Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 315 Edwards's Origin

The crow grabbed the huge werewolf head and flew around. It circled an arc and found a gap between the many crawling objects and windows outside the castle to fly in. With its black wings spread flat, it glided over the heads of the fiercely fighting rebel coalition and landed lightly and forcefully in a corridor behind the battle line.

Bassam, Louis, and Donna are all here.

A skinned body of an evil creature lay beside it. The men were waiting anxiously. The little witch squatted in the corner with her head in her hands, her yellow eyes with dilated pupils.

It wasn't until Clayton's head was placed on her body by the crow that her eyes focused again, and then the crow fell to the ground and was picked up by the dwarf next to her.

It's an alchemical creation, not a real crow.

Exiting from Asuka's perspective, Donna stood up unsteadily while holding Clayton. Her face was pale, she took a few steps forward, bent over and retched.

Clayton tried to speak, but his vocal cords were silent.

Bassem waved to his servant, who then took a knife to cut open the body of the monster next to him, and connected a pair of bloody and still moving lungs and trachea to the bottom of the werewolf's head. Clayton suddenly came out. He breathed out the accumulated blood foam.

"I sent you a message," Bassem said. "Didn't you see it?"

Clayton spat out a blood blister in Donna's hand: "What did you write?"

"Of course there is news that enemy troops are gathering on the west side. I don't know what languages ​​​​you know, so I ordered someone to draw a picture specifically."

Bassam's tone was bad, of course, and it was a shame for Creighton to be driven away from the area where he was stationed for ten minutes.

"Edwards used illusions to deceive us. The witchcraft was unusual. Not only were there illusions before our eyes, but the sounds and smells could also be tampered with. Therefore, neither I nor the other defenders noticed that they were gathering strength to attack the west wall."

"Edwards is not an illusionist." Basham sighed, and it was obvious that he was regretting his break with Edwards.

However, this is not something he can decide.

"Forget it, I have already informed others to send soldiers to support the first floor. Edwards' people cannot capture the first floor immediately. We can retake it." He looked at Donna: "But she has to stay here, she is The key to our defense against Edwards.”

Clayton did not refute, but used his eyes to signal his niece to cooperate with the dwarf prince's battle.

"Where is Adelaide?" he then asked Louis.

If he looked the most miserable, Louis was the second most miserable.

Priest Louis's upper body is covered with bloodshot cuts that are still healing, and yellow fat is exposed in some places. Moreover, because it was decomposed before, his clothes are all damaged. Until now, he is not wearing pants, but has a band of sin around his lower body. The skin peeled off something. Clara was still in her hand.

Not only does his current image not resemble that of a priest, but he is heading in the direction of cannibalism.

"She's gone. Now it's time for us to think about what's at hand," Louis said.

"I know this kind of witchcraft. It is the secret method of the Wiccan Order."

Bassem frowned. He had never heard of this name. The gap between the fairyland and the real world made many news less circulated.

Donna on the side had already recovered. She handed Clayton over to the dwarf servant, and she took out the "Borrowed" Book of Inquisition from the church again from the side pocket of her skirt. She flipped through it and found this He looked up after his name and asked the priest: "It's the organization that worships Ainat, the demon of lust."

She had seen this organization that was closely related to the devil before when she was studying the Black Mass, and Bracola also had records of the Witch Club.

The Witches and Demons Guild worship Ainat, the lustful demon god, one of the seven major demons. They have members ranging from princes and nobles to farmers and beggars. Its core sacrificial ceremony is the "Secret Holy Marriage". It is said that every member of the guild has They can see with their own eyes the object of their worship - the goat-headed demon god whose mortal body possesses both sexual characteristics. He will marry and have intercourse with his admirer, and the first child he will give birth to will be made into dishes. Initiates must eat this dish as an oath of everlasting devotion to Ainat.

This ritual is considered a variation of the Black Mass.

Every gathering of the members of the Witch Club is themed around feasting. They seem to be always enjoying themselves and are tireless.

Members of this organization often appeared in the territories of dissolute noble lords. The church severely cracked down on them many times, but the Witches and Demons Association never weakened.

The Demon Lord will leave a mark on his believers, so even if his believers have never met each other before, they can immediately connect with each other after noticing the mark on each other. This is what many devil-worshipping sects have repeatedly banned. s reason.

Louis nodded in agreement to Donna's question: "Yes, but the Wiccan Guild is not a strict organization. It is also the name of the ritual. As long as you have participated in the Wiccan Guild, you are considered a member of the Wiccan Guild."

