabbit, and walked into the alchemy room with these two tool people.

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