Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 148 Safe Nursing Home

Chapter 148


The yellow hair on the side blinked sluggishly, and it seemed that he had just reacted.

He widened his eyes, turned to look at Su Cheng, and asked in disbelief, "Could it be... Are you a precognition talent?"

Su Cheng turned his head and glanced at Wen Jianyan without a trace. Seeing the affirmative look from the other party, he nodded and replied, "Yes, Tarot."


Huang Mao sucked in a breath of cold air and showed a look of astonishment, "I thought all the anchors with precognition talents were taken away by the oracle, but I didn't expect..."

"Okay, okay, if it's useless, we'll talk later," Su Cheng said, "I'll draw cards first."

"Okay." Huang Mao nodded vigorously.

Wen Jianyan stared at Su Cheng, her eyes gleaming in the darkness.

It was difficult for him to explain why Wu Zhu's name popped into his mind just now.

In fact, since he entered the dungeon, he has not found any clues that can link Wu Zhu with the mutation of this dungeon. There was no further attempt to communicate with him, and there were no mirrors, evil spirits and other elements in the Ping An Sanatorium.


Somewhere, Wen Jianyan always had a strange premonition.

It might have something to do with that guy.

Even in the Nightmare Live Room filled with all kinds of strange phenomena, Wu Zhu's existence was considered very special.

Behind him is an empty space, which represents the huge unknown that Wen Jianyan has no right to explore yet. This strange existence that is neither god, nor ghost, nor human seems to be firmly tied to the deep rules of the entire live broadcast room. Like together, they affect each other and interact with each other in a principle that has not yet been explained.

There are even some dungeons that are purely based on the soul fragments of witch candles.

Then, the unexpected direction of this dungeon may also be temporarily inexplicable, but inextricably linked with this guy's soul fragment.


He was really curious as to why the precognition talent was so precious and sought-after in the whole nightmare.

So Wen Jianyan decided to give it a try to see if Su Cheng's talent might point a way for him.

【Complete shuffling】

[Whether to draw cards? 】

The tarot cards with the star and moon as the base are evenly arranged.

Su Cheng raised his hand, lightly tapped in the void, slowly pulled out one of the cards, and turned it over.

He was slightly startled.

"What's the answer?"

Wen Jianyan held her breath and asked.

Su Cheng shook his head dully: "No, I don't know..."

"What's the meaning?"

A puzzled look appeared on Wen Jianyan's face.

"It means that the cards drawn are blank."

Wen Jianyan was stunned: "...blank?"

"Yes." It was clear that Su Cheng was the one who drew the card, but he looked more confused than Wen Jianyan: "I... I have never encountered such a thing before."

The star-moon card that was drawn out was quietly suspended in mid-air, with a blank surface without any text or images.


Wen Jianyan lowered her eyes and fell into contemplation.

This was something he really hadn't thought of.

Is it because Su Cheng's talent level is not high enough? Or simply because there is no permission? Or……

"However, the good news is that the draw you just drew didn't consume my talent."

Su Cheng looked at Wen Jianyan: "Are you going to continue asking the question just now?"


Wen Jianyan shook his head decisively.

Since Su Cheng has drawn out a blank card, that means that the related issues are likely to continue without a hitch like it is now. Although he can continue to try, it is a waste of the precious safety time he has finally obtained. .

He looked at Su Cheng and asked, "Can you still choose your first divination method now?"

Su Cheng nodded: "Of course."

Wen Jianyan thought for a while.

After a few seconds, he raised his eyes, his eyes were cold, and he said carefully:

"How to kill high-risk patients."


After hearing this question, Huang Mao and Su Cheng were both shocked.

[Integrity First] In the live broadcast room:


"Good guy!"

"I have to say, the anchor is really good. If I find myself being targeted so strongly by the copy, I will definitely run as far as possible..."

"Hahahahaha if you want me to lie down! There are really too many perverts!! Everyone is still eyeing them, and they are very targeted. This is too fucking terrifying."

"What stupid things are you talking about? The anchor thinks this way to be really clear-headed! He is being targeted too much now, I have to wonder if there is a problem with the copy, and it will definitely continue to develop after the copy. , Ping An Nursing Home is more than just these few high-risk ones. If every one of them is like this, then the anchor is absolutely dead. If you want to survive, you must be tough and find a way to reduce the number of enemies. Otherwise, wait until the dungeon develops to the later stage. , it might really become a fight against the whole world with one's own power! It's light to be divided."

