What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?

Chapter 101 The Power to Destroy the City

Facing Afo's attack, Tang Lin didn't want to dodge, but couldn't dodge. This clay puppet was made by Tang Lin with the son of the earth's ability, and the miniature dragon head necklace was hidden inside the clay puppet.

Tang Lin sensed everything outside, all thanks to the vibrations felt by the clay puppet's feet firmly on the ground.

After being separated by a space, and relying on the vibration of the ground to sense, Tang Lin's reaction was naturally a little slower. Therefore, Tang Lin really couldn't dodge AFO's attack.

Those spikes pierced the puppet's body, and afo said disdainfully: "You talk so arrogantly, but you are actually just a waste? This makes me so disappointed. Let me see, what is your personality."

The ability to turn fingers into black spikes is not just a physical attack, the person hit by the spikes will also be controlled by AFO, and they can't help using their personality abilities. In this way, afo can turn others into its own puppets.

It's just that when afo activated this ability and wanted to stimulate his "personality", he found that the target he stabbed didn't respond at all. This feeling is like stabbing real dirt.

At this time, Tang Lin came to his senses. He finally realized that he had been "succumbed", so he launched his ability to fight back without hesitation.

The clay puppet is Tang Lin's connection point to the outside world, and once Tang Lin's power is exerted, it will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Afo only felt a shock under his feet, and a large piece of sand smashed away the garbage on it, trying to wrap Afo up.

Afo immediately used his flying ability and flew directly into the air. He has seen many personalities who can control the earth, but the scope of this ability is very limited. To be on the safe side, afo directly flew up to a height of more than 30 meters. Generally speaking, this height has exceeded the attack range of ground capabilities.

But Tang Lin was destined to shock the dark emperor. The waves of dirt on the ground flew up to a hundred meters high, like a khaki waterfall.

The scope of this ability is calculated based on Tang Lin's body.

Tang Lin can lift the sand up to more than three times his height, which is nearly 600 meters high for afo.

Surrounded by thousands of tons of sand, he was completely buried inside, and powerful forces squeezed from all directions, trying to squeeze afo into meat sauce.

At the critical moment, Afo raised his hands, and the muscles in his arms expanded rapidly.

Compressing air, springing muscles and bones, proliferating, 4 times instant force, impact reversal, 3 times arm strength strengthening... Each and every powerful personality was displayed by him, and afo's hands became completely deformed, like two disgusting sticks Like a meat column.

Such an arm can no longer bend and punch, but directly wriggles its muscles, compresses like an air pump, and ejects two violent cyclones from the palm. A large hole was blasted out of the thousand tons of sand and soil surrounding it, and the aftermath of the energy was not extinguished. It fell on the mountains of garbage, and directly plowed out two huge ravines.

Afo passed through the blasted earth waves and escaped from the encirclement of sand and soil smoothly.

"Nice personality, very collectible, but the control is too poor. Do you think that a large-scale attack will have an effect? ​​It will only make the power too scattered." Afo said in the tone of a teacher commenting on a student.

Tang Lin didn't bother to respond, and controlled the sand to turn into a sandstorm tornado and roll towards afo. It's okay if it's on the ground, but once it flies into the sky, Tang Lin's vibration sensing will have a very large delay, so he can only use this wide-range attack skill.

Afo is also a little shocked, this sandstorm tornado is too exaggerated, can a single personality achieve this level of destructive power?

In afo's life experience, he himself is the strongest, the kind of strong who can destroy half a city with one punch. But this requires several powerful combinations of personalities to achieve this effect, and All Might has inherited the power of several previous inheritors, and only when combined together can he have the power to destroy a city with one punch.

The genius boy was scorched and frozen, and the frozen range of his full blow was only half the size of a gymnasium. The Sihou Bazhai Society, which possesses personality-enhancing potions, has an area of ​​influence that is only as large as a house after their cadres are injected with banned drugs.

But the sandstorm tornado in front of him has already covered half of the coastline, and even the sea water was pulled by the hurricane, and huge waves of more than ten meters began to surge. As long as this sandstorm tornado moves a little, it can completely destroy an entire city.

"I must get such a personality!" Afo said to himself in his heart.

Floating in mid-air, afo tried his best to use his personality ability to resist the traction of the sandstorm tornado. At the same time, his right arm turned into a deformed state again, but instead of resisting the tornado, he blasted towards the masked man on the coast past.

"Strong personality, poor control, and weak body, the weakness is too obvious!"

Afo punched out, and the strong wind pressure flew towards the target like a cannonball. The wind pressure hit Afo's target, completely tearing the masked man's body apart. The rest of the force continued to blast into the ground, blowing away the surrounding areas within tens of meters, forming a large crater more than ten meters deep.

Afo didn't hold back this move. He had seen the masked man's body turn into quicksand, and knew that this kind of opponent's vitality was extremely tenacious. Even if the entire form collapsed, it was possible to gather again. But as long as there is a slight delay, afo can capture the opponent, and then strip this powerful personality out.

What shocked Afo again was that even though his body had been completely crushed, the sandstorm tornado didn't intend to stop at all, but continued to roll towards Afo instead. This time it was Afo's turn to miscalculate and was completely involved in the sandstorm tornado.

The originally soft sand and stone were condensed into a blade-like sharp form. As soon as he was involved in the tornado, Afo was cut and bruised all over. Blood splattered, the suit on his body became a beggar's outfit, and the black hood on his head was smashed, revealing the pitted and meaty head.

Afo was seriously injured by All Might before, especially his head, and he has not fully recovered yet. His head is an ugly lump of flesh, he has no facial features at all, and he doesn't know what personality he uses to replace the functions of the facial features.

In a few seconds, afo will be turned into a skeleton by the tornado.

As a last resort, Afo could only continue to use his enhanced personality to blow out a gap in the tornado and escape from it.

After barely flying hundreds of meters, it was considered to be completely out of the attack range of the tornado.

At this time, Tang Lin also lifted the sandstorm tornado, and the masked clay puppet once again condensed into shape, appearing in front of afo. The black robe was completely shattered, but Tang Lin could knead a layer of armor out of sand.

The form of the armored warrior Emperor Xia also happened to be yellow, with a sword and shield in hand, so handsome that he burst into pieces!

"Is this the only ability of the legendary dark emperor all for one?" Tang Lin said provocatively.

AFO flew too far and did not continue to attack. It was difficult for Tang Lin to capture the opponent's position by means of vibration sensing. He could only confirm the opponent's position by attracting the opponent to continue attacking.

Afo looked suspiciously at the masked figure in front of him who had changed his shape. Looking at this new shape, it was much more exaggerated than the previous clay puppet. Could it be that it was still a form of personality awakening?

Afo was a little hesitant, the momentum of this battle was too huge, it must have attracted the attention of those professional heroes. If it is delayed, it will be a big trouble if it is besieged by dozens of professional heroes.

"In that case, let's make a quick decision!"

Afo waved his hands, hundreds of foul-smelling ink appeared around the masked man, and muscle monsters with exposed brains crawled out of the ink.

It's finally 100 chapters, thank you for your support, especially thanks to "Fengfeng~" and "I hate being poor and ugly" two big bosses who rewarded you, Dun Baduo owes you three more. The editor reminds that next Friday is the time to put it on the shelves. It will definitely explode and make everyone more satisfied. Thank you very much.

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