When I Have Money

Chapter 730 The Sweetness of the Two

The night was always hot for the couple who hadn't seen each other for a month. In this deep love, they hugged each other and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Yang Kun still kept his biological clock and woke up early. He carefully took out his 'hand pillow' that Li Zhien was resting on. Feeling the somewhat paralyzed arm, Yang Kun bent it twice casually, but there was an extremely gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps the most warm and happiest moment for Yang Kun is watching her sleeping beside him!

After gently rubbing his numb arm, he quietly got up. After coming to the living room, Yang Kun went to open the refrigerator in his home, because it was almost a month since he went back, and except for the eggs, he had not thrown away other fruits and vegetables at home.

Yang Kun simply went downstairs in his pajamas, went to Li Zhien's house, looked through her refrigerator, she had a lot of food frozen in her house, pork, beef, some fresh food, and some from her family Kimchi or something.

It may be because she has been with Yang Kun for a long time, and she basically does not know how to cook by herself, so the only vegetables in the refrigerator may be some lettuce leaves left after she ate barbecue. She took the bread at home and went upstairs.

Back at his home, Yang Kun has already figured out what to make for breakfast. Eggs Benedict and sirloin steak sandwich. Generally speaking, eggs Benedict are served with bacon and bread, but Yang Kun replaced the bacon Just made home frozen sirloin steak.

I made it for myself, and it took about half an hour to finish. Yang Kun sat in the living room with a cup of coffee and ate leisurely. He didn't wake up the sleeping Li Zhien.

He knew very well that Li Zhien's work intensity was very high some time ago. During that time, it is estimated that Li Zhien had not had a good rest for a long time. Although the Spring Festival holiday allowed her to supplement her sleep a little, Yang Kun did not I don't want to disturb her rest. As for her lunch, eat it when she wakes up.

Drinking coffee and eating breakfast leisurely, Yang Kun watched the news after the Spring Festival. Recently, he has been talking about the "Centenary of the Party" and the most popular TV series during the Spring Festival is "Awakening Age".

While eating breakfast, Yang Kun was playing "Age of Awakening", which he was following along with the crowd, on his iPad. This is not only the history told, but also the peace of today that our martyrs laid down with blood..

The recent large-scale anti-intellectual situation of overseas politicians makes Yang Kun really a little confused. Isn't the West advanced? Why do so many unbelievable things happen after an epidemic comes out?

An epidemic has made countless Chinese sons and daughters rejoice that they live in the great China! !

Foreign? Forget it. Yang Kun doesn't want to let himself, his family, and the people around him fall into the fear of the epidemic for the "freedom" of not wearing a mask. I don't even want to hear what my leader said about disinfectant, or what "Ah San" said about drinking cow urine

The episode Yang Kun watched was over. He exited and looked at the time. It was already 10:40 in the morning. He turned off the TV series that was playing, got up and washed his breakfast plate, and then started to make breakfast for Li Zhien. Lunch.

I don't know if it was because Li Zhien was hungry or something, but when she woke up and came to the living room, it happened that Yang Kun had made all the breakfast. Li Zhien came out wearing a ball head, wearing his own glasses, a loose sweater and pajama pants..

Yang Kun smiled at Li Zhien: "I was about to come in and call you, just sit down and have brunch right away."

After Yang Kun arranged the brunch beautifully, he poured a cup of coffee for Li Zhien, and walked to the dining table with it

After Li Zhien looked at Yang Kun's prepared breakfast, she raised her head and smiled at him: "Hee hee, after Ouba comes back, I don't have to get up in the morning to find something to eat!"

Immediately afterwards, she took a table knife and cut open the poached egg on the steak. When the golden egg liquid was flowing on the cut surface of the steak, Li Zhien took out her phone and quickly took two photos. The first one was sent to her friend Yoo In Na, asked her 'Did you have breakfast? ’ The second is to put it in my family group, and a breakfast is enough to show that Yang Kun has returned home.

When Li Zhien started to eat brunch, Yang Kun sat opposite her and accompanied her. At the same time, Yang Kun looked at the e-commerce shopping in Korea on his mobile phone. Yesterday, the two talked about buying a massage. chair, so Yang Kun started to choose right now.

Yang Kun said: "On the Internet, I can only see one appearance. After we have lunch, we will go to the store to experience the massage chair in person."

Li Zhien nodded and said: "Indeed, I didn't understand a lot of things after reading it for a while. It's best to ask the shopping guide on the spot."