While Su Cheng was stunned, Wen Jianyan raised her eyes and gestured calmly, "Draw three cards."


Su Cheng came back to his senses and nodded.

【Complete shuffling】

[Whether to draw cards? 】

The tarot cards with the star and moon as the bottom were once again arranged in the void.

Su Cheng closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then slowly drew three cards from the card array.

This is the traditional card array of the Tarot, the Holy Triangle, which contains much richer meanings and instructions than just drawing one card.

"The wheel of fortune is right, the god of death is reversed, and the tower is reversed."

Su Cheng stared at the three cards suspended in front of him and read out the cards.

"Do you want a simpler interpretation or a more complicated one?"

Wen Jianyan turned her head and glanced at the direction she had just run from. The corridor had changed a lot before she knew it. The end of the corridor was immersed in darkness, and she couldn't see what was going on there.


"Simply put, the alignment of the wheel of fortune is telling you that the question you asked has a solution and the direction is correct, but the arrangement and changes of fate are very unpredictable, and the next two cards..."

Death and the Tower, these are two cards that represent doom and disaster, but reversed...

Su Cheng paused and spoke faster:

"The road ahead is difficult and unpredictable, and there are many dangers, but there is life in it."

Wen Jianyan squinted, nodded and said:

"...Thank you."

In fact, after going through so much, he actually gradually had some vague inferences in his mind.

The result of the struggle between Doctor Race and Edward told him that it is difficult to effectively reduce the number of these perverts by just sowing discord between the bosses and making them fight with each other.

At best, you can create temporary chaos to escape yourself, but it is not the real solution.

In the other dungeons that I have experienced before, although there will be ghosts and ghosts, most of the crisis comes from the rules. Whether the anchor can survive or not mainly depends on whether he can figure out the mechanism that triggers death.

And this copy is different.

Its mechanism is very simple, it doesn't take much effort to figure it out, and almost all its threats come from these NPCs.

For most anchors, running away is enough.

Hide in the inner world, escape, use props, and wait until the end of time.

Complete the task and leave the instance.

However, Wen Jianyan is keenly aware that this road is almost impossible for him.

As the dungeon progresses, the difficulty will only increase, not decrease.

And Su Cheng's divination helped Wen Jianyan sort out his thoughts in the chaos.

Since there is a hidden mechanism to check and balance the copy of high-risk patients, it is probably buried in the most difficult main line path.

This also means that in this dungeon, if Wen Jianyan wants to survive, he cannot choose any opportunistic method, but must take desperate risks.

Dig it deep and subvert it.

Go the HARD mode and aim for the Platinum achievement.

"By the way..." Su Cheng thought for a while, then added hesitantly, "Perhaps because it is a kind of talent, in fact, its card face is different from that in the real world. As my talent level increases, I found that I was gradually able to feel more from the patterns on the cards..."

Wen Jianyan was startled, then turned to look at Su Cheng:


Su Cheng stared at the three cards hanging in front of him, organized language bit by bit, and explained:

"The current card surface makes me feel that there seems to be something hidden on the road you once walked, and the direction of the patterns on the three cards points to the northwest."

With a little white light, the three tarot cards disappeared in the air, and the number of times the talent was used was zero.

Su Cheng scratched his head and said hesitantly:

"I think this seems to be the advice given by the card."

... Northwest?

Wen Jianyan pondered for two seconds: "Okay, I understand."

He nodded at the two of them, then turned around and walked along the corridor, but before he took a few steps, Su Cheng stopped him: "Wait, are you going alone?"

"Otherwise?" The young man was stunned, raised his eyebrows slightly, and raised a casual smile on his lips, "You don't want to follow and drag me down, right?"

Every time.

This guy is selfish, full of lies, and never a single truth in his mouth. He is always mocking, defiant, and manipulating everyone's emotions, and then he leaves with a victorious indifference...even in When protecting his teammates from being sent to death, this is also the annoying look.


Su Cheng sighed silently.

If it weren't for the fact that he teamed up with this guy too many times, he might have been fooled.

"Forget it,"

Su Cheng stepped forward, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "This prophet has settled with you, understand?"

He grinned like Wen Jianyan did:

"I used my talent, took my clues, and wanted to leave after patting my butt? There is no door."


? ? ?

Wen Jianyan froze involuntarily.

So... this guy Su Cheng must have learned badly, right? !


According to Tarot's suggestion, the group walked towards the northwest side.