Donna flipped through the book again: "But I didn't find any record of this witchcraft in the book."

"That's because this witchcraft is summarized as 'seduce others.'" Lewis affirmed Bassam's view here: "However, I have never heard of them using such witchcraft on others, because this Witchcraft is what the Wiccan disciples use on themselves.”

"Although those disciples of the devil are dissolute and have a taste for luxury, there are also many poor people among their members. They may not have the financial resources to provide for everyone's enjoyment at the party, so they will use this kind of magic on themselves to entertain themselves."

The magic of deception makes poor quality food delicious, simple homes look resplendent, and ugly men and women turn into handsome men and beauties in the eyes of the caster.

It is worth mentioning that although many Wiccan members used such magic on themselves, they did not actually know that it was an illusion. Many confused and confused Wiccan members were taught the magic while lying in dirty and cramped huts. They were arrested, but after being tortured, they still insisted that they offered burnt offerings to the Heavenly Father, so they received guidance from angels and gained the right to temporarily enjoy themselves in the luxurious kingdom of heaven. The violent actions of the church were senseless.

However, the venison they ate at the banquet was actually rat meat, the wine was turned into sour water, and the people sharing the bed may not even be of the opposite sex.

They were so convinced that the judges of the church dissected the stomachs of many Wiccan disciples to understand the truth of these heretical behaviors.

Edwards is obviously not comparable to these low-level disciples of the Witches, but the era he lived in has long passed, and even the secrets of the Witches have been solved over a long period of time.

"Such a secret technique has limitations. Edwards' ability to exert such illusions on outsiders must be Osmar's credit, but the source of this magic will not change. Next, you must often think about painful things and regrets. "This way his illusion will not work." Louis said that he lost his son not long ago and there was nothing he could do about Edwards' illusion.

Clayton's yellow eyes rolled and he looked at Donna quietly.

"Things that cause me pain and regret," he murmured and sighed.

"Your defeat is not nothing. At least we know that Edwards is a member of the Witch Club." Louis lifted Clara up, and her newly grown hands and the arthropod legs that occupied the chest were hung down, looking like It's a weird big crab.

After being dismembered once, the tone of the priesthood became more and more serious, and the taboo against demons became less and less:

"Now, you need her to be the key to the attack. Let her trigger the fire of the soul to burn those people controlled by Edwards. This may be able to save them."

Although demons are all invisible, their powers are also different.

The dependent demons of different demon lords have different powers. The dependents of Baal, the Lord of Power, are good at mental and mental destruction, while the dependents of the obscene demon Ainat are better at regulating emotions. In terms of direct material destructive power, Clara is actually more powerful than Edwards' familiar.

"No!" Bassem raised his hand: "Her power must be fully used on Edwards, and there must not be any loss before that."

He has been burned once and has seen how destructive Clara can be in those black mist. It is not difficult to defeat those evil creatures and the civilians of this country, but the only one they really need to deal with is Edwards, so they should keep it even more. This trump card only strikes at the right time.

Creighton opened his mouth and rolled his throat in a deep voice: "Edwards has seen her, he should know her abilities."

"But Edwards won't know whose dependent she is. Humans can't judge the type of demon through contact, and his familiar can't tell him this." Louis said with certainty: "In order to improve the similarity, it is also easier to control. The familiars of all the disciples of the Witch Club are their own children. These disciples summon demons to possess their children when they are still young. Therefore, these familiars do not have the common sense of demons and have very low intelligence. Unlike Clara, Same."

"Clara is smarter than that cat," Clara said unconvincingly at his hand, and Louis ignored her, thus being pinched several times by her newbie.

Donna raised her hand: "Wait a minute, but his familiar is attached to the thief worm, right? That one is obviously not a human being, so how could it be his child?"

"No matter what species the familiar is, it must be his child. Carrying out unethical reproductive behaviors with the help of demons is a characteristic of the Wiccan guild." Louis said: "It is impossible for a Wiccan guild member to give birth to a horse. Not surprising, there is such a record in our scriptures.”

Clayton and Basham looked at each other.

"Then let Clara burn something. I'll go to the first floor with them and at least get rid of some people first."

Bassem wanted to refuse, but the two girls made it clear that they were unwilling to obey his orders, so he had no choice but to let them go.

"Don't forget our agreement." He finally said to Clayton.

Readers who are confused about the connection between this chapter and the previous plot can read the previous two announcements. I won’t explain it anymore.

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