Yang Kun nodded in agreement: "You still need to sit on the massage chair and try it yourself to know how it feels. By the way, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Li Zhien was still eating the steak sandwich made by Yang Kun at this time, when she was suddenly asked 'what do you want to eat tonight', she tilted her head cutely and muttered: "Night?"

Maybe it's too early in the evening, maybe I'm eating, maybe... I have too many things I want to eat and I can't remember it for a while. Seeing Li Zhien's cute appearance, Yang Kun got up, leaned forward, held Li Zhien's face in both hands and kissed her on the mouth.

Li Zhien was suddenly kissed by Yang Kun, making him smile brightly: "What?"

Yang Kun raised his head and said: "Because of your cuteness, I can't help but want to kiss you, why? No?"

"Too lazy to talk to you" Li Zhien had an extremely sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, slowly chewing the steak in his mouth...

Li Zhien, who chewed slowly, took twenty minutes to finish her breakfast. After drinking a cup of coffee for breakfast, she sat comfortably on the sofa in the living room and sent messages with Liu Renna leisurely. As for Yang Kun, after Li Zhien finished his breakfast, he went to clear the dinner plate.

After seeing the message sent by Li Zhien, Liu Renna responded depressedly: "You can chat with me, Yang Kun is back, isn't it? When Yang Kun is not at home, do you still want to come to my house for breakfast? gone?"

Li Zhien responded: "Hey, don't you care if you have breakfast?"

While Li Zhien was resting and texting with Yoo Inna, Yang Kun said to Li Zhien, "Aren't you going to tidy up? We'll be going out in a while."

"There's nothing to tidy up, I can go out with a little lipstick on."

Yang Kun said speechlessly: "Are you planning to wear pajama pants?"

"Hey, haven't you changed your clothes yet?" Li Zhien put down her phone, turned her head to see that Yang Kun had already washed the dishes and was wiping his hands, so she got up to change.

Yang Kun said, "I change clothes quickly."

In mid-February, the weather in Seoul is gradually getting warmer. Yang Kun only needs to wear a sweater inside and a cotton jacket outside.

Soon, both of them got dressed. Li Zhien was wearing a pair of jeans, a sweater, a woolen coat, and a woolen hat.

Going out, Yang Kun drove his little purple manual transmission and set off together. And Li Zhien doesn't care what kind of car Yang Kun drives, she doesn't know how to drive anyway, so she can take a car no matter how big or small she is.

There is nothing strange about Li Zhien wearing a hat, mask, and glasses, because everyone on the street is fully armed. There are even some things with masks on them. The recurrence of the epidemic will not be surprising no matter what.

After the two entered the home appliance store, they tested their body temperature, disinfected them, and went inside the store. The two went straight to the massage chair store, and they were dazzled by the massage chairs of various brands and various types of massage chairs.

Try this brand, try that brand Li Zhien sat on a massage chair in a zero-gravity cabin and sighed comfortably: "Wow~~ This is very comfortable. After it falls down...it is really comfortable, and the legs , hand massage."

The shopping guide didn't recognize that the masked person was Li Zhien, but introduced to Yang Kun who was standing next to him, the latest models, genuine leather, zero gravity and various functions. They have already tried two models, Li Zhien is satisfied with this one, and Li Zhien looked at the price from the massage chair, it is close to 5 million..

She immediately said: "Five million, it's so expensive, let's go and look at other things?"

Yang Kun continued to accompany Li Zhien to look at other brands, and after finally shopping around, he found that the massage chair with nearly 5 million yuan was the most suitable for Li Zhien's aesthetics, so Yang Kun found the clerk to negotiate the price.

After Yang Kun successfully bargained down the price, Li Zhien looked at Yang Kun with wide eyes and said, "Can I bargain for this?"

Yang Kun looked at Li Zhien and said, "Don't you know? Except for online shopping, you can't bargain for electrical appliances. You can also bargain for these home appliances in physical stores. Whether it's TVs, refrigerators, washing machines...these can all be bargained ah."

The salesperson smiled and said to Li Zhien: "Everything in the home appliance store can be bargained. Maybe our price is cheaper than the Internet."

Li Zhien came to his senses and said, "I just found out today that home appliances can be bargained. I thought these prices were selling prices?"

Yang Kun pointed out that the label not far in front of him said "Shocking Price", "Don't look at the "Shocking Price" written on it, in fact, the price can be less. Including the latest new products on the shelves, in the store It’s all negotiable.”

For the first time, Li Zhien felt that she had lost money on everything she bought. She always thought that the price of electrical appliances could not be reduced. Who knew that she came to the electrical appliance store with Yang Kun today, and she realized that all of these are negotiable.

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