Thanks to Edward's invasion, his simple and rude, straight-forward mind has successfully made the inner world of No. 03 a proper way to walk, instead of the corridors extending in all directions, like a maze, as before It can only spin around like a headless fly inside.

After walking down the straight corridor for a while, Wen Jianyan suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Su Cheng asked.

Wen Jianyan stared at a door not far away, with a thoughtful look on her face: "here... I seem to have been here before."

Unexpectedly, Wen Jianyan would make such an answer, and the other two were stunned.

Wen Jianyan stepped forward, raised her hand, and carefully pushed the door open.

Under the flickering lights, a familiar scene was vaguely visible.

The space in the ward is not large and the facilities are simple. The cold custom iron bed is placed at the edge of the room, and the familiar iron nameplate is at the end of the bed.

The moment they walked into the room, Huang Mao and Su Cheng heard the sound of mission completion at the same time.

"So, this is the ward of No. 03?"

Huang Mao reacted, showing a stunned expression.

Wen Jianyan was pacing in the small room. He stopped in front of the iron bed, bent down, and looked at the messy graffiti on the wall beside the bed.

The brush strokes are immature and messy, most of them are drawn with crayons, and some are rubbed with the tip of a knife. If you distinguish carefully, you can see...

There seems to be a lot of different kinds of rabbits.

Decapitated and mutilated, some are carefully depicted, while others are smeared in a mess.

But without exception, there are two.

One black and one white.

Just like the spiritual world of No. 03, it was precisely divided into two halves.

Wen Jianyan straightened up and looked away from the rabbit on the wall, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

He remembered Su Cheng's prophecy.

What is hidden on the road that I have walked on...?

Is it?

Wen Jianyan was slightly startled, and seemed to suddenly think of something. He hurried to the cabinet, imitated Nair before, raised his hand and opened the cabinet door——

In the memory, the mirror-like white world did not appear.

Wen Jianyan lowered her eyes.

Unexpectedly, he saw a small painting book placed at the bottom of the cabinet.

The edges are yellow and old, and it looks like it has a long history and is tattered, as if it has been read many times.

He leaned down and picked up the sketchbook.

The moment the fingertips touched the picture book, the long-lost system sound rang in his ears.

"Congratulations to the anchor for getting the hidden item (difficult) in the copy!"

【Collection degree 1/10】

It's actually a difficult hidden item!

Wen Jianyan looked surprised.

This was the first hidden item he found after entering the Ping An Sanatorium!

He remembered that every time he entered the inner world, he would receive a task of "finding the ward?". Could it be that... is it actually a reminder of their exploration direction?

So, are there any props hidden in the wards of the worlds of other patients?

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes slightly.

It's a pity that Wen Jianyan has only entered Edward's ward so far, and he entered when he was chased wildly, so he didn't have time to search.

If there is a chance to go in again, he will know what to look for next time.

Wen Jianyan picked up the picture book, opened it carefully, and read it carefully page by page.

The picture book draws the story of two rabbits.

Once upon a time there were two rabbits, one black and one white.

The black rabbit and the white rabbit live happily together. Although they quarrel and fight, they have a very harmonious relationship with each other until one day...

They fall into the trap of hunters.

No, no, don't kill me!

The black rabbit cried and screamed.

No no no, don't eat me!

The white rabbit cried and screamed.

The middle pages were torn away, leaving only the rough edges.

Wen Jianyan frowned slowly and turned to the last page.

After seeing the content of the last page, a chill slowly rose from the soles of my feet.

A rabbit lay in a pool of blood, motionless, surrounded by cotton, half black and half white, its body tightly sewn together with silk threads.


Looking at the picture album in front of him, Wen Jianyan couldn't help but stand up, feeling a layer of goose bumps on his arms.

People with dissociative identity disorder all have some degree of traumatic experience.

In most patients, there will be a relatively weak main personality and a relatively strong sub-personality.

Because the main character is unable to deal with the surrounding environment, it needs to separate out another identity, share different memories and cope with different difficulties in this way.

So why are these two brothers so strong?

Although they have different personalities, one is static, one is active, one is wise and one is martial, but there is no very obvious level of strength between them, and it is impossible to see who has the dominant position.

Wen Jianyan thought at first that this may be because the identity dissociation suffered by No. 03 is not typical. After all, the human brain is complex, and not every case will conform to the textbook.

If you look at what's in the picture book...

Perhaps because they were two people, they were forcibly stuffed into the same body.

This is an artificially created dual personality.

Perhaps, human experiments are being carried out in the Ping An Sanatorium.

who did it?

