Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 235: invite

"Don't worry, I know it's not easy for you to bring three villages here, and Yiluan Si won't forget your credit..." Yan returned with a smile.

The six talisman masters took great risks and successfully brought three villages to the Burning Valley, which indeed has a lot of credit.

Seeing Yan returned and promised to take credit for them, the six talismans left with smiles on their faces.

"Come with me, let's walk around." Yan Guilai smiled at Zhou Fan who was standing beside him, "Let's go and see the new village you built first."

In the early morning, the sky is full of white fish, the fog is gradually dissipating, and there are crystal water droplets on the green grass.

It's just that there may be strange dangers that ordinary people can't face in this dark place.

Of course, these are nothing to Yan Huihui and Zhou Fan.

They soon saw the outline of the new village vaguely.

Yan returned to the village site they chose and nodded lightly. He glanced at the direction of Yegu Village with complicated eyes. He was not from Tianliangli, but as a disciple of the academy, he also knew more stories about this abandoned village.

Not to mention him, even the real bigwigs of the Great Wei Dynasty might have forgotten the name of this barren village even after more than ten years. If someone mentions it, they will definitely vaguely remember that there is such a village in Tianliang.

However, after so many years, no one will say anything more because they live in the village here. It should be said that this matter has already been put down, and no one will be stupid enough to report this matter, because it is tantamount to repeating the old story. Uncovering the scars is purely courting death.

"Are you satisfied with this peaceful place?" With the breeze blowing, Yan returned and asked with a smile.

The place of peace is the place where Yiluan Division confirmed that it is suitable for human settlement. If Sancun successfully takes root here, it will become a place populated by people.

In addition to the populated and peaceful places, there are also quiet places and dangerous places. The quiet place is a place where even ordinary insects and beasts are rare. That kind of place is too strange and quiet, and it is difficult for Yi Luan Si to identify them. Hidden danger, mark it as a place of silence.

As for the dangerous place, it is an area that is clearly identified as having great danger, and strangers should not approach it, as it seems to be the case in the present low hills.

"Very satisfied, thank you Mr. Yan for choosing this place to live for us." Zhou Fan replied.

In fact, the three villages are very satisfied. After coming here, the strange attacks they encountered were greatly reduced. Even if the new village was built by logging and transporting stones in the wild, there would not be too many strange attacks. The three villages have already been burned. The valley is a place to live and work in peace.

Zhou Fan was a little entangled in this. He was happy that his village had stabilized, but he had a headache because the number of monsters had decreased, which affected his accumulation of bait for fishing. However, he couldn't expect a lot of monsters or very bad things to happen here. Terribly weird.

This will kill a lot of people, and Sancun can't have too much turmoil now.

"It's good to be satisfied. I already know what happened in Hongyao Village, and I will let the Secretary warn them." Yan returned to Zhou Fan and changed the subject, "I heard them say that you have broken through. Became the resistance stage, and killed the group of robbers in the calamity and cold weather alone."

Zhou Fan was silent. It was too dangerous at the time, and he had to stand up. In fact, he had been thinking about how to make it through this time. Now that Yan came back and asked, his heart was faintly vigilant.

Fog had already told him that he couldn't say a word about the Grey River space, otherwise he would be wiped out by the boat.

Yan returned to this with a chuckle: "Actually, you don't have to think too much about it, no matter whether your fighting skills are handed down from your family or taught by some masters behind you, these are your own secrets, and I never like to explore them. other people's secrets."

When Yan Gui said this, his eyes were magnanimous, "As long as you don't have any ill will in Tianliangli, Yiluansi won't care about this kind of thing. Everyone has their own secrets. You don't want to say anything."

"Thank you." Zhou Fan smiled awkwardly. He already knew that Yan Guilai was a gentleman in his bones, and he still trusted Yan Guilai.

Yan returned and pondered again. What he thought was whether Dongfangyu's death really had nothing to do with Zhou Fan. With Zhou Fan's strength, it would be difficult to kill Dongfangyu even if he fought against Duan. What kind of expert, is that expert shot...

But thinking of this, Yan returned and laughed dumbly, even if it was like this, so what?

Dongfangyu is not a good bird in the first place. He will die if he dies. He is sure that most of what Zhou Fan said is the truth. If Dongfangyu wanted to kill Zhou Fan and the others, Zhou Fan would not provoke Dongfangyu for no reason, he knows That's enough.

This matter has also been settled, and he will bear the blame even if he doesn't bear it. It is meaningless to investigate this further, but in order to prevent himself from being tricked, he has to charge some interest.

Yan returned his thoughts for several times before he opened his mouth and said: "Zhou Fan, you can kill thirteen thieves alone, with your ability, I want to invite you to join the Yiluan Division in Tianliang Li, if you are willing ?"

The Yiluan Division in Tianliang is extremely short of manpower. A very important responsibility of the three Si'an envoys who preside over the Yiluan Division in Tianliang is to recruit talents.

Especially in the aspect of wrestlers who are in charge of confronting the strange, they maintain a high fatality rate every year. When Yan returned, they had to go to great lengths to recruit more powerful warriors. Tianliangli was located in a remote area, and there were too few warriors. Forced to go out of town to release a reward to recruit warriors.

However, in a remote and backward place like Tianliangli, powerful warriors are generally reluctant to come, which makes Yan Huilai and the three of them have to go around to act as firefighters.

The four security envoys in the prosperous villages are all sitting in the hall every day, drinking tea with Erlang's legs crossed, and commanding groups of wrestlers to deal with the powerful monsters are needed They do it themselves.

And they are understaffed in Tianliang, and the strength of their subordinates is generally not high. Sometimes even if it is a blood tour, Yan may have to come back for a trip, so that he is often dusty and dusty. He Andong envoy. Dignity to speak of...

Thinking of Yan's return from here, I feel heartbroken.

Zhou Fan's invitation to Yan's return, he was stunned, asked him to join the Yiluan Division?

"Why, don't you want to?" Yan returned and asked with a smile.

"No, it's just that I never thought of joining the Yiluan Division, so I felt a little sudden, and I didn't know how to answer it." Zhou Fan told the truth.

"That's because you don't know Yiluan Division, otherwise I don't think you will refuse my invitation." Yan returned with a smile, and he said the benefits of joining Yiluan Division.

These conditions are extremely favorable, making Zhou Fan also have to be excited.

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