It really shines.

In a physical sense.

Gu Yu was dumbfounded. He thought that his own family had never done anything like this.

There were not many people coming at this time, but looking around, everyone was a celebrity in the industry.

"The Fu family has been on a decline in recent years. Now it is urgent to find more reliable allies and return to the top." Fu Huayu walked next to Gu Yu and whispered in his ear.

"Didn't you say you want to keep a distance from me?" Gu Yu followed his example and whispered in his ear.

It looked like they were plotting something.

Fu Huayu had originally planned this, but he couldn't stand it when he saw that the wealthy people around him were frequently looking at Gu Yu.

It's safest to keep people close to you.

This is summed up by his personal experience.

Today, the two of them carefully selected suits designed by the same designer. One is black and the other is white. Even the cufflinks and tie clips are from the same series. It doesn't look simple.

More than half an hour later, the host arrived belatedly. Fu Huayu, his scumbag father, and his eldest son came down the spiral staircase upstairs, acting like an old aristocrat.

After that, there was an opening speech that lasted for tens of minutes, and the final purpose was summarized in one sentence:

I'm asking for a daughter-in-law with a lot of money, don't bother me if you are the one.

Gu Yu looked at Fu Zhou with a complicated expression.

Fu Zhou is a pretty good-looking person, and he is actually quite similar to Fu Huayu, except that his eyes are narrower and longer, and his whole person is much thinner.

It's just that the temperament is a bit different. He is obviously smiling, but his whole person feels very cold, as if he is just a bit shorter.

Generally speaking, he is not someone easy to like.

Fu Huayu is different. Although he used to be thinner, he was in good spirits. His appearance probably resembled that of the legendary aloof student council president, with a fierce and restrained spirit. Now that he has practiced it, he looks like a tough guy. It seems that the fierceness is overflowing.

Gu Yu thought about how two people who looked similar could be so different.

Suddenly, Fu Zhou seemed to feel something, turned his head and looked directly at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu was stunned and raised his glass slightly to show courtesy.

Fu Zhou seemed to smile, and then his eyes shifted to Fu Huayu next to him, and the smile on his face deepened.

But it looks too neurotic.

Gu Yu stared at him and frowned.

Then his head was forced to turn around.

Fu Huayu grabbed Gu Yu's chin and forcefully turned his gaze away from him, gritted his teeth and said, "What are you looking at? He's very good-looking?"

"To be honest, it's not bad." Gu Yu whispered into his ear.

Seeing Fu Huayu glare at him like a big cat with explosive fur, Gu Yu slowly added the last sentence, "But it's still far behind compared to you."

"You want to say he's ugly." Fu Huayu obviously didn't like this, and the previous sentence made him shudder.

What do you mean by not bad?

The cautious Fu Huayu didn't want to hear Gu Yu say anyone was good-looking.

This is especially true for Fu Zhou.

"Okay, okay, he's ugly, you're the best." Gu Yu refreshed his understanding of Fu Huayu's narrow-mindedness.

Only then did Fu Huayu feel a flash of satisfaction.

Fu Zhou over there caught a glimpse of this scene, and the smile on his lips froze for a moment, and his expression became gloomy for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

It doesn't matter, he will still be the ultimate winner.

Thinking of the feeling of being able to trample Fu Huayu under his feet in the future, Fu Zhou's expression turned a little crazy for a moment.

Not long after the banquet started, the two met Ke Yingxia.

"Miss Ke, long time no see." Gu Yu said hello with a smile.

"We haven't seen each other for more than a week," Ke Yingxia rolled her eyes in a very disgraceful manner, "I see that you two are too happy to miss Shu. You have no sense of time anymore."

Since Ke Yingxia appeared on the show with them, her true colors have gradually been revealed, and she speaks much more casually.

"Hey, why don't you feel in a good mood today?" Gu Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at her jokingly, "Why don't you take your anger out on us because you are being urged to get married at an older age?"

Ke Yingxia, who was rare, did not go back in a strange mood, but led them to the booth at the back and sat down.

A sad look on his face.

"No way, you want me to be right?" Gu Yu was a little surprised.

"You're right," Ke Yingxia sighed, "The Fu family does have this intention."

"Fu family?" Gu Yu and Fu Huayu looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

"Which son is it?" Gu Yu asked cautiously.

The eldest son of the Fu family is Fu Zhou, and the youngest son is Fu Huayu.

The two of them are not much different in age.

"Don't worry, of course it's Fu Zhou." Ke Yingxia rolled her eyes fiercely again, and cursed secretly when she saw the person in front of her looking obviously relieved.

Although Ke Yingxia's family is not quite as good as Fu's family, it is still suitable and not much worse.

What's more, although the Fu family is on the decline, it is impossible to find someone who is too powerful in the family, otherwise it will not be stable.

In fact, the most suitable one is the Gu Yu family. Both families are about the same strength and don't have much overlapping industries, so it is most suitable for them to join forces.

It's a pity that there are no girls in his family.

No, it should be lucky that there are no girls in his family.


Yu couldn't help but feel relieved for his family.

After all, no one likes a psycho.

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