... Dr. Reese?

The image of the seemingly gentle doctor came to mind, and under the thin glasses, there were snake-like cold eyes.

In any case, in the Ping An Sanatorium, as a doctor, if not the leader, Reiss should at least be an insider.

Wen Jianyan rubbed the edge of the picture book in her hand, recalled the last time she had contact with Dr. Reese, and couldn't help showing a lingering look.

Oh shit.

Although he really didn't want to have contact with that pervert anymore, but, looking at it now, after leaving the second basement floor, he probably still had to go to the treatment room to find clues.

"Knock knock."

A light knocking sound suddenly came from the wall in front of him.

It was the sound of someone curling their knuckles and knocking gently on the door.


Wen Jianyan's thoughts were pulled out, he was shocked, raised his eyes suddenly, and looked at the bottom of the cabinet in front of him.

He remembered that Nair had pushed open the bottom of the cabinet, revealing the passage leading to the pure white world.

Could it be that the fight between No. 03 and No. 01 is over?


Wen Jianyan jumped up. He put the picture book in his arms and turned around as fast as he could, "Let's go—"

The next second, the rest of the sentence got stuck in his throat.

Wen Jianyan was stunned.

I don't know since when, Su Cheng and Huang Mao have disappeared, and the originally dark and narrow ward has disappeared, replaced by an elegant and luxurious room.

The floor is covered with a thick carpet, and the long hair is soft and gorgeous, which can absorb all the footsteps.

Overhead is a chandelier that illuminates the mahogany walls on all sides.

Across the wall, a faint sound of music seemed to be heard, elegant and soothing, flowing through his ears like icy water.

Wen Jianyan's face turned pale.

He looked around the room with difficulty and slowly.

The walls were decorated with paintings, but for some reason they had been turned over, and only the rough texture of the back of the frame could be seen.

In the center of the room is a huge bed, thick and soft,


The door handle was pressed, and the sound of the door shaft turning sounded behind him.

"!!!" Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, jumped up as if frightened, and looked behind him in shock.

As the door was pushed open, classical music flowed in logically, echoing in the room.

"Good day."

A slender man stood at the door.

He was wearing a straight evening dress, elegant in material and gorgeous in shape, but it didn't look exaggerated on him.

The bridge of the nose is high and the eye sockets are deeply sunken. The light gray eyes seem to be filled with a touch of smoke, which is elegant and cold, and has a heartbreaking melancholy feeling.

"Finally see you again." No. 04 stared deeply at the young man in front of him, his eyes flashing with some kind of inorganic, strange light.

"I wonder if you miss you as much as I do, do you miss me?"


Although the other party looked so polite, Wen Jianyan couldn't help but feel her scalp tingling.

One step, two steps.

No. 04 quietly walked into the room.

Having lost the iron gate that could separate the two, Wen Jianyan could clearly feel the chilling, almost restrained madness on the other side, hidden under the skin of rational human beings.

Insecurity suddenly roared, and the uncomfortable painting flashed in his mind, making him have a strong urge to retreat.

——Ahhhhh, help, this guy is really perverted! ! !

"When, of course."

As the distance between the two drew closer, Wen Jianyan's body tensed uncontrollably. He pretended to answer calmly while stepping back without a trace.

The back of the knee hit the side of the bed.

Wen Jianyan froze all over.

"Ah, that's really nice." No. 04 smiled happily, he took the other's hand hanging by his side, leaned down, and gently dropped a kiss, "I've been looking forward to a date with you."


Wen Jianyan was stunned.

I saw No. 04 turned around and gracefully opened the wardrobe behind him.

Through the other's arm, Wen Jianyan's eyes fell on the wardrobe—


Assorted skirts.

Baroque, skimpy, puffy, fitted, ornate, countless beautiful dresses, from coats, to linings, to corsets and garters.

The edges of the veil are soft and transparent, as if to outline the curvature of the skin.

…………Isn’t it?

Wen Jianyan: "..."

He bit his head and asked dryly, "You, you wouldn't want me to wear this to an appointment, would you?"

"Why, don't you want to? Then I won't force it."

As if in the ward, No. 04 gave in gently, "I respect your wishes."

However, waiting for Wen Jianyan to breathe a sigh of relief...

I saw the other party turned his head to look at him, his eyes licked the body of the young man in front of him little by little, his gray eyes were as pale as mist, and with a cruel pleasure, he said politely:

"After all, I prefer you to wear nothing